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Taehyung Pov

After leaving yoongi and jimin behind to work their magic we decided to look for the devil-hyung but, what makes this 'mission' fun is that im with a cute little irritated devil near me, just watching him blow off steam each time we make eye contact makes me want to tease him even more, Im really curious to know why he doesn't like me? Yea I guess flirting with him that day would make anyone wary of my presence but, like after some contact you're bound to get along and this mission we're in is a great way to get along, I like these kinds of games and scenarios but, im far more interested in Jungkook who's now looking at me.

"Are you gonna just stare at me or help? it's not easy looking for someone else's spiritual being" he asked me with a slightly cold tone, 

"Hmmm well.....if we don't find him I don't see why we can't hang out now?" I replied teasing the short male,

"Hmmm well if you aren't going help you're better finding something else to do" He replied, I have to say he was hard to break and the attitude he had was gonna take a while to change so i decided to continue edging the boy on, Im pretty sure doing this will result in him raging oops, "ah..now kook I never said that but what did I do to make so upset hmm?" I teased,

He stopped suddenly causing me to stop confused by the abrupt pause, "Oh? cat's got your tongue or something" I joked but, what caught me off guard when he smacked me across my face leaving me puzzled by the whole situation, What exactly did I say? I clicked my tongue as I went after the violent boy.

It's not every day I try to flirt with someone I get hit, actually normally they either walk off or they tell me they have a boyfriend or girlfriend, and well im not gonna lie I was slightly annoyed at the fact he slapped me for a little joke or was it?

Jungkook's Pov

I practically ran after hitting that stupid angel and I kind of feel bad because he did nothing wrong but, its just I don't know and I know it's gonna be hard approaching him again when we go shopping and to that party. Shit, Jungkook what are you doing? the point of us splitting was to find Namjoon-hyung's spiritual being and here I am sulking over nothing I sighed before walking back to the way I ran, as I turned the corner I Bumped into someone a bit taller than me, thinking it was taehyung I was gonna say something but, to my surprise it was the one person we were looking for?, 

"Oh, my bad," he said, 

"The name's Jackson, by any chance you know where I can find someone named Kim Namjoon? It's my first day here after being stuck sick in our house for a while" he said scratching his head,

"As a matter of fact I do I was just heading that way, actually I have a question that may or may not make you mad?" I said ready for whatever outcome it is but jimin did say try to stall him so...

"Uh...sure?" Jackson replied

"Well you see we wanted to get Kim Namjoon and Kim seokjin the English teacher together but, I guess you can say we wanted to get your permission?" I said fiddling with the hem of my sleeve"

The tall man laughed before wrapping an arm over my shoulder, "You lot don't know anything about doing cupid's work, do you? I'll have you know Namjoon is a totally different person from school so taking this approach is a little how should I say it...Slow? are you doing this alone?" he asked,

"Not necessarily but we're in charge of namjoon-hyung while two friends are in charge of seokjin-hyung" I replied,

"Hmm....well I'll help ya out, I'll be your messenger and whenever you guys aren't around I'll ask him, oh and also I'll take care of that angel of your teacher's in return you take me to Namjoon," the tall man said. I won't lie but I was a bit confused by how he accepted the whole thing.

Devilishly Angelic{Taekook/Yoonmin}Where stories live. Discover now