Chapter twenty four

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As time passed, Sam's secret became harder and harder to hide. He seemed fine but I hated lying to Dean. When he would catch me looking at him, he would give me a look and when Dean was out of earshot, he'd tell me he was fine. It was under control.
If it was under control, why was it a secret?

We've had Christmas, Jon's first. To say it was a success was an understatement. The older kids loved their gifts and we last minute got a few things for Jon. Not much seems as he's only a month old. Everything was perfect. Except for the fact Sam was MIA for most of the day. He was there when the kids opened presents and a little after that but then he disappeared for a few hours. He didn't show up until close to dinner. When dean asked, he didn't give much of an answer.
"Has Sam been acting a little weird to you lately?" Dean asked me as we did the dishes together. I just shrugged.
"What do you mean by weird?" I asked, nonchalantly. He took a deep breath and looked out the window that overlooked Lisa's backyard. I could tell this was really bothering him lately. He must have been thinking about it a lot.
"I mean...he just up and disappears without saying a word. He'll make phone calls but once he notices someone's within earshot, he hangs up. He's hiding something. I can tell. I'm not sure if it's got something to do with Ruby or not. He hasn't mentioned her recently." I knew then I should tell him about Sam's secret. That he's using some kind of drug but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
"I don't know baby. I mean, I have noticed the disappearing acts but other than that I haven't noticed much else." Dean nodded, excepting my answer. This is going to be harder than I thought.

"I'm sorry Dean. I wish I had met her. She sounds like she was a good person." I was sitting with Dean in our kitchen as he explained his last hunt. We promised after I found out about hell that we are not keeping secrets. Except the one I'm hiding about his brother.

"I just hate that it was because of us. Those demons were after Pamela because she was helping us." I took Dean's hand in both of mine and brought them to my lips, gently pressing a kiss his clenched fist.

"Someone's killing angels." We jumped up at the sudden sound of a new voice. We both turned to see Castiel and another man I've never seen before. Dean stood quickly, placing himself between them and myself.

"Seriously? We just got back from Pamela's funeral. You remember her, you burned her eyes out." The other man, a big, dark skinned man, just smirked at Dean as he spoke. He honestly scared me, he made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
"We understand it's a lot to ask but..."
"And we don't care." I was confused but I didn't have much time to be because suddenly they were gone.
And so was Dean.

"What do you mean he's gone?" Sam asked after I finally got a hold of him. He was standing in the living room having just walked in the door.
"I mean that we were in the kitchen talking and then suddenly there were two angels standing there. Then they all vanished into thin air. Sam he's gone." He nodded as I explained. He dragged his hand along the length of his face and looked off to the side before dropping his head and looking back at me.
"I'll take care of this. You stay with the kids and wait for my call. I'll get him back."
Then he was gone too.

I heard Jon through the baby monitor and set my book down to go see what he needed. It had been hours since Sam left to find Dean and I was beginning to get worried.
I got up to the nursery and walked over to the crib that held my son, crying. I gently picked him and started rocking him softly to comfort him.
"What's wrong Jonny baby?" I asked as he continued to cry. I then took him downstairs and headed to the kitchen to make him a bottle. Lisa was walking in the back door with the kids following behind her, DJ in the front followed by Connie, carrying a small bag that probably had a small pie in it (like father like daughter), and the line completed with Ben. The boys helping Lisa carry in groceries from the supermarket.
I finished making the bottle and started feeding Jon just as my phone started to ring. I politely but hastily handed Jon to Lisa, asking her to finish feeding him and told the boys to take Connie upstairs before answering the call.
"Sam? Did you..."
"Lucy Dean is in the hospital. You need to get here as quick as you can."

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