Code: Plan

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Jungkook Pov

We arrived earlier than our usual time. We arrived at school to meet up with Irene and seulgi they said they'd sneak in and figure out when Namjoon-hyung's lunch is and more information on the math teacher. As I looked up from my phone I noticed the two girls running our way to the entrance.

"Ok you guys here's the plan seulgi and I will sneak in and head to the faculty room but, you have to cover for us and keep a watch out on anyone who passes by try not to be suspicious either" Irene explained before taking off. As for Me and jimin, we made rounds around the school and blocking off the vicinity of the faculty room so the girls could work through their plan. 

>>>>>Couple of minutes later>>>>>

We were slightly dozing off when we heard footsteps heading our way I quickly nudged Jimin awake and we acted quick.

Jimin Pov

"Uh..yea hey, guys, we have a problem seems like we have a visitor on their way to claim their territory so if I were you I'd make it quick with the information search now," Jungkook said in a slight panic as I went to see who the staff was. Once I turned the corner I bumped into a tall figure along with the papers they were holding falling to our feet. "Oh uh, my apologies I hadn't realized you were coming to the same direction" the tall man spoke helping me up.

"Its no problem I should've looked where I was going-OH! jin-hyung what are you doing here?" I asked helping my teacher collect his paperwork.

"I work here silly my question is what are you doing here so early class doesn't start yet" the teacher tilted his head. 

"Oh well you see Kookie and I and two other friends thought we should catch up on some work in the library for our study group, you know how those tests are they can be tricky yeah?" I spoke nervously trying to stall the tall man.

"Right....well if I remember correctly the library is downstairs and you are up here so is there something you're hiding from me?" Jin questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Uh-w-well we're on a break so we thought walking around could maybe tap into some knowledge you know" I stuttered as we got closer to the faculty room, surely Jungkook and the others got out quick? jin-hyung is quick and very smart so I can't stall the man much longer.

We were close to the door when my phone buzzed in my pocket, taking it out I looked at the message from Irene alerting me that they are all set.

"Well Jin-hyung it was nice talking to you but I better head back and meet up with the others they're waiting for me see ya" I waved before taking off.

I finally met up with the others, "Jimin what took you so long to meet up?" kook asked,

"Sorry guys, trying to stall jin long enough so we wouldn't get caught he's really smart so we can't underestimate him that's for sure" I spoke still trying to catch my breath.

"Well good, ok so we couldn't find too much information but we were able to make some copies of their schedules and seems like all teachers have lunch when we do so it'll be easy for us to get together, as for Namjoon-hyung? he's, of course, a math teacher but he does tutoring sessions after school so he doesn't get home till a little after 8 while Jin-hyung stays in his classroom grading papers" Irene spoke handing us a copy of their schedule.

"And?" Jungkook questioned,

"And it shouldn't be hard you guys can be in charge of Namjoon-hyung while Seulgi and I work with jin-hyung we need to find a way to get some things out of them at least their ideal type and all that stuff" Irene answered.

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