Chapter 34

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Yoongi Pov

I hate myself for the way I responded to jimin's confession, it must've taken him a lot of courage to ask me out and the answer I give him right away was 'oh' but he didn't seem hurt or anything, so for compensation I decided to make this date more interesting by first taking him a tour to a spot I went to when I was younger. I walked holding jimin's warm soft hand and fiddling with the new necklace he got for us both, I can feel my cheeks heating up at the thought.

"Yoongi? where are we headed to?" Jimin asked snapping me out of my happy thoughts,

"uh, a spot I used to go to with my parents when tae and I were younger" I said,

"hmm..why don't we do something more fun you know, I mean don't get me wrong though..This is nice but you know...I don't know maybe... let's go do something fun? maybe reckless?" Jimin asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Oh. sure then whatever makes you happy, just your presence is enough and seeing that smile on your face, plus you brought these so im all yours" Yoongi said with a smirk plastered on his face.

" you sound cheesy the way you phrase that sentence" Jimin chuckled before squeezing my hand tightly and heading to the nearest club and bar.


Taehyung Pov

Jungkook seem to be worried or something really seemed to be bothering me but he feels he can't tell me and it concerns me, the way he broke down goes to show it must've been bothering him for a while now and I feel a bit dense but kook has such a way he expresses himself that even I can't decipher. 

"Kook...Really im worried, you know can say something if whatever is bothering you, I hate to be dense and kind of confused by your behavior you know" I said nervously trying not to strike a nerve in him.

He just hugged me tighter and buried his face in my chest. Seeing him moody like this is adorable but its worrisome because he isn't saying anything either, now that I think about it this is the closest we ever been and when I look at his features now he's got such a small figure and his hair looks really fluffy and soft, not to mention he's smells lovely....ah what am i saying I asked myself. 

"Hey...kook my legs are getting tired sitting on the floor and you know we should maybe put some comfy clothes on I don't mind if you follow me around though," I said trying to get him to move a bit or at least feel comfortable.

He just nodded grabbing onto the hem of my shirt, I was soft for the way he was clingy but I did really wanna change my clothes though. 

Jungkook Pov

I don't know what came over me, honestly, I don't want tae to leave me alone even if he's changing his clothes, but clingy onto him isn't gonna solve anything either. I really do like him but I don't have the courage to ask him or tell him. After taehyung tried to pry me off I just pouted there with tears welling up in my eyes again because of the lost close contact.

" coming back, you're like a lost puppy" He chuckled before getting up and heading out the front door, I got up quickly and followed him out the door.

"P-please, don't leave me" I whined, I really didn't want him leaving me alone even if he was going to his place to pick up some clothes and necessities.

He just sighed and grabbed my hand. I was like a child who didn't want to stay home and I can tell he didn't want to see me in tears again. I bit my lip at the sight of our hands together, my eyes trailed up at his stature and admired his muscular figure. I never really took any time to actually pay attention to him now that I think about it, we spent majority of our time distracted or doing something else so when its just us two and I actually take the time to look I see all his features and maybe some flaws here and there but the perfect features outweigh the flaws.


After tae got his things from his place he decided to take a shower and here I am sulking with a can of beer, I know he has things to do and I don't really have a place to complain right now, we're more so friends at the moment, but I honestly just want him to be around and I should really tell him my feelings what am I afraid of? I mean jimin confessed to yoongi and brought matching stuff together and I can't say three words, my question is how does tae feel he seem to like me but I don't know if its the same as how I feel. All these thoughts flooding in my head making me lose my temper all I want is answers and it seems that its not happening right now, I huffed and went for another beer, might as well drinking my sorrows and thoughts away, typically when I feel like this I'll go to the club with jimin tagging along but this time he's not here and it kind of defeats the purpose if I bring taehyung, but then I don't want to go alone either. I popped the tag and opened the can then chugged it down before getting the third one.

"He sure is taking his time".


Taehyung Pov

I had grabbed pretty much everything since we have school the next day and I didn't feel like going back early in the morning to then get ready for school, Jungkook seemed so out of it as well and who knows how he'll feel the next day, I decided to take a bath this time just to sort out my thoughts and figure out everything that has happened in the past few hours, clearly something was bothering kook and I couldn't really figure out why asking him would be futile since he isn't trying to talk about it. maybe I shouldn't have left him just yet, No taehyung he's fine just clingy I told myself. "Think tae, what would make him like that" I whispered to myself, I could get him drunk and see if he'll talk about it, but then that seems kind of sneaky and wrong. I sighed before getting out and draining the water, I took a quick shower and dressed my self right after before heading to the living room where i left Jungkook at. 

"Hey kook you can jump in im pretty much done" I said, but what stopped me in my tracks was a drunk kook, I guess I don't have to get him drunk to speak since he did it himself, but that's not the issue here, there are four cans of beer in the table and jungkook seems to be unaware of me or more so everything in general.  

"Hey..kook you there?" I asked approaching him,

He flinched probably now aware of me there now. 

"You should shower and get comfy clothes on, I'll make something, well actually more like a bath since you're in this state, leave the door open if anything happens," I said helping him to his feet.

I dont have a name for the chapter rip.

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