The tension I guess??

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Jimin Pov

I decided to clean up our apartment since winter was right around the corner, Jungkook was just lounging around as usual.

"Kook, it'd be nice if you could" I complained,

"ugh..yea, but what's the point if we'll end up tracking ice, dirt, and snow in? Plus I can literally just hover over all that and boom, no snow and ice, it'll just be your problem right?" Jungkook said with a smug attitude, 

"Uh, wow you're an ass, You live here so I don't understand why it's hard to just help around?" I stated before setting the dishes from the dish rack into our cabinets,

Don't get me wrong I don't mind cleaning, but it does get to be tedious when I always have to clean around and kook just lounges around not doing anything, yea.. he had a point about not tracking any mess in, but its unfair Im doing all the work, we practically live here since my parents rarely show up since they are always abroad. Not to mention lately jungkook has been sassy throwing smart remarks and sarcasm at me when its usually a simple task I ask of him, Im not sure if he and Tae maybe got into a fight or argument and it just left him in a sour mood, but he tae has been around lately, I mean when I got back from the house after me and yoongi's dinner he seemed flustered and disheveled, his hair was messy and his lips were swollen, which it was clear he and tae had been making out at one point, but he never discusses about it or even tell me, Im usually one to pick up on a lot of things and its clear there are things between tae and jungkook. Not that I can talk also, but whatever it is between them I shouldn't be the one in the crossfire of it.

I just sighed before setting the cleaning supplies down, 

"Im gonna go shower, then step out you need anything?" I asked,

"Nope," Jungkook replied.


I had just got out the shower and I know I'll probably catch a cold stepping out at this time, but I really didn't want to stay in the house with kook being an ass, I texted tae if I could come over even though I should ask yoongi, but he said yoongi stepped out real quick so he was bored,

I had made it to his house before knocking and being welcomed by tae who seemed to be in a good mood, 

"What has you all happy?" I asked smiling,

"Oh, just I won't be bored anymore, what's up?" Tae said before heading to the kitchen,

"Nothing really thought I'd just visit" I lied, I was clearly avoiding Jungkook, tae could tell since I rarely went anywhere without jungkook around,

"Oh...are you and kook fighting?" He asked handing me a beer, before sipping one of his own,

"Not necessarily, more like we're just having differences I guess?" I replied,

Taehyung just nodded, 

"Did anything happen between you two?" Jimin asked,

"Nothing like what you guys are going through after you left and I came over we kind of talk I guess? then out" Tae said going red in the face,

I laughed it was pretty obvious that's what they'd do if we weren't around, 

"You guys are wild",

"not really, have you done anything with yoongi yet?" Tae asked turning the tables.

"Uh, no not really, I mean we just ate, talked, and then got some coffee, it was more like a date" I explained,

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