The party this week

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(Taehyung's Pov)

I can tell the little cute devil next to me is irritated by my presence not entirely sure what i did to make him hate me but its cute and it makes me want to tease him a bit. Yoongi is hitting it off with that jimin kid its not every day that yoongi lets someone approach him or even talk to him he usually just nods and put an act as if he was listening to the person until they walk off from lack of feedback but, apart from that it makes my job easier to approach the ball of angry cuteness even if he tries to attack me, I'm obviously known for my recklessness for approaching people like him. As i look for my notebook i spot at the corner of my eye him looking at me with irritation and im honored to be looked at by him even if its mere rage so what more can i do then use that little eye contact to my advantage? "Like what you see"I speak before playing it off with a smug look that seems to pick at the cute boy's nerves leaving him more irritated than he already was.

I honestly enjoy it...Yea it may result in him fully going off on me but I can't help it, I love going after these types the tsundere types they call it?  sooner or later they'll end up softening up at the heart and become total sweethearts. 

The class soon went quiet as a hot confident teacher strolled in with what looked to be an attendance sheet and his bag in his other hand, everyone was just as clueless as I was. What exactly happened the first day that left the class to wander off exactly?

"My apologies class for missing the first day, something came up that prevented me from making it here so as I go over the obvious rules and what's known in a classroom please state names so I can get to know each of you along with making it possible for your spiritual beings to be seen" the teacher spoke with a warm smile.

Eventually, everyone in the class was present along with everyone's spiritual beings and the class had started with us just reading and annotating everything, after all, it was an English class. As I skimmed through the book for whatever was interesting I couldn't help but look over to my side to see that bundle of rage quiet and quite locked on the book in his hands, Did he like reading? how cute. 

>>>>>>>>>>>After class>>>>>>>>>>>

I stretched my half-asleep legs and yawned after a long 45 minutes of just reading and highlighting it was our break and all the girls flocked to our new teacher asking pestering usual questions leaving half the class to sneak out to skip next subject while half of us sat and conversated. When I went to turn to check up on yoongi to my surprise he and that other boy wasn't there so then I looked to the desk to me and there was jungkook sleeping soundly with his book still in his hands and the highlighter in the other. I couldn't help but crack a smile at the small sleeping figure he looked so angelic and cute for a devil and I couldn't help but just *uwu* at the sight. 

(Yoongi Pov)

I hate to have left taehyung without telling him where I'm going but jimin dragged me before I could, the boy wanted to fetch some snacks from out nearby vending machines and he didn't want to go alone so here I am helping him carry his snacks as he eats away at the first two brownies. "Couldn't you just have taken jungkook to carry your things?" I questioned,

"Yes but, kookie was fast asleep and I feel bad for waking him up from his slumber he did drink far more than I did," Jimin said with crumbs scattered around his cheeks.

"Right...Do you guys like party every day or just occasionally?" I asked a bit interested in these two party lives, it's hard to see them slipping their way through security but then again jimin's being was a devil and demons are known for deception so...

"MMM...I guess you can say that though we do mostly on weekends or big breaks, Oh! hey you and Taehyung should come with us to help pick out clothes for the upcoming underground party we're gonna be attending" Jimin said with an excited smile.

"Uh...yea idk normally we don't try to get into trouble such as those events and parties plus...arent those events more for you know troublemakers bad people?" yoongi said a bit puzzled at his wording.

"well....there is more of a demon population than an angel but there are angels and people like you there and let me tell you they are far different than their everyday attire or act," jimin said stuffing another pastry into his mouth.

I just nodded I personally didn't mind tagging along but it could put taehyung in trouble if something bad were to happen to me or him but, it's not every day you get to party at an underground party and get away with it at our age. 

"Sure we'll go" I agreed with a long pondering thought.

"But how are we supposed to get in?" I asked unsurely,

"Silly do you know who I am who's my spiritual being? that's no problem at all, the problem is if you're coming and if you are great! we can meet up this Friday for shopping you might want to get more how should I say? a 'bad boy aura' attire for the kind of underground party we're going to" jimin nudged at yoongi before running into the classroom.

>.> oop

Devilishly Angelic{Taekook/Yoonmin}Where stories live. Discover now