Chapter 35

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Taehyung Pov

To see jungkook all drunk something must've been bothering him, I felt like just helping him instead of leaving him in the bath, but who knows what he'll do in that state its pretty obvious he's drunk out of his wits and he's gonna have such a thundering headache and hangover tomorrow, who knows if he'll even bother getting up or be the same, he was extra clingy when he's sober but he's a little better now, though im not entirely sure what he's like when he's this drunk and I don't think I ever saw him when he is, its kind of fun to see what he's like, I know he and jimin do go out drinking and they've probably been completely drunk but never have they discussed or mentioned things that have happened to them so I know if it ever occurred. 

"Tae!" I hear Jungkook call out from the bathroom, at least he listens and left the door open,

"Kook? what's up?" I asked poking my head in,

"I-I can't get the shirt off" He whined trying to pull his shirt off his head,

I chuckled before helping him out of his 'net-like shirt'.

After that I couldn't help but glance at how red and rosy his skin was, I don't think I've ever noticed how red he gets when he's drunk but like I mentioned before he's never drinking this much, so its a surprise to me and im unsure if jimin is aware, but he seems pretty responsible even though he gives off that recklessness and irresponsible aura.

"Are you ok?" I ask before leaving back to the kitchen,

"Can you help me with the bath" Jungkook asked pointing to the tub, I just rolled my eyes smirking at him before kneeling to the tub and filling it up with water, I waited for it to warm up and the usual, what I wasn't expecting was Jungkook wrapping his arms around me and breathing on my neck, 

"Uh.Kook I-Don't worry i just like looking at you up close" Jungkook said nipping at the skin on the nape of my neck, I didn't know what to think of him at this moment, I mean typically we did things in the past that were way far but something like this...its different like it has a different feeling to it. 

His hands made their way up my shirt and he just caressed my chest down my stomach landing near my crotch a bit.

"Kook, uh right now isn't the time" I said pulling his hands away, He whined and I got up turning around to look at him but before I can process anything I was knocked off my feet and now in the warm water of the tub with him atop hovering over me, He seemed out of it and his eyes were a pink glowing color, normally I think nothing of it since im used to see them when we have  our 'sessions', but something about them now was different, its like the jungkook that's usually embarrassed and flustered had this confident lust-filled look in his eyes like a want. That's when it hit me, the way he's been acting really clingy and seem to be down and emotional, he must like me but couldn't confess like something was holding him back and of course I was too dense and full of myself to notice, but now its a little too late to negotiate because this jungkook now was not only drunk but also he wasn't in the mindset in general, he got closer with alluring eyes and placed kisses on my neck while grabbing my now soaked shirt. I didn't fight him off because I won't lie I liked this way jungkook was acting but at the same time he was under the influence and I didn't want him regretting or feeling like he's to blame for the way he's acting, my thoughts were snapped when I felt his ass grinding on my clothed crotch and I hissed at the sensation, he seemed to notice my reaction and smirk and boy was that smirk sexy, it was like he knew what he was doing and maybe it was payback for being dense. Jungkook went on with marking my neck and nicking my skin with his small fangs, he placed his lips on mines and soon it was a heated makeout session, I didn't bother pulling away and neither did he, I let out groans and grunts as he started grinding on me letting out pants and whines, he would bite my lip here and there sometimes drawing blood but I didn't care. I subconsciously bucked my hips making us both moan, I couldn't help but want more, normally we'd end it here but right now I wanted to go on. Eventually we stopped since the water had gotten cold and at this point our clothes were completely soaked, I gripped the little devil's thighs causing him to wrap his legs around my waist and got up from the tub we were in for the past 30 minutes, I know we'll have to clean the water mess but right now I wasn't worried about that.

I plopped jungkook and myself hovering over him on the bed and stripped my shirt since it was starting to stick uncomfortably to my skin, I then kissed jungkook lightly biting his lips to allow entrance into his mouth, we kissed for the meantime and I couldn't help but moan each time his small sharp fangs would nip at my bottom lip. I placed a few last kisses on his lips before trailing light kisses down his jawline and neck leaving dark hickeys on his collarbones and neck not as many as he left on me in the most visible places but enough where they were quite a few and very visible. I stripped kook of his clothes since they were soaked and he was probably getting cold from them sticking to his skin, at this point, it was just us both in our boxers. I smiled at the lust-filled lost look had in his eyes, it was like he was under a spell and I don't if it was because he was a devil or what, now I can see how devils would lead humans into temptation and all, much like incubuses which rarely ever show up in the human world or in general they were pretty rare.

JUngkook seemed to grow impatient with me just looking at him in admiration and before I Know if he's on top of me once again, his little tail which does often come out I guess he has control over that whenever but I can see why he wouldn't let it out since its a weakness for him. He placed the tip of his tail on the bulge in my boxers and I let out a groan at that, He was quite the powerbottom if I have to say so and I guess I can think the beer for probably boosting it. He had gripped the waistband of my boxers off and his as well until we were fully naked. Jungkook looked mischievous for someone who was completely drunk just a while ago. This jungkook in front me was completely different and by different I mean he never really went for something, normally he would do the usual but he seemed to not have any shame or flustered feeling in his body, he placed a hand on my chest to keep himself up before hovering over my hard cock. 

I thought to myself I hope he wasn't doing what I think he was gonna do,

"Wait! Kook, you haven't prepped yourself you're gonna hurt yourself" But before could stop him he placed himself on to my cock.

Gonna be a really smutty chapter next chapter lmao, taekook is like the Devilishly ship while Yoonmin is the Angelic ship if you noticed the name +-+

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