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It's been a month since Dean died. A month since I slept with his younger brother Sam and a month since our world was turned on its side.
Now I'm sitting my bathroom, holding the stick in my hand as my heart was beating out of my chest. I had been in here for about twenty minutes and I still don't have the guts to turn it right side up in my hand to see what the results say.
Finally I realized I can't hide from this and I can't just ignore it. I need to know. So I did it. I turned it over and I looked at the answer to the question that has been killing me for days.
I'm pregnant.

"Bobby, I really need to talk to you. It's important so please call me back." I've called Bobby about six thousand times now and he still isn't answering his phone. I can't get ahold of Sam either. This is so frustrating.
The was a knock on my apartment door and as Dean had always taught me, I was cautious. I looked through the little peep hole I had the landlord install and saw the surly old man I've been trying to get ahold of for two days.
I whipped the door open and yanked him in.
"Hey! Careful. I may not look it but I'm old." He laughed a little until he saw the expression on my face. "What is it? What's happened? Are the kids alright?"
"The kids are fine. DJ is out with a friend and Constance is with Lisa. She watches her for me on Thursdays. That's not it anyway. It's something else." I pulled Bobby over to the couch and sat down next to him, pulling the stick out of my back pocket, why I had it there, I'm not even sure. Maybe I knew subconsciously he'd show up today I don't know.
"Lucy this is positive."
"I know."
"You're pregnant. Is it Sam's?" I closed my eyes and groaned, holding back more than a few tears.
"I don't know, Bobby. I just don't know. I slept with Dean the night before he...but either one can be its father. Bobby what am I going to do?" He tried to comfort me.
"You need to call Sam. See if you two can figure this out. Do you know what you're going to do?"
"I'm keeping my child Bobby. And besides you know as well as I do that getting a hold of Sam is impossible. Getting him on the phone, I got a better chance of winning the lottery." He pressed his lips and gave a quick nod.
"Does Lisa know?"
"No one but you." He nodded and we both talked for a while about what to do.
"I have to pick Connie up. Do you want to come?"
"Of course. I miss the little thing."

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