Chapter four

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"Dean! Dean, stop!" I yelled, quickly pulling him off his younger brother. Bobby pulled me back and grabbed the boys himself, yelling and hollering as he did. Finally he got them apart and made sure they stayed separated before backing away to see if I was okay.
"What the hell Dean?" Sam was holding his chin as he looked dumbstruck at his brother. Dean seemed to be shaking as he looked back, seething with anger.
"Dean, I understand you're upset. I am too but his isn't really the time to be having an all out brawl with your brother." Bobby tried to reason and Dean only briefing looked at his father-figure. Sam's face was suddenly painted with confusion.
"Upset? Upset about what?" Dean just clenched his fists. Anger straightening his spine and radiating off his skin, reaching me from my position on the bed, sinking into me. It was my turn. I stood suddenly and put my hand on Dean's shoulder stopping him from going after his brother again. He looked down at me, suddenly reminding him that I was there and I stood between Dean and Sam. Sam now seeming to notice my presence at all. It seemed like realization hit him like a ton of brinks.
Or a slap to the face. From his sister-in-law.
"Is it true Sam?" Sam looked from me to his brother. "Did you sleep with her and leave?" Dean asked in a quiet voice. Sam looked between all of us and took a deep breath and pressed his lips before nodding. Dean nodded a couple times himself before suddenly decking him again. I had to duck out of the way to avoid being hit myself and Bobby again had to get me out of the way, pulling them apart.
"Dean enough!" He yelled. "We need to figure this situation out and we can't with you idjits going at like this." Dean came to stand by me and kissed my head, I could hear he was still breathing kind of hard and he was trying to calm down. I just snaked my arms around him and squeezed as tight as I could.
"Sam. Lucy and I have been trying to call you for months now." Sam took a deep breath before turning to Bobby to answer.
"I know. I head wasn't on straight. I was pretty messed up. I shouldn't have left like that and I am sorry but I needed space to figure things out and I guess I just felt I couldn't come back." Bobby just shook his head.
"What'd it cost?" Dean suddenly asked beside me. I looked up at him and he was looking straight at his brother.
"What'd what cost?"
"What did it cost to bring me back?" Dean took a step forward and I dropped my head in my hands. Not again.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Sam answered. Dean took another step and then another step and another one before he was right in front of his little brother.
"What so now I'm off the hook and you're on? Is that it? Huh?" He grabbed his brother's white shirt in his hands but Sam shoved his hands away.
"I tried everything alright. But no matter what I did no demon would deal." After a few moments of hard breathing and staring at each other, Dean finally nodded and turned to face me.
"Alright I believe you but this..." Dean gestured to the three of us, leaving Bobby out. "Is not over. We have got some many things to discuss."
"Dean not now. Can we at least get through DJs birthday. I mean that's kind of why we were at Bobby's in the first place. Then I'll take the kids back to Lisa's and we'll talk then. Okay?" Dean nodded and agreed to be civil until then.
I on the other hand am pregnant and emotional. So I stayed away from Sam as much as possible. I really didn't want to talk to him.

I drove the kids to Lisa's and sat her down to explain what was going on and the fact that I had to go back to Sioux Falls. She seemed to understand and to be honest she was a little confused but Dean can have that talk with her.
"Deej. Hey please listen to Lisa and do as she says. Help with your sister and do your homework. I'll call when I get in. There are things that I have to discuss with your father and your uncle. I'm sorry, I didn't know your father was coming back. I really didn't."
"I know mom. And I know about the baby too. The fact that it might be Uncle Sam's. I overheard you talking to Lisa about it. It just felt like you didn't want me to know." I looked at my son and realized that somehow he was slowly turning into a young adult. He's thirteen now. I shouldn't be hiding these things from him anymore. He can handle the truth now and he isn't the nine year old boy that called his father in the middle of the night because he was home alone and scared. He was actually growing up.
"Come here." I whispered as I pulled him into my arms. I held him tight and wished I could make time stop. But I couldn't. "When I get back. Me and you are going out. I don't care where. Dinner, a movie, anything you want." He began to open his mouth. "Within reason." He then closed it and we started laughing. I missed this. Just laughing with my son like there was nothing else to worry about. Like it was just the two of us again.

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