Code: The Love Gurus

255 11 0

(Jungkook Pov)

We were on our way when jimin seemed overly excited for something leaving me tilting my head in a puzzled way.

"Oh! kookie yoongi and tae are going with us to that party they also said they'll tag along with shopping too!" jimin said with excitement.

"Oh that's cool- Wait! why?!?!" I stopped mid-sentence.

I can't believe while I tried to catch zzz's I was dragged into my own demise, I sighed and just went with it.

I'm not the type to be an old grump at parties and I would hate for jimin to be on his own so I guess I just have no choice.

"Well yoongi didn't seem up to it at first but, he changed his mind and said yea and of course taehyung has to come since yoongi is so yea" jimin replied.

"Right...." I replied unsurely.

(Jimin's Pov)

Jungkook seem slightly annoyed and I thought to try to get them together would make it better, of course, I don't wanna cause unwanted tension between the two but to be honest it wouldn't make sense if yoongi and I were best friends and the two were enemies, Though? i don't exactly think that's the case if anything I think its more that kookie doesn't like how tae is almost like him in a way, I'm pretty sure as a demon its unusual for an angel to have those devil like attributes but that's just those stereotypes..not all angels are necessarily always good and taehyung is one hell of a slick angel, I'm honestly surprised he isn't half? though those type of angel/demon hybrids is really rare, I can tell he's full-fledged angel.

We soon arrive at our house where we are greeted with an empty house my parents are always on business trips so that's the reason kookie and I being out late and I think we might just go out tonight for a bit of partying. I set my things on the floor and plop down on the couch. "Ramen?" jungkook's voice calls out from the kitchen, "sure" I reply before scrolling through some online shops. Jungkook then plops down right next to me handing me a bowl of ramen along with eating his.

"Hey kookie, wanna go out tonight?" I ask with a smile,

"why? what brought this on? normally you don't go out on weekdays but sure" he replied,

"great" I replied before scarfing down the ramen kookie put his all in.

>>>>>couple hours later>>>>>>>>>

After lounging around waiting for our food to settle we stepped out and walked to the nearest club down the street.

here we are now in a booth as loud music fills the club and some drinks and appetizers on our tables, kookie and I decided we wouldn't go all out until that party in two days, I wanted us to look our best especially since we are bringing guests along and obviously this party we would attend wouldn't be like any other party, this one was gonna and probably be the best party we ever attended. As I take another sip of my margarita two girls who looked unfamiliar approached us.

"Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook? is it?" the stranger seemed to know who we were and so I replied puzzled,

"Its irene from your class, Oh! wait i never introduced myself my full name is  Bae Joohyun but everyone at class calls me Irene" she held her hand out for me to shake, I lightly took it trying to go through my memory of the girls in class until it hit me she was one of the girls that went up to our teacher, with her was what looked to be her spiritual being. "This here is  Kang Seulgi my spiritual being" they greeted themselves. 

"Oh..uh sorry I guess you already know our names huh? but may I ask how I don't think we ever really met or talked to each other before?" I asked,

"Oh well i know everyone in class and so you guys and two other people in class I have yet to meet but I at least know everyone's names as for your spiritual being its quite easy when we went up to our teacher seokjin-hyung and met his spiritual being which I have to say is a total hottie I saw your name on the roster along with your spiritual being and so that's how I know" she smiled 

I just nodded, "what brings you two here," she asked me and Kook,

"Oh just hanging out and you?"

"We did come with some friends but they ditched us for some guys and who knows where they went, we thought we would leave until we spotted you and so we came over" Irene played with the curls in her hair, Seulgi and I were gonna go do some shopping for that upcoming party this week but then we bumped into them and I couldn't say no to a party so I tagged along but that was a mistake and poor seulgi I dragged her around and now she won't even look or talk to me" the girl pouted looking at her friend next to her. I let out a laugh "That reminds me of a certain someone"I smirk glancing at kookie, he just clicked his tongue and took a sip of his drink pouting. 

"I'm joking quit being such a grump" I burst into laughter. 

(Jungkook's Pov)

I pout as jimin and his new female friend teases me, I couldn't help but look at the female devil next to me she looked quite irritated but you can tell she just wanted to leave this place and do something else such as shopping like she intended,

"I apologize for distracting your mission," I said to the sulking girl next to me.

"Oh no please don't apologize, this goof is at fault she's a party animal and she can't help but dart headfirst the minute she hears a party in a sentence even if it was a birthday party" the girl laughed, 

"Right, so...." I said not being able to save the conversation,

"I hear our teacher is quite the gentlemen its shocking that they didn't fire him the first day due to being late but he kept apologizing about it, his spiritual being is an angel too. Which is cool I guess but he's nice a little too nice. When a girl asked if he had a girlfriend he said no but then he said he did have a crush on one of the staffs from the class down the hall from us and of course, right away I knew he was talking about Kim Namjoon the math teacher" Seulgi spoke sprinkling some salt on a spoon on our table.

"Is that so?" I replied intrigued by the topic.

"Yes, I personally don't try to get in between one's love but its intriguing to see the outcome of messing around but of course Irene is always partying and don't seem to be interested in something like that? perhaps you may be interested maybe someone else?" she said smiling lightly,

"Uh...i may know someone who'd be interested in something of the sort actually make that two people," I said with taehyung's evil antics in mind and Jimin next to me.

"who?" seulgi questioned now interested.

"Do you know Kim taehyung?" I said cringing a bit at the name, the fact I have to actually talk to the jerk sends shivers up my spine.

"Yes? the angel of Min Yoongi, they are such polar opposites".

"Well the very thought of that drives the dude to be reckless it's shocking thinking he's an angel but I think he wouldn't mind tagging along in your scheme, Jiminie here loves to be cupid too" I pointed at the doofus next to me having a drinking challenge with Irene.

"Great see if you can talk to him, while Irene and I talk seokjin-hyung into spilling the beans then when I give you the signal of it A-ok you can befriend if you haven't already Namjoon-Hyung into getting to know Seokjin-hyung," Seulgi said with a joyous grin plastered on her face.

I Laughed before replying "deal" shaking her hand.

We then stopped our human from getting completely wasted before explaining the situation to them, to my delight jimin was ecstatic about the plan because now he could be cupid for once.

I apologize if I'm jumping back and forth with 3rd person Pov and the Pov of the characters, its just I'm used to being 3rd person Pov so bear with me, I'm also thinking of adding seulgi and Irene as main characters and making it so they are the best friends of the characters idk yet.

Kind of a filler fun chapter ~v~

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