The Introduction

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Yoongi and V finally arrived at the party, there were loud music blasting and a crowded house that was filled with half drunk students and games, "well I'm guessing a lot of people came huh?" V said, yoongi patted V's back and made his way into the house, he and V proceeded to hang out at the pool area where it was less crowded, " I knew it, clearly everyone hooked up" V complained, 

"Don't be dissatisfied too early, we just arrived and hey if we don't find anyone that doesn't mean there's not a next time" yoongi reassured V tossing him a can of beer he got from the cooler, V just smirked and took a drink at his cold beverage. Right before he finished the can he couldn't help but notice two familiar faces at the corner of his eye. It was none other than the demon and his companion by his side. "what?" yoongi asked looking at V's sudden paused expression, "oh, know that kid I was talking to when you were taking a tinkle, well they're here" the blonde haired boy responded. "oh? so?" yoongi said proceeding to down his drink, "well aren't you interested?" V said setting his empty can down and making his way over, Yoongi scoffed and followed the angel. "It must be fate?" V said approaching the 2 boys, "or so it is?" the brown haired boy replied, "pardon me but I never introduced my self properly? Kim Taehyung...uh, most people call me V" the blonde haired boy responded holding out his hand. In order for yoongi to see the demon boy, the spiritual companions would have to have a mutual understanding/friendship so they can see each other each time they met and vice versa. "Oh, um...Min yoongi" yoongi introduced himself to the brown haired boy who seemed to be quiet. "Park jimin" each of them shook hands revealing their spiritual beings to each other. " guessing you're a new student probably in the same year huh?" the black haired boy asked, "yea...i guess though I don't have much to do since its just a start, I heard party and I just had to check it out, but its not as I expected it to be" replied jimin, he thought the party was a bit lacking in a sense of fun, it wasn't like the many clubs and parties he and jungkook have visited.

 V was getting to know the hard to get demon, that seems to pick up on his sly personality, "I'm guessing you're known for picking up anyone like this? pretty different for an angel" jungkook spoke, "not exactly your goody two shoes typical angel" V smirked. " that so?" the demon boy raised an eyebrow. "Good luck, your slick moves don't work on me" jungkook replied grabbing jimin and walking away, Yoongi looked puzzled at what just happened, "what did you say?" yoongi asked, "nothing in particular but I can tell that demon boy is pretty smart and sly himself" V said clinging unto yoongi. 

"Well if you're just gonna annoy strangers and chase them away there's no point in coming here to hit on people now is there?" the short boy huffed out. "Ah...sorry but, I'm not stopping my preying on that boy, I've grown an interest in him", the taller boy bit his lower lip. Yoongi just rolled his eyes at his lust driven angel. 


As time went by the party seemed to grow weaker and quieter, many of the participants either left someplace else or crashed around the house, yoongi and taehyung were drunk off their asses after about 8 cans of beer. "Tae did we really just come here to drink? we could've done this at home" yoongi mumbled under his drunk state. 

"wasn't my intention to drink my ass off here why? do you have something in mind, we can always skip school or maybe stay home with a bone-crushing hangover" tae snorted trying to fight off his sleep. 

"why aren't you a demon now? you're nowhere near angelic, what angel says something like that aren't you supposed to lead me on to a right path" yoongi laughed at the other's mentality.

Tae snickered in his half sleep state " you have a point but, I don't want to be a boring companion now, what life would that be if I was always on your back telling you not to do this or that, you can still face the right path and have fun too." the blonde said staring up at the sky.

"cute" yoongi replied teasing his friend.

Taehyung smiled before drifting off into dreamland. Yoongi just smiled and went to get some water to sober up a bit so he can focus his way back home before his parents freak out. 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>An Hour later>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Both boys made their way to the front door, tae was fast asleep on yoongi's back while the shorter boy fumbled with his keys to get the door open without waking his parents up.

"Damn it" the black hair boy huffed out at his keys on the ground. After a couple of minutes fighting with his keys and a sleeping blonde on his back weighing him down, they finally made their way into the quiet dark house and upstairs passed their parents room. Yoongi tossed the heavy angel of his back onto his bed and made his way into the bathroom for a quick shower before heading to bed.

Short chapter ')3('. I may change up the format by using POV (Points Of View) just cause its a little more easier and I feel that its a little repetitive using quotes and/or saying "the boy, this color head, or the taller and shorter" so I'll probably change in the next chapter.

Devilishly Angelic{Taekook/Yoonmin}Where stories live. Discover now