Obvious? or Oblivious?

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Yoongi Pov

So after yesterday I couldn't help but think about what I felt and just jimin in general, I decided to part from the others for lunch to look for Jin-hyung, maybe he has some insight on this or maybe he can decipher for me. I knocked on the faculty room where the other teachers are and to my surprise jin was there on his phone texting who I can assume was probably Namjoon-hyung.

"Hyung, sorry to interrupt but you got a minute?" I asked,

"Sure, what's up?" Jin replied setting his phone down.

"Well...um...its a bit embarrassing, but I've been getting this feeling and im not sure of it but..uh, I get this warm feeling in my chest and well its for someone I know, I guess when you get close to someone you get all jittery at their responses, but when that person is happy your world just lights up and you can't help but have these warm thoughts for them and you just hope their smile stays, Now don't get me wrong before I guess I wasn't aware until I started interacting with them more" I explained a bit embarrassed,

Jin just nodded before giving me a warm smile,

"Well, from someone who've experienced something similar, I didn't really get that feeling, more like love at first sight, when I was around Namjoon I did get nervous, but when he smiled I guess you can say I felt the same way, the only other explanation is that you like this person, have you confessed?" Jin said,

"Not really, I just started feeling this, I just wanted to verify it with someone" I explained,

"Well, im glad I was able to help in any way I can, may I ask who it is?" Jin said curious,

"Mmm..its..j-jimin," I said super embarrassed by now, I couldn't help but cover my face,

JIn's face was shocked but he seemed excited, 

"Wow, really, you most definitely have to confess to him, wow...I remember it was just a couple of months you and Jimin and your other crew were helping me get with Namjoon, but to see you guys find love for yourself I feel accomplished as a teacher" Jin laughed,

I just groaned in embarrassment, but I smiled also finally getting my answer.


Taehyung Pov

Yoongi and I were on our way to some bar and grill since I was in the mood for some food and drinks, shocking enough he tagged along not only that he seemed to be in a good mood and I was gonna get to the bottom of it when we get there.

We arrived with the receptionist guiding us to an empty booth,

"Sooo....Whats got you in a good mood, seems rare for you to even tag along with me" I said with a smug look plastered on my face,

"Nothing really, im usually like this" Yoongi said eying his menu,

"Pffft, yeah ok, it's clear you heard something or someone told you something and now you can't help but smile to yourself" I complained,

"Yea..maybe" Yoongi responded, 

It was clear he was gonna keep it to himself and now it just makes me want to pester him about it more. We waved a waiter over before ordering our drinks and the fryer along with meat, 

"so...what made you in the mood to go to a grill?" yoongi asked, 

"What made you agree and tag along" I shot back,

"I asked you a question first" Yoongi replied coldly with an eyebrow quirked up,

"Mmm, no reason really I was in the mood for some drinks and maybe a fulfilling dinner, after all its been a while since we got together, don't get me wrong I did think about going to a club, but eh...im not in a mood to mingle or really party so" I explained laying a piece of meat on the fryer.

"Oh..well, I just asked hyung a question today and he answered it with the best way possible" Yoongi smiled watching the meat fry,

"and that is?" I asked beginning to get impatient with yoongi's pauses and anticipating responses,

"Nothing you need to know," He said tossing a few vegetables on the grill as well.

I just complained like a child, as he just sat there laughing before pouring himself a drink of the alcohol we ordered, 

"What did you and kook do while we were out?" Yoongi asked sipping his drink,

"Oh..'we'? nothing really...Kook and I just ate watched a few movies then played some competitive games" I lied, clearly that wasn't the case, but what do I look like telling Yoongi me and Kook just made out majority the time with a few touches here and there, He'd beat my ass and probably lock me in the basement. 

"Uh..huh, Well Jackson, Jimin and I just stepped out for food since I owed Jackson a favor," Yoongi said before stuffing some food into his mouth.

"Probably how you're gonna eat Jimin's ass am I right," I said making yoongi choke on his food,

"What the fuck tae?!?!" Yoongi replied face as red as a tomato,

"Im just Joking, but with that reaction its answers my questions" I burst out laughing,

"What questions?" Yoongi said trying to recollect himself,

"Oh, nothing really" I ate the last meat and vegetables frying with a smirk plastered on my face.

OOF, I start school in a couple of weeks so I want to finish this before and start on my new book before I start.

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