Praise and Punishment

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Jungkook Pov

I woke up to the same familiar place, must've still been at the party but why exactly? my question was answered when I started to get up and felt a sensitive, throbbing pain in my groin that's when I remembered what that sly pesky angel did to me a while ago but, right now wasn't the time to look for him. I looked around for any sign of someone in the room before unbuttoning my pants and throwing them off, I slipped my hand into my boxers and started palming my pulsating crotch, it seem I've been like this for quite a while and I really needed the release before I left and I hoped no one walked in because the room wasn't necessarily secured. As I began increasing my hand movements I couldn't help but hiss at the mixture of pain and pleasure a moan slipping pass my lips here and there, to be honest, I needed more than this but there was no one around and asking that dickhead of an angel was out of the question he's the reason why im in this situation but an idea occurred in my head. I released a bit of hold on my appearance and let my tail slip out, to think I'd be doing this now, I used my vacant hand to grab my tail and my occupied hand that was currently on my crotch and started rubbing both, the immense pleasure I got led to a loud  moan that was probably loud enough for whoever passing by to hear but, right now wasn't the time to worry about who was coming in or walking by I could feel a tingling feeling in my stomach that alerted me that I was close and next thing I knew I had cum into my hand, I just laid there in slight regret but relief. Until I heard some movement in the room which made me shoot my head up, There stood the last person I wanted to see standing there with a large smirk on his face.

Taehyung Pov

I was coming back to give the little sleeping devil a water bottle because he was probably thirsty but what I came back to wasn't exactly him sleeping at all, he was masturbating right before my eyes and the sinful moans that left his mouth were enough to make my dick throb honestly. After a minute or two I noticed he stopped panting and moaning I thought to myself he must've just came and I couldn't help but slip a grin on my face, I took a step to the side to see his face but the creaking of the floor made him shoot his head up, he looked a mess, his lower lip was swollen and red from the constant poking and biting from his fangs and his hair was messy from the writhing he was doing earlier and probably now, not to mention his cute plump ass was full view for my eyes to be blessed by, honestly the boy looked so ethereal in that condition it was hard holding back. I tossed a bottle to him and tried to hold back a laugh.

He didn't say anything he just wiped his hands off and brung his knees up to his chest while fiddling with the water bottle in his hands. "We have to head back its already 2 am and I know jimin and yoongi are waiting for us back at cafe down the street, I told them I would take you home but jimin insisted on waiting for you I can't say the same for yoongi though, supposedly he went straight home  5 minutes after jimin called. The little devil boy nodded his head before slipping his boxers and pants fully on, I followed him to the exit and we flew towards the cafe jimin told us.

We arrived there and walked in where we were greeted by the night staff who was cleaning the tables, there we saw jimin playing a game on his phone,

"Hey. sorry, we're a late, jungkook here got totally wasted and I didn't want to ruin your fun so...I'll catch you two later?" I said before heading my way back home.

Jimin Pov

I looked at jungkook and boy was he in a crummy mood, the most I ever seen but what caught my eyes more was his appearance, he looked totally worn out like he just had the fuck of his life, of course, he didn't have any hickeys or smell of sex so maybe they didn't do it?

"Hey, kookie how was the party hmm.....did you have 'fun'" I teased with a smug look on my face,

His face turned a shade of red when I emphasized the word fun in my sentence, so? they did do something "come on tell me...what did you guys do? If I tell you what I and yoongi did you have to tell me what you and taehyung did, plus you had me wait for 2 hours in here the least you could do is compensate and let me on the juicy details?" I complained.

Devilishly Angelic{Taekook/Yoonmin}Where stories live. Discover now