It's our secret.

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Yoongi Pov

"Don't move so much?" I said,

"Why? it because where im sitting" Jimin smiled slightly bringing his weight down,

"Damn it jimin, stop im trying to hold back and you aren't helping, weren't you supposed to teach me?" I asked sighing,

"yea, yea you're no fun," He said before pointing at his lips.

"It's really simple all you have to do is just kiss the person and you'll fall right into the groove, I'll initiate it just feel it," Jimin said before biting his lower  lip and bringing his face closer to mine, 

"that's helpful," I said sarcastically,

"Pffft well you can't just teach someone the one on one basic on how to kiss, now stop talking," Jimin said flicking me in the forehead before I can rebuttal he placed his lips on mine. I have to say they were really soft, sweet and warm, I just wanted to taste more and before I know it I was returning the kiss back seeking for more than just a peck, my hands having a mind of their own trailed their way up jimin's thighs and placed themselves on his hips, rubbing circles on them and kissing him back. 

I lightly bit his lips for entrance and next thing I knew it was a heated makeout session.

Jimin's Pov

I knew yoongi was a beginner but it was almost like he knew what he was doing, though it did surprise me when he placed his hands on my thighs and hips, we were already making out and I didn't want to stop either, I decided to tease him sitting on his crotch and grinding here and there, I could tell yoongi was struggling to hold back when he would pause and grip my hips, I just smirked on lips and continued my little game. 

"Jimin.....dont," He said in pants.

"Don't what? yoongi?" I said sitting back up and placing my hands on his chest.

"You know what im talking about," he said trying to regain his composure.

"Are you sensitive?" I asked before grinding a bit more on yoongi,

"damn it jimin you little" Yoongi said before pinning me down on the opposite side of the bed. 

I just smiled at him wrapping my legs around his waist. "you're too much" yoongi laughed before pecking my lips and unwrapping my legs from around him, much to my displeasure. 

"Where are you going?" I asked with a pout,

"The bathroom to deal with something you created," He said before disappearing out the room.

I sighed before laying back down sulking like a kid. 

"Oh..ho..did Jiminie and yoongi do something naughty the light is off and I couldn't help but hear some panting and what sounded to be some making out?" Tae said with a smug look plastered on his face, 

"of course not" I lied,

"Pshh yea ok jimin your face and the situation tells me otherwise," Tae said raising an eyebrow before walking past my room with a smirk.


Taehyung Pov

"Don't mind me just gonna shower, keep doing you?" I said surprising yoongi,

"The fuck tae! get out!" Yoongi yelled,

"Uh yeah, no I was supposed to be here before you it's not my fault you and jimin couldn't contain yourselves and you're like this, don't worry I have no intentions to watch you" I laughed before turning the shower on.

Yoongi clicked his tongue before leaving the bathroom,

"aren't you gonna take care of 'that'? or? wait you're gonna seek jimin's assistance?" I laughed teasing yoongi who was now blushing and slamming the door behind him.


Jimin's Pov

I was mentally debating on whether I should take care of my problem here and now or wait till the bathroom is free and yoongi is asleep, but I heard the door open snapping me out of my trance.

"Back so soon?" I said sitting up,

"Yea I guess, tae was in the bathroom and basically kicked me out.

"Hmm...well you know since, I am the one who caused that I guess I can take responsibility with a handjob or maybe a blowjob," I said raising my eyebrow with a smile across my face.

"Ah...its ok you- I want to, plus it is troublesome for my guest to not get enough sleep" I spoke cutting yoongi off.

"What about kook and tae?" Yoongi said nervously,

"Pshhh they're fine it'll be quick as long as you aren't being loud that is," I said sarcastically.


Yoongi Pov

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't turned on by jimin, but the thought of him suggesting such actions really had me shocked and I was more worried about tae finding out and using that as a weapon against me if he were to catch us in such a situation. Knowing him and his sneaky moves if he had something to expose me on he would use it to get out of any situation or punishment.

I sat there watching as jimin palmed my crotch holding back any sounds that may escape and be heard next door. I released a hiss as jimin grabbed my cock and swiped his tongue over the tip.

Third Pov

Jimin would swipe his tongue here and there teasing yoongi, he could tell that the older needed to cum by the amount of precum accumulating before yoongi could contain himself again jimin took him in his mouth yoongi clenched his jaw and mouth shut to keep any escaping moans out. 

"Jimin.....fuck" Yoongi moaned lowly,

Jimin Pov

I could tell I was pushing yoongi over the edge and he was close by the way he throbbed in my mouth, so I increased my pace and then lifted off with a pop before kissing his swollen red lips and jerking him off until he came in my hand.

"There, my job here is done I should go and fix myself in the bathroom," I said before wiping my hand and heading down the hall leaving a dazed tired yoongi.

Yoongi Pov

I was in a dazed mood after the amazing blowjob I just received, it was a bit embarrassing but I felt better, now I just feel bad that I didn't relieve jimin, I was more embarrassed at the fact that I came on his hand damn it. I sighed and laid back into the pillow before dozing off.

Bit of a filler and some yoonmin cause why nawt 3v3. I didn't proofread it so im gonna do that tomorrow.

Its been a year since Kim Jonghyun passed away, I just want to say that he is greatly missed, but now he's in a better place. I love you so much even though I wasn't able to fully immerse myself yet into the group I am glad I got to get to know you and the group as well as becoming a shawol when you were there, enough to know that you were a great, amazing, supportive person and may you rest in peace.

Devilishly Angelic{Taekook/Yoonmin}Where stories live. Discover now