Code: I spy

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Taehyung Pov

I woke up due to the sun rays hitting me in the face and right next to me was a sleeping jungkook cuddled against my chest. The sight was cute and I had the urge to squish his cheeks, but knowing him he'd just get all whiny and spazzy about it so I contained myself. I grabbed my phone on the shelf and I noticed seulgi had texted letting us know the plans of our teachers, supposedly they are going on a date and Jackson needs us to keep an eye while he distracts hoseok-hyung. I sighed before getting up and going to the bathroom to fetch my clothes and freshening up.

As I finished with my clothes on I noticed jungkook was no longer asleep in his bed anymore, if anything he wasn't even in the room. I shook it off since he probably went downstairs, I pulled out my phone texting yoongi and jimin relaying the message earning a reply from both.

Jungkook Pov

I was a bit flustered at the thought of sharing a bed with taehyung, but I just shook the thought off and left the room for some breakfast, I thought about checking up on jimin and yoongi but to my surprise the door was locked, I won't lie I found kind of suspicious since they were oddly close, though I heard nothing so it could just be me overthinking things.

Pulling out the toaster I just plopped some toast into the toaster and leaned against the counter fiddling with the hem of my shirt and just thinking. 


We had received word jin and Namjoon were going on a date and Jackson, of course, took it upon his self to help us out with jin's angel as always. Here we are now at a little diner in the far corner spying on the couple, we could hardly hear what was being said which made us a bit impatient but when we noticed the two older males getting up and paying their meal we quickly shuffled out of the diner behind them, seulgi and Irene were above head just eying their destination while taehyung and jimin decided to keep to their tracks without making it obvious, I and yoongi made sure to help Jackson with hoseok since he was getting to be a pain for Jackson, honestly their relationship was a different story and it'd be a pain to have hoseok-hyung getting in the way of their plan, yea understandable he was worried for his human getting into trouble with Namjoon-hyung and hell yea we can get into big trouble getting involved in the work of hoseok leading him down the right path, but its not like Namjoon-hyung will do something to jin.

"Ugh, why is when im with jin you show up and leave him with that fucker huh!?" Hoseok spat,

"Um, i'll have you know though I as a devil lead him down a path of obvious things ahead, one thing I won't do is let him take advantage of someone thank you very much, plus no one wants a cockblock involving themselves with their time together" Jackson scoffed pointing at hoseok who on the verge of swinging at the devil.

"Woah woah, now guys, understandable you're mad cause we are getting in your way hoseok, but jin really likes namjoon-hyung and we're only giving him a push, but how can we do that if you're involved getting in the way?" Yoongi said, shocking me since he normally just goes along with everything. Hoseok scoffs before coming up at yoongi,

"That's funny shouldn't you kids be studying for tests not getting involved with your teacher's love affairs, I mean you wouldn't know what love is if it smacked you in the face now, I think you and your pests of friends should scurry off now and find something constructive to do" Hoseok said with a smug look on his face.

"Ha, that's cheap coming from an angel like you? aren't you supposed to be a goody-two-shoes, you aren't doing that right now and you think you can protect jin?" Yoongi spat back, earning a frown and face full of anger from hoseok.

"Uh, guys now's not the time to quarrel," I said trying to calm the tension, but to my demise, Jackson is just sitting there watching like a typical devil he is,

"a little help Jackson-hyung," I said expecting him to at least do something,

"Why? this is entertaining plus he isn't running off like he was earlier so?" Jackson said laughing,

"What? this is tae's human, if something were to happen to him I don't know what'll happen and I would hate to see two angel's fighting now, it's not a pretty fight" I said worried,

"Now kook, push comes to shove I'll jump in if it gets physical" Jackson picking at his ear in dissatisfaction with my worries,

Yoongi shoved hoseok after calling him a birdbrain for assuming everyone is out to get jin "Jin is capable of taking care of himself you just have to protect him when Namjoon-hyung isn't around,  not keep him alone for the rest of his life". 

Honestly I was shocked to see yoongi so upset he seemed like a quiet calm guy and to see him so serious and upset really made me wonder, but what snapped me out of trance is when hoseok grabbed the boy's collar and then shoved him to the ground before flashing his wings in a defensive manner, as if he was going to attack the boy.

"Hey-" I said before I was caught off guard by a blur and seeing hoseok pushed back skidding across the ground and there he stood was taehyung huffing with an angry look on his face, it was almost scary how angry he was, even yoongi was taken aback at the boy's sudden actions.

>>>>>a couple moments ago before what happened<<<<<<

Taehyung Pov

I was with jimin following the couple per usual when they stopped to get some ice cream at some stand, we were pretty far from the rest of the group since we were now at a park, I couldn't help but get a gut feeling like something wasn't right and I couldn't quite put my thumb on it even jimin noticed watching as I had a worried expression on my face, it was like an instinct that was telling me someone's in danger and the only other person would be Yoongi, before I can speak a pang went in my head alerting me that something happened to yoongi, I got up so quick and flew up almost blowing passer-bys away and leaving a thunder like sound with the sound of my wings breaking the wind the way I lifted off, I couldn't help it, it was instinct and my body was moving ahead of my mind, when I noticed five heads ahead of me my arms just went forward knocking the guy off his feet almost skidding against the pavement.

My head was clouded and I hadn't noticed the others around before snapping out of my trance.

"Tae..." yoongi called, I snapped my head checking up on him and pulling him up off the ground, "what are you doing here what happened with Jimin? is he still watching the other two?" Yoongi questioned me,

"Uh...yea are you ok? he didn't hurt you or anything?" I asked looking at the angel ahead of me brushing himself off with Jackson laughing his ass off.

Yoongi Pov

I had never seen tae swoop down so fast, or be so angry like that, I guess there's a lot I don't know about him as far as his skills go.

" I think we should maybe not get involved with jin-hyung and Namjoon-hyung's relationship and leave that to Jackson-hyung and you know who," I said trying not to bring up that pesky angel's name, though me not saying his name most definitely hit a nerve.

Tae looked at me with a bit of disappointment but relief in his face had he not come who knows what would've happened.

"Yea...honestly I find it fun and nice but if it means we're putting you guys in danger I rather not, we can always watch from the guidelines and Jackson-hyung would update us on the details," Jungkook said with a smile. 

Happy New Year's Yall, yea I haven't been updating lately I apologize for that I've been completely lazy and I need to get my ass to updating.

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