The more the merrier.

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Jungkook Pov

The light was poking through the slightly cracked curtains, the rays from the sun was beaming on face more specifically in my eyes, I tried moving a little but a slightly heavy firm grip stopped me and when I finally came to i opened my eyes to see taehyung with a sleeping face and his arms around my waist, I was confused for a second unsure of what happened but after all my thoughts, memories, and all came crashing in I found myself not only blushing at what we did yesterday but the fact I got drink out my wits as well, but I wasn't upset or pissed if anything I was happy. I finally confessed my feelings and well...tae said them back. I blush crept up my face when I thought about all the things we could do and how he was all mine.

"You're up early," Taehyung said with his morning raspy voice,

"Uh..well, I just u-um" I stuttered, it wasn't that he woke up and was talking to me but that he was sober and probably recalled all the events not to mention he was half-naked and his voice was deeper than normal due to him just waking up.

Taehyung just smiled before hugging me and kissing the top of my head,

"Shall we shower and make breakfast, Jimin should probably be coming back and I would hate for him to see us after all only I can see you as this" Taehyung explained with a smirk.

"Pffft, as if jimin and I grew up together so he has seen me in all my glory," I said pushing tae away and getting up to go to the bathroom,

Taehyung just pouted before tagging along.


Jimin Pov

I woke up embracing yoongi with a smile plastered on my face, he was fast asleep and didn't seem like he wanted to wake up, I have to leave today since we have school and I would hate to get there late. I didn't receive any text from kook so im assuming Tae stayed over with him keeping jungkook company. As I got up from the warm soft bed I was laying in Yoongi started groaning in his sleep for me to stay,

"You know yoongi, its school tomorrow and you know how our teachers are when we don't show up" I explained,

"Its only one day, I want to sleep in" Yoongi mumbled,

"well...yea but remember we skipped a lot of classes lately," I said heading to the bathroom to freshen up,

"Did tae come home or is he still at your place?" Yoongi asked back-hugging me and setting his sleepy head on my shoulder.

"Yes, I didn't hear him come in," I said fixing my bed hair a bit.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>time skip<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

It was lunch and after dragging yoongi to school. To my surprise was seeing Jungkook and taehyung getting along, well more so kook getting along with him. Don't get me wrong they did have their differences, but it seemed Jungkook didn't want anything to do with him and not only that, he seemed to look better than when I left him he seemed happy which was great to see. Maybe I have to ask tae what happened while I was gone I thought to myself.

"Hey, guys we should go to a club or meet up with seulgi and Irene, haven't seen them in a while do they still go to school?" Taehyung asked,

"Hmm, I heard something happened with a family member and they had to take a leave of absence" Yoongi explained.

Taehyung just nodded and proceeded to ask if we wanted to go partying tonight.

"You know we have school right?" Yoongi told tae.

"Of course, but honestly what are we learning, we should see if Jin and Namjoon want to join," He said flicking a piece of broccoli into an empty milk carton.

"I don't think that's a good idea, they're teachers and it kind of just looks bad if they tag along and staff sees" I explained,

"What's wrong with just going with us four?" Jungkook asked,

"No problem, it's just the more the merrier but you know when it's just us four its just as fun so. is that a deal?" Taehyung said.

"sure" we all agreed, I didn't see why it would hurt to have fun and let loose once in a while, I feel like it been a while since we actually had fun and did something. 

"You got us right jimin, kook?" Taehyung said with a smile on his face.

"You got it" I reassured.

Short Chap filler, this book is ending pretty soon. I should be coming out with a chapter of a new sometimetimes soon.

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