Mission: Date

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Jungkook Pov

Taehyung had texted Yoongi letting him know jimin wanted to meet up before hand, We were looking around different jewelry shops for couple necklaces, I was in charge of thinking up the style and comparing it while Tae was in charge of money management and searching the places, we literally have about an hour to find something good in the process along with meeting jimin 10 minutes before he and yoongi were to meet up. I glanced over at tae who was fully immersed in his phone searching for the best prices and deals around.

"What's got you thinking so hard" I smirked, 

"Oh, well its kind of embarrassing but I like this kind of thing so why not check around for something nice?" Tae said rubbing the back of his neck in slight embarrassment,

"Oh..." I replied, to be honest, I didn't mind getting tae something like Jimin and yoongi, though I still haven't grasped my thoughts on the fact I may or may not have feelings for him, but im gonna shake the thought off because now its jimin and Yoongi's turn, I'll maybe ask Yoongi for tae's interest for things and more information I thought to myself. 

We arrived at our first destination, the jewelry store was cute and had some charms, rings, and everything else you can think of, Tae was first to introduce himself to the spiritual being who was also the owner of the place, the guy nodded and came over with tae explaining what he has and can offer. I just wandered around the place looking at different shiny material they had while he made a deal and handled everything, there were a few things here and there that really made me want to buy it like some of the bracelets they had and maybe a few rings to wear. That's when a thought crossed my mind, all of a sudden I pictured myself in the scenario we're in right now and tae buying things rings for me, maybe taking me some where to eat or maybe see a movie and then at the end of the 'date' he presents something along the lines of maybe some matching necklaces or..maybe bracelets, but the main thing I'd like to receive would be a ring with our names engraved. I smiled at the thought before realizing that it's just me dreaming big or wishful thinking and it'll never happen that's when the smile plastered on my lips faded away.

"Do I really like him...?" I whispered to myself.

"Like who?" Tae questioned making me jump up,

"OH nothing in particular," I said before changing the subject,

"You got something for them?" I asked,

"oh, uh yeah, I don't if they'll like this though," Taehyung said before presenting the gifts for jimin and yoongi, 

I looked at the necklaces and they were actually pretty cute, 

"Ok, I mean I think they would love but couldn't have gotten something that suits them more though?" I asked,

"What do you mean" Tae replied, 

"Well, the necklaces are really amazing honestly, great eye, but I feel like this is something we'd get you to know hence our positions, they should have something along the lines of human-like?" I explained,

(A/n: What the necklaces look like but the chain part is an actual change lol work with me)

Tae nodded, "well yea but think about, something they'd have with them, push comes to shove we don't age, so they get older, we take their necklaces with us, when we meet again we would hand it to them since we're able to take earth things with us...

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Tae nodded, "well yea but think about, something they'd have with them, push comes to shove we don't age, so they get older, we take their necklaces with us, when we meet again we would hand it to them since we're able to take earth things with us but only their souls are transferred, it only makes sense I get this, when yoongi becomes a spiritual being he's an angel but his bf jimin is a devil so he'd have the dark necklace while jimin would have the light right, or... maybe I thought of this too far" Tae said realizing he just went ahead of today into the near future.

 I couldn't help but smile at his way of thinking, 

"I hadn't thought about it that way, I guess you're right," I said realizing my mistake.

"OH, no need to apologize, kook, you didn't have the same thought I did, I guess I tend to look at the long run of things, we should hurry up and meet with jimin" Tae nodded before cashing out.


Jimin was standing out waiting for us and that's when he recognize us overhead waving.

"Hey! did you find something?" jimin questioned with a smile on his face,

"Yes, well tae did" I answered while tae handed the jewelry to him in the two-toned box that was silver and black with their names engraved on the top.

"when did you g- Oh my god guys, thank you so much I love them and im sure yoongi will don't worry I'll pay you back and help you in return," Jimin said cutting me off mid-sentence giving us a huge hug before leaving into the restaurant to wait on yoongi.

"Well, mission accomplished, what now?" Taehyung asked,

"Don't know, I guess we can hang or something?" I said.

"Well it's my treat for being a good boy, we can hang out and go wild" Taehyung said winking and walking away, 

I looked at him with a displeased face but deep down I was really happy I guess.

Short chap, rip. Man I watched the BTS LY Tour Movie yesterday and Really Im in such a good mood but at the same time it really felt like a happy pill for me on Saturday, now im kind of just listless or down I kind of wished it lasted longer, it was the happiest and best day of my life really, though it wasn't a concert it felt like one and I really was happy the happiest in 4 years really imagine when I hopefully see them at a concert omg, I'd probably be euphoric there shit. Anyway, though I really hope we get to see burn the stage worldwide and more movies in the future bc BTS can have my money.

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