My feelings? your feelings?

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Taehyung Pov

It wasn't the case, knowing jungkook he'd just say he's tired and or go to sleep, something genuinely was bothering him. I got closer to his ear and whispered "You and I know that most definitely not what's up, if you were really tired you'd just say so kookie" I said before pulling away lightly brushing my lips against his, he bit his lip closing his eyes. I couldn't help but smile at him, he was really cute being all flustered and submissive like this, I then kissed his lips and then his cheeks making my way down to his jawline. 

Jungkook Pov

As taehyung continued to kiss soft and sensitive parts of my upper body, I was trying to stay together, not falling under his little game as always, but in the position and rate im at I couldn't help it, I unconsciously grabbed a hold of his shirt slightly pulling him closer to me, my hands and body wasn't cooperating with my mind and at this point I just wanted to be touched by him, I can tell by now my eyes had most likely shifted from their usual color and if we're caught by the others on the opposite side of the door, I know I'd lock myself up forever at the immense embarrassment even if we aren't caught my eyes and clearly my state gives everything away. Overthinking the whole thing and taehyung kissing and touching me was sending my brain overdrive and I unintentionally let out a whine to his surprise he just smiled against my collarbones leaving hickeys here and there visible for me to see but hidden from the eyes of others to notice.

"Jump up kook," Taehyung said, indicating to hop up on the sink's counter, to that I obeyed and did exactly that. I looked at taehyung dazed, he just smiled before placing his lips on mine once again this time far more rough than before, Taehyung's hands swiftly made its way up my shirt and raising them up to my chest along with the shirt, he left little butterfly kisses around my navel and up my chest.

Taehyung's Pov

I could tell Jungkook's guard was down not just by his glowing eyes, but how he wasn't putting up a fight and following any instructions I send him, I felt giddy as I left kisses on his body and just listening to his breath hitch each time I kissed up his chest. I decided to stop teasing him since it'd be any minute now that jimin and yoongi will be awake from their little nap, I placed my hands on his thighs and dragged them up past the little devil's now hard cock, hearing him grunt at the little friction he felt I smiled and kissed his swollen lips as well as leaving a small hickey on his throat which he's gonna be extremely pissed when he sees it if he does that is. I placed my hand on kook's crotch palming it and listening to the pants, sighs, and small quiet moans escaping his lips, before then I lightly jerked him off before wrapping my lips around the tip of his pulsing cock.

Jungkook's Pov

I was not aware of anything and at this point I didn't pay any mind to the moans and whines escaping my mouth, I just needed the friction and touches my body was yearning for, I know if I continue to be loud it was obvious that jimin and yoongi will not only suspect something but know something was going on, yes the door was locked, but had there been a knock and I needed to answer and I can tell that was exactly the case when I heard the door open to what im assuming was jimin's room, Jimin had called my name and when he got no response he probably assumed I was in the bathroom since the light and fan was running, hopefully, they assume that tae was maybe out at the store or something cause it was suspicious for both of us to be gone. My thought process was interrupted when tae's tongue ran across my slit, I had to bite down on my lip almost breaking the skin to keep my moan hushed. A knock was at the door followed by yoongi's voice, which I was relieved and nervous about, I mustered up the courage to sound normal as possible,

"Yes...?" I said which sounded almost like a groan,

"Oh..uh jungkook, sorry are you good? I was wondering if you saw tae anywhere?" Yoongi asked,

I took a deep breath and answered as calm and normal as possible,

"Uh.I-he went to pick something up from Jackson-hyung, he said he'd be right back," I said gripping taehyung's blonde locks and pushing him down on my cock, he was doing wonders but also putting me in a dangerous situation with yoongi on the other side of the door,

"Oh, ok well I and jimin are gonna step out and get some takeout, we'll be back," Yoongi said before leaving. 

I sighed in relief.

"Well...aren't you a strong coherent little devil, keeping it together with yoongi outside the door unaware of the sight you are," Tae said coyly,

"Shut up... it's your fault I had to cover your ass" I said panting,

Taehyung just laughed before tightening his grip on my cock, my voice hitching and releasing a silent moan.

"Now kook don't forget im also the same one that'll leave you like this too, Yoongi and Jimin arent here so you can let out all the moans and groans you want, better hurry up so we aren't caught" Tae said before placing his mouth back on my crotch again, I moaned at the feeling again.

Taehyung Pov

I felt bad for yoongi I guess, he probably knew what was up it was obvious, but then again he probably assumed jungkook was probably sick or something, I continued my assault on his cock and the moans and whines slipping past his lips were of course music to my ears, I picked up the pace and lifted off his cock with a pop before giving him a hand job, he was a squirming mess leaning his head back at the pleasure he was receiving, honestly I wanted to take him here and now but according to what jimin said jungkook preferred to do something like that with someone he actually like, now that I think about it who did he like, I mean it was obvious he had something towards me, but then again he was a devil who knows what goes on his mind. Jungkook was just about to close to his orgasm I gave him one last kiss before he came all over my hand. 

He was a panting mess and it was a sight to see, I smirked at him before placing my thumb on his lips so he could taste himself.

"Such a naughty devil kook, cumming just from being touched, let's get cleaned up before the other two comes back, I said before helping a tired space out jungkook off the sink's counter.

Two updates in one day cause I have too much time. Heres a little smut chapter, I'll most likely try to focus a bit on the yoonmin ship, much like bluemoon's way cause I don't want to focus too much on taekook for like 20-25 something chapters and then only focus partially on the yoonmin chapter

Also, im gonna change the book cover cause I want it a little updated.

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