Boy meets Boy? Angel meets Devil?

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Yoongi and V finally arrived at the enormous school, there were a large amount of students at the entrance hovering over what looked to be a glass casing showing all student's names and classes. Yoongi can already feel the intensity at the school, he noticed some friends and classmates from middle school at the school also. "Well Well I see some familiar faces isn't that great?" V looked around as  he spoke sarcastically. "right....hope we don't bump into any annoying ones either, i'd like to have a fresh start" yoongi signed, The two soon made their way down the hall to where their class was, it didnt seem like it was full there were only 3 students so he and V must've been early. It was only the first day so that meant it was orientation and introduction week, the students wont be getting any lessons or work yet until a week after. That meant Yoongi and V could go hang out late without worrying about anything for the time being. " guessing we just sit here til the teacher makes his/her way in here and all the other students" V spoke sitting on the edge of Yoongi desk. "Exactly" yoongi said putting his head down, he was tired from just being in a crowded loud environment. V  thought it was cute how Yoongi would get exhausted just from doing things such as make his way through a loud crowded hallways, as he admired his human companion's face, Two other unfamiliar faces made their way into the classroom one being a human with brown hair and blue-like grey eyes, the other he already knew right away by the aura of what the other man ones, he was obviously a demon and he was a cute and sexy one at that, V was shocked by the demon's dark blue eyes which caught him off guard. Most demons have black, red, or brown eyes, so to see one with blue eyes it was quite shocking and interesting at the same time. The boy soon turned V's way when he noticed V was staring straight at him, " embarrassing I just got caught staring" V spoke to himself averting his eyes towards the floor. V was bored out of his mind, the teacher was running late and his human was sound asleep, it seemed like all the students that were present left to go do something more constructive. V merely left a note on the desk letting Yoongi know he stepped out for some banana bread. 

Meanwhile yoongi woke up 20 minutes later after V had left, he looked around to see if V was there and thats when he noticed the note next to him, it wrote...

"stepping out for some bread be back in 5 minutes" .

Yoongi rubbed his eyes, yawned, and put his head back down. Soon V walked in realizing Yoongi was still asleep its been almost 25 minutes since he left and the boy was still sound asleep, V rubbed his head the fact he had to run all the way here because of a long line at the convenience store. V then lightly shook yoongi to alert him to wake up. "hey..wakeywakey, it seems the teacher isn't here we might as well find something to do" said V, Yoongi mumbled at the thought of having to wake up from his amazing nap. Meanwhile the 2 boys that V saw earlier was no longer there he hate to admit he took interest in them, usually he and yoongi only met up with hostesses from the underground clubs they went to. Yoongi dragged his feet groaning as he and his angel companion made their way to the bathroom, "to think you the smartest and a quiet kid would also have a side like this over a nap" V responded laughing at the black haired boy, "shut it" yoongi said looking at V with bags under his eyes. The two arrived not only to see one of the boys V noticed earlier, it was the demon with dark blue eyes, Yoongi just merely passed him yawning, V on the other hand raised an eyebrow smirking "we meet again i see?" he spoke, the boy turned around smiling "sure i guess? I dont think we introduced our selves to really meet again, just glances?" the demon spoke sarcastically walking passed V who was left shocked in place. "who was that? someone you know?" Yoongi said drying his hands, "ah..not really he was in the classroom before i left when you were asleep, he and another human boy im guessing is his companion?" V replied, "oh, and the human boy looked like?" yoongi questioned in interest, "he had like light brown hair and he had greyish-blue eyes if im not mistaken?" V said trying to remember the other boy's appearance.

Later on that day the two boys were prepping up to go hang out at a party that was hosted by one of the new students welcoming them, Yoongi put on a black hat with a white sweater and his usual shoes he wears, while V wore a white flannel shirt. The made their way to the part which was around the block from their house. "Be careful dont get into trouble" Yoongi's parents shouted from upstairs. The two boys began walking, they can already see familiar faces from their class, they looked totally different from early this morning. Yoongi and V could say the same thing for themselves. "I hope there's some decent ladies here, if not then its a waste of my time" V complained, "I sure hope so" yoongi replied.

Sorry if theres spelling mistakes, i did this late at night and i just finished it today, also excuse it for being short S_S...

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