Code: Mission Confession

104 7 0

Yoongi Pov

I woke up to a warm soft feeling against my chest and it hadn't registered in my brain that jimin stayed over last night, so when I looked down I realized it was him, but what I didn't realize was that we were late for school. The clock hand was right on 3 and it wouldn't have made sense to frantically get up and get ready if we only had 2 hours left of classes, normally I don't skip, but I was tired from yesterday's study session and then having to help a drunk jimin didn't help either. 

I got up from my bed and made my way to the kitchen for some breakfast or brunch since it was now the afternoon, but before I went there I flicked tae's forehead with the most powerful flick I can muster up,

"Ack! What was that for?!?" Tae complained rubbing his forehead, 

"getting jimin completely drunk, then passing out right after" I said walking away to set the stove,

"Well sorry but he was in such a down mood we talked and next thing you know we challenged each other to a drink off" Tae said making his way over to the counter,

"Your alarm didn't go off?" Tae asked stretching,

"No, I forgot to switch it" I mumbled,

Tae just nodded before biting into an apple and making his way into his room. 

"call me when brunch is done" Taehyung walked away,

I mumbled who said I was gonna make you food as well.


After breakfast was over I decided to lounge around since it was still early in the day, jimin had left in a hurry to who knows where so it was me and tae.

Jimin Pov

I hate to have crashed there then up and leave right after, but I wanted to actually go out and buy something for my confession to yoongi and I guess I could apologize and talk to kook as well since I left without saying a word. 

I thought to myself, was I rushing into things, we never actually had a great greeting we literally just went out partying that's it, but I don't want our relationship to be just friends with benefits now its a bit embarrassing now that I think about it, what does he even like? I sighed overthinking things isn't gonna work, I guess I should at least talk to kook first then go from there. 

After a long process of thinking up something I was already at the door of my apartment unlocking the door, there was kook who was just watching tv not giving a care in the world about who came in. 

"Im back..." I said,

"Oh. Welcome back." Kook said coldly,

Jungkook Pov

I should at least be a little nice since I was the reason jimin left, but I can't just admit I was wrong, but at the same time I am and I should just be honest instead of giving him the cold shoulder, after all he did nothing wrong but as me if I was ok.

I sighed before mumbling a apology.

"What?" Jimin replied not quite hearing me.

"I said, Im, sorry!" 

"oh..its no problem, you probably things on your mind I shouldn't have gotten upset," Jimin said rubbing his neck.

"No, you aren't at fault I guess I should've just took the help before going off on you like that, it was my were you?" I asked curiously,

"Oh, I just crashed at tae and yoongi's place, speaking of which, I need your see yoongi and I have been hanging for a while and well.....I thought maybe you could help me confess to him" jimin said with rosy cheeks,

I just stared blankly at what jimin just said not processing anything just yet,

"wait..let me get this straight? you like yoongi? and you want me to help you confess to him how?" I said puzzled,

"Oh my god kook, you're so dense, like help with getting something or like I don't know setting the mood I guess...this is my first love and well im new to all of this, you're the only other person I know who could help, like maybe talking to tae? to see what yoongi likes or something?" Jimin said now flustered at having to explain everything,

"Couldnt you just asked him before coming here?" I said bluntly,

"right...I just had a lot on my mind I guess and it never occurred?" jimin chuckled in embarrassment.

I sighed, "well if you're gonna confess? where are you trying to do it at? and how?" I asked setting the stage first before,

"well, I was thinking somewhere like at a park or maybe a cafe" Jimin answered,

"ehh..that's so boring" I flopped onto the couch,

"Well what do you think I should do" Jimin whined,

"Well for starters I feel like a date should be set, I mean its pretty cold to go to a park and what is there besides a cold lake and bare trees, you said a cafe, a cafe may work so that's set, you also mentioned something about bringing a gift, hm....maybe a watch, wait! actually no...uh..we'll just ask tae about that part" I said thinking aloud,

Jimin just watched, 


A knock was heard at the door after 5 minutes on a call with tae,

"Taehyung, thank god, sorry to bring you here when I just came from your place" Jimin apologized,

"Its no prob, so, what's the problem?" Tae said plopping himself next to me on the couch, I just scooted a little away from before explaining the situation.

"So..jiminie here likes yoongi and he wants to confess but he has no idea what yoongi likes, so you asked me to come to see if I have any ideas," Tae said repeating the say thing I just said,

"Yes, so.," I said annoyed,

"well you asked the right person, yoongi likes anything, the guy can never decide what he wants and in the end, I end up buying everything, he likes practically anything, something about the thought that counts which is pretty boring, but if I had to choose I guess a necklace? like a charm, or a couple necklace?" Tae said,

Jimin's face lit up before he abruptly stood up,

Thanks so much, tae! uh...would it be possible if you told him to meet me at the usual cafe also after telling him you guys can pick a couple charm right after, then meet me 10 minutes before yoongi and I meet up. 

"Wait you're doing it today?" I asked puzzled,

"Yea...why not, it's only 6, so why not?" Jimin said tilting his head a bit, 

I just sighed before getting up and preparing for our mission.

Short filler-ish. I start school tomorrow rip. back to another semester of working and school, of course, I'll be updating daily at least.

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