Chapter twenty five

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"You need to get here now. They're not sure how long his going to hold up and you need to fill out some forms."
"Wait. Sam what is happening?" I asked, trying to make heads or tails of the current situation. He was barely making sense and I needed to know what was going on.
"Just...get here. I'll explain when you do." With that, he hung up. I was about to call back and yell but he sent me the address to the hospital so I ran for my room.

"Hey! What's going on? Where's Dean?" Lisa yelled, running into the room as I opened my closet.

"Hospital. Can you watch the little ones? I'm going to bring DJ with me this time." I explained as best I could while I got my bag together. I yelled for DJ and he came right in. I explained everything to him and he went to get his things.

"Do you think that's a good idea? Bring DJ with you?" I just nodded. "Lucy! He's thirteen."

"Yeah and about to lose his dad! Again!" I yelled. Lisa looked a little shocked at my outburst but I could see the understanding in her eyes. "You saw what it did to him last time. I can't let my son go through that again. So if there is even a little chance that Dean could...if he dies, I want DJ to have a chance to say goodbye." I explained calmly. She simply nodded, seemingly thinking something over. She suddenly rushed to the doorway of my room.

"Ben!" She yelled down the hall. "I'll watch the babies but take Ben with you too. That way he can say goodbye as well."

The drive was long and the weather was awful. We had to stop a few times as winds got too rough to keep going. But we made it, none the less. I parked the car and we ran inside. I asked the receptionist where he was and when she gave me the room number, I wasted no time getting to my husband.
"...and Uriel put him in there because you can't keep a simple devils trap together!" I heard Sam before I saw him. He was yelling at Castiel in the hallway.
"Sam!" I distracted Sam long enough for Cass to disappear quietly. Sam seemed pissed but I didn't care. I just wanted to see my husband and to find out what was going on.
"You brought the boys?" He asked, clearly not happy with my decision. Again, I don't care.
"Where is he? What happened?"
"Alistair happened. Cass and Uriel took him to "interrogate" him but he got loose and now Dean's here." Suddenly as we were talking, Dean's machines started going crazy and doctors and nurses were pushing us aside to get to him. I held on to Dj as Sam held Ben for they tried to run in the room as well.
Just as suddenly as they started, the machines stopped and I couldn't help tremors that racked my body. Nurses walked out, not saying a word to any of us, not even looking at us which scared me even more. The doctor was the last to come out.
"Are you Mr. Winchester's wife?" He asked me then. I nodded.
"Yes, I'm Lucy Winchester."
"Before you showed up, Mrs. Winchester, I was prepared to tell you to start thinking about making arrangements. He was in pretty terrible shape and I was sure he wasn't going to make it." He explained.
"And now?" I asked, voice barely over a whisper. He smiled slightly before continuing.
"And now, he's awake and you can go see him." He said, walking away with all the nurses. Sam took DJ's arm to keep him from following me in as I ran in the hospital room.
What I saw stunned me a little and stopped me in my tracks. Dean was connected to an oxygen machine, the tube attached to his nose, his face battered and bruised, but what struck me to the most, my husband was crying.
"Dean?" My voice wasn't very strong but he still hears me. He turned his face toward me and sighed, closing his eyes before turning away. He clearly didn't want me here but I didn't care. I needed to be here with him.
"Of course Sam called you. I should've known." He said. He didn't look at me again as I crossed the room to sit next to his bed. He let me take his hand, he even squeezes mind but he still didn't look at me.
"Of course. The doctors needed me to fill out forms. I'm your wife, the only one who legally can. Sam told me what happened. With Alistair. Are you alright?" He finally looked at me and sighed.
"I started the apocalypse."

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