You Live and You Learn

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Jimin Pov

After getting ready for partying and all we were now at the club we'd typically meet at, the only difference was it was more full than usual and seulgi and Irene weren't there. The girls normally join and its a group of us, but now its just us and I've been meaning to talk to taehyung about their relationship because its pretty obvious something happened while I was gone.

"Hey, tae? wanna get a drink with me?" I asked since it'd make no sense to bring it up around jungkook since he'll probably fight the topic off.

"Kook, yoongi im getting a drink with taehyung we have something to talk about we'll be back in a couple of minutes," I said pulling a confused taehyung along.

"What's that about?" Jungkook asked yoongi, he shrugged before ordering some appetizers and drinks.

Taehyung Pov

Jimin dragged me over the bar's counter and ordered drinks for us two, 

"Sooo, taehyung I see you and kook finally tied the knot," Jimin said with a smug look on his face.

"Pffft, what's that supposed to mean" I chuckled,

"You know exactly what I mean, you guys finally got together, who asked first? come on fill me in on the details" Jimin complained,

"Mmm...well kook got pretty drunk after you left, though that's not really the point, he was acting pretty weird. I was unsure what was wrong so I asked him but he was all clingy, which don't get me wrong I enjoyed but it was you know different. Well, he got drunk and you probably know how that goes?" Jimin nodded, 

"He doesn't drink a lot so this a surprise for me as well, what else?" Jimin said downing his shot,

"After that, he went from clingy and whiny to all seductive, like a completely different person. I tried to give him a bath you sober him up and all but he was going with that and well one thing led to the other I guess you can say" I laughed.

"Oh ho~ so he was different?" Jimin teased,

"Yea, a power bottom to be exact, wasn't expecting him to pounce on me with such eager," I said a bit embarrassed at my confession.

"Im glad, he's finally found someone for him, he can be so stubborn but you guys watch us as we grow old and when we leave this earth you're forced to go back or stay and remain here, you guys hardly find someone to love and if you do it may last for a certain time before we part ways again, not to mention we lose our memories of our past life to keep things in order which is sad, so when we die and possibly meet up again there's a possibility I or even yoongi won't remember you and it scares me you know" I said swirling the little bit of my drink around.

"Now, Now jiminie we won't go anywhere and yea it may be sad but you know, we believe in miracles, us angels, hell even the demons do, there's definitely a possibility we'll meet and if you forget I guess its up to us and kook to help you remember same for yoongi. " I reassured jimin.

"Well then promise me we'll be together even after graduation then," Jimin said with a smile.

I nodded in response.

We walked back to the table where jungkook and yoongi were talking about whatever.

"Took you two long enough, what were you talking about?" Yoongi said, 

"nothing in particular just the future" Jimin replied.

"hey Kook, let's go dance?" I suggested to jungkook, I wanted to give yoongi and jimin some space, even though we decided to come together to hang out, I honestly wanted to spend some time with jungkook as well, sometime's he can be quiet and I wanted to get him out of that headspace.

"But- nope we hardly do let's have fun," I said dragging him to the dance floor with my drink in the air with cheers.

Yoongi Pov

I chuckled at tae's sudden burst of energy and it seems that he and kook were closer than usual which I'd probably ask about later on.

After jimin stayed over we didn't do much but cuddle, really and I wanted to spend a little more time with him before we leave. I guess you can say its a little awkward between us, we do things that typical couples do, but it seems like we are totally on different spectrums, I guess because jimin's used to this while, I've been practically sheltered from this lifestyle growing up. 

Im quite while jimin is more outgoing, I love that about him, but I feel like im not that good for him, though he clearly chose me for a reason and even brought these for us, I don't know what's up all of a sudden.

"Yoongi? what's wrong you look like your upset about something" Jimin said worriedly.

great now he's worried, even though I said I'd keep that smile on his face im making him worry about me.

"Its nothing, sorry," I said drinking the remaining of my shot.

"Dummy, if you think I chose you cause I wanted to fuck with you or some shit like that or even out of pity erase it from existence cause that's not why," Jimin said snapping out of my thoughts.

"I-I chose you because I like everything about you that words can't explain, you aren't like others when you and tae approached us you were totally different, you had that welcoming aura around you and no ulterior motives, after hanging with you I started to grow feelings for you not because you were cute but because you were kind, warm-hearted, and cared. Even though you seemed cold at first you weren't and Yea maybe we should give it some time before dating but you know, it's better that we learn as we go you know, you live and you learn" Jimin said grabbing my cheeks and pecking my lips.

I blushed at the confession and kissed him back "I don't deserve you but I want us to live and learn together, all four of us" I said littering his face with kisses.

We had come back from our party with a tired annoyed jungkook, a drunk sleepy taehyung, and me and jimin who guided the other two, we decided to crash at jimin's and kook's place since it was closer by. After arriving we put the others to bed.


We were now in the bathroom with me soaking in the hot water and jimin washing my hair, we decided to shower together since it was late and it wouldn't make sense to wait, though I hate so say I wish their shower was bigger, I mean their bathtub is but jimin insisted on washing my hair since he enjoyed how soft it was, after rinsing it he decided to join me to my surprise in the tub, handing me soap and the loofah, I hesitantly took it into my hands and jimin sat right between my legs pretty close. I was hesitant at first in touching him, it wasn't like it was the first time I've touched him but it was quite a big step I guess?

"You're too cute, yoongi" jimin said chuckling at my hesitance.

"what do you mean by that," I asked.

"'re really shy, even when we met, im guessing im your first love and the first person you've ever met, sorry if I came off aggressive at the club, after thinking about it and taking it to consideration, I guess I was expecting too much..sorry" Jimin chuckled embarrassedly,

"No, it's not your fault, sorry if I seem pretty distant or naive, you're right you're the first person I've ever liked, hell even dated, but that's just a front," I said confidently.

"Oh?" jimin questioned,

"I may be quiet and timid, but im don't forget taehyung that pervert is my angel as well and he's got a hell of a way of expressing his 'knowledge' of things," I said with a chuckle.

Typically im new to a lot, but not to please someone though I've never actually slept with someone, I have background knowledge, unfortunately, thank's to taehyung and his weird shit, I've just never gone with it but that didn't mean I didn't have dreams or anything.

MMMMMMM long chap.

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