*Halloween Special*Trick or Treat

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Not canon to the story, though it's after they start dating.

Third Pov

The boys had decided since it was the Halloween season why not hit a party or something to celebrate they figured. jungkook was especially ecstatic about the holiday, tae didn't really see it as a reason to be happy about it but seeing Jungkook happy and excited brought a smile to his face and he figured it wouldn't hurt to celebrate with him, Jimin and yoongi were out buying costumes since they were planning on going to a house party anyway, I wasn't planning on going and I assumed Jungkook would just tag along with yoongi and jimin anyway.

"Tae~ come on, just once" jungkook whined with a pout on his face.

"Ugh..why it looks bad on my part an angel going to a party where it's predominantly devils though," I said rolling my eyes at him.

"So what? what are they gonna possibly say to you if I'm around?" Jungkook said with sass in his voice,

Taehyung chuckled at the younger boy's response, 

"Fine, but you're not gonna get off that easy, cant guaranteed I won't be a devil's ass if they attempt anything with me or even you" Taehyung explained with a flirtatious look on his face.

"I know, I won't let it happen," Jungkook said in excitement.


Yoongi Pov

"This one?" I asked, 

Jimin and I were looking for some costumes, he's been begging me to go out with him on a little Halloween date even though I wanted to just kay in bed all day and maybe watch a scary movie if he was feeling it, but he insisted we should go out and party, Jungkook also mentioned a great spot to go to and has been getting taehyung to go as well. Tae has never really been big on the holiday but I just shrugged it off, I guess as an angel you aren't really meant to have fun, I never bothered to ask tae why though.

"Yoongi! what about this??" Jimin asked me about the costume he pulled out,

"I think whatever is fine, to be honest, if we're going to party that's recommended by jungkook I'd assume we wouldn't come there wearing some goofy costume though" I explained, he pouted at the thought and decided to put it back.

"Hmm..well what should we wear, I was so excited I didn't ask kookie" Jimin chuckled.

I smiled at his cuteness and decided to help him find something.

Taehyung pov

Its not so much I don't like Halloween but as a kid we didn't really celebrate it like that with yoongi's family and well since yoongi has always been a couch potato he's never really asked his parents to go out, so its kind of indifferent to me, but since jungkook insists we go along with jimin tagging along, I decided to go. Halloween it's like a day for all the devils going out to party and wreak havoc I guess, Christmas is a day we spread positivity and love and whatever but I don't really follow in either since I do whatever I want as long as its not affecting yoongi.

"Tae, you should wear this, I think it'll bring out your charms more, plus you look less like an angel with this on, though your wings and appearance will still be obvious though," Jungkook said bringing some weird feathery top over,

"What's this?" I asked, I don't remember ever having that type of shirt in my wardrobe,

"oh, it was mine, but it didn't fit right with my image so I decided now is the time I bring it back and give it to you" He smiled, 

I raised a brow at him before taking it and getting ready for when yoongi and jimin arrives whenever they do.


Third Pov

After the four boys got ready and met up, they arrived at the destination jungkook had mentioned, he seemed to know the place pretty well which left the other puzzled even jimin, since he'd hit almost every club with jungkook.

"What's this place and why haven't I ever saw it before kookie" Jimin pouted,

"Oh...well I don't really come here all that much, maybe once or twice, but I barely come here only really on Halloween cause that's when the best people are out and they have the best food and drinks here" Jungkook explained with a smile on his face.

"He seems more enthusiastic than you tae" Yoongi explained to taehyung who just shrugged it off.

"Jungkook has always been really excited about Halloween, he's almost like a child, but I guess in this case these types of places are his favorite" Jimin explained.

When they four walked in they were met with loud music and the smell of alcoholic beverages, the interior almost looked completely different than the exterior, it seemed like your average club, but when you walk in it was a completely different place. The lacrima used to allow us to see other people's spiritual beings were in this place and from what it looked like it was predominantly devils and their humans,

"Jungkook!" someone called out catching the boys attention,

"Jackson-hyung?" Taehyung questioned along with the others,

"shocking to see you here tae, I expected jungkook and possibly jimin, but not you guys" Jackson explained chuckling at the boy's expressions.

"Well I'm not gonna bother you guys, have fun and be safe" Jackson explained walking off.

"So....i'd assume we find a place to sit at?" tae said looking around. 

Everyone nodded.

Jungkook pov

Not long after jimin and yoongi went off to enjoy their time, it was just me and tae sitting with our drinks, he seemed like he wasn't n the mood to be here and I started to feel bad bringing him. I just wanted to celebrate together with him, but I guess it's different, I pouted sipping my drink.'

"My bad....I'm ruining your mood" Taehyung mumbled,

"huh?" I asked,

"I'm not being all enthusiastic about this even though you brought us and I'm the only one who isn't enjoying it" Taehyung explained sighing.

"Oh...its ok tae, I understand... it's my fault for dragging you out here I guess, I should've considered how you felt" I explained chucking a bit sadly.

"Come here" He commanded patting his lap.

I tilted my head but went over to him nonetheless,

"trick or treat," Taehyung said flicking my forehead then kissing my lips before I can rebuttal.

"Hey..that's not fair," I said rubbing my forehead.

Taehyung chuckled before kissing the red spot.

"Love you, happy Halloween, I'm sorry it couldn't be more fun or romantic but whatever makes you happy," Taehyung said smiling.

I couldn't help but blush at his cheesiness.


"you think they made up?" Jimin said hiding behind a wall,

"is this literally why you dragged me here?" I asked wondering why jimin was so interested in spying on jungkook and tae,

"No, but there was tension between the two and I assume they made up since jungkook is plopped comfortably on tae" Jimin explained,

I rolled my eyes before grabbing him and dragging him over to the bar we were originally at.

"Well since they are now on good terms isn't there a treat you should be giving me since I came along to your scheming," I asked with a smirk on my face.

"Oh? not sure" Jimins said, 

I sighed at him before pulling him to me for a heated kiss, it lasts it more or less around 2 minutes before we parted for air, 

Jimin was a cheesing mess and I smiled before asking for a drink.

I know it was a bit short, but it was a fluffy chapter so Happy Halloween.

I know I mentioned attire but I'll probably add them later and if I don't then it's fine.

Devilishly Angelic{Taekook/Yoonmin}Where stories live. Discover now