Epilogue (3) Love

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Taehyung Pov

Of course I was a little bummed out about that offer, but if kook said he was a complete cheapskate I have to listen to my little devil, he probably knows far more than I do and he met the guy in person after all, after graduating and all we decided to go into modeling and all well I did but kook decided to become my manager just in case, the agency we're at invites boy human and spiritual beings so everyone that is here can see us and all as well. Yoongi and Jimin decided to just have regular jobs since we're like the breadwinners and our source of income.

Now we're sitting in our room watching a movie since its been a long day for us both, kook seems to be more interested in the movie than me which is expected I guess, I decided since the show is not much of my interest playing with him a bit and showing some love to my little devil.

I kissed the nape of his neck and made my way a bit near his earlobe which seems to be a soft spot since he flinches a bit, I couldn't help but smile at the little action,

"Stop, tae im trying to watch this movie and you're being a distraction" Jungkookhuffed,

"Distraction? How?" I smiled snaking my hands around his waist and pulling him closer,

"You know exactly what im talking about" Jungkook rolled his eyes,

"Hmm....?" I hummed kissing his shoulder, I knew what I was doing but I was bored and he seems to favor the movie more than me, even though I was the one that suggested a while ago.

Jungkook Pov

I knew what tae was doing, but I pay it no mind since he's like this all the time, typically I just ignore it and somehow find a way to avoid him and his lust filled antics. Today I was too tired to put up much of a fight so I let him, but it really was a distraction, I couldn't really pay full attention to the movie when I felt his lips touch my skin, I'd get goosebumps just from it and it would make me feel high at the feeling. Of course I wouldn't admit to this, snapping me out of my thoughts he was now kissing me near my neck leaving small light hickeys visible, I sighed at the feeling subconsciously, its been a while since we were this close since we're constantly busy with the scheduling and working, all we'd do would just kiss and maybe touch here and there, plus yoongi and Jimin is literally a floor under us, the walls aren't necessarily thin, but they aren't thick either.

I fidget a bit when I felt tae's cold, soft hands snake their way up my shirt making me flinch, I bit my lip trying to hold back a moan when he made contact with my nipples, I scooted a little close to him leaning back against his hold

"Hmm..? what is this? I thought you were watching the movie kookz" Tae whispered on my skin,

"How can I when you're having your way with me" I chuckled before getting up and turning around and sitting in his lap.

" I was gonna finish it, but how can I when I have a little puppy pestering me hm?" I said with a smirk before kissing tae's soft lips,

"Puppy? touche baby, but im, not the pup here" Tae smugly smiled, 

He smiled before peppering my face was kisses then returning to my lips, I kissed back smiling.


Jimin Pov

Yoongi was still pouting over the fact that his skewer was eaten even though I ordered more for the grump, he insists that the ones he had were far more well made and more love and effort was put into it, I just roll my eyes chuckling at his cute words and perspectives. I laid my head down on his lap admiring his features and just enjoying the moment, he smiled peppering my face with kisses and caressing my hair, all I felt were more butterflies in my stomach at the situation, it been a while since we've actually just admired each other's presence

Third Pov

The four boys just enjoyed each other's presence, showing love and affection for one another after a long, but short day as well.

Filler cause this is like the last-ish chapter oop.

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