Chapter twenty eight

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I woke up to movement around the bedroom. I opened my eyes and when my sight adjusted to the darkness. I could see my husband rummaging around.

"Dean?" I mumbled, my voice still heavy with sleep. "What's going on?" I reached up to turn on the light and looked back to see his duffle bag in his hand, a shirt sticking out of it.

"I was going to call you from the road. Cass called. He said I needed to meet him, said it was important."

"He called you?" I asked, clearly not believing the angel knew how a phone works. Dean chuckled softly.

"Yeah, it was more of a dream. That's how he contacts me when he needs to. He said that he had something to tell me. I have to go." I just nodded and leaned forward to kiss him.
"Dean, you don't have to hide things from me. I wouldn't have been mad if you have to leave in the middle of the night." He smiled and leaned his forehead against mine.
"I just didn't want to wake you. Don't worry though. It shouldn't take too long, I'll be back in a few days." I nodded and smiled as he gave me a quick peck and was out the door. I hated when he left but I knew that it was important and he always comes back.

A few days passed and I felt my phone go off in my back pocket. I pulled it out and immediately answered, seeing that it was Dean.
"Hey, you coming home yet? I miss you."
"Sort of. Listen, I'm coming to pick you up and we're going to Bobby's. Don't worry about the kids, I already talked to Lisa and she's going to watch them until we get back."
"Is everything alright? What did Cass say?" I asked, suddenly worried.
"That's why I'm coming to get you. Just be ready in about a half hour." I agreed and hung up the phone. That was odd.

As promised, Dean showed up about a half an hour later and Sam was in the passenger seat so I climbed in the back. They both seemed quiet so I just kissed my husband's cheek and he drove away.
"How's the kids?" Dean asked me after about fifteen minutes of silence.
"DJ is still going to the library after school and he sat me down this morning to talk to me about going back to public schools. He thinks it will look better for colleges so I told him I'd talk to you." He nodded, still looking at the road.
"Deej is already thinking of college?" Sam asked, clearly confused. I just rolled my eyes and looked out the window. Dean looked over and nodded.
"Your nephew wants to be a doctor. You'd know that if you were around more." I had to force myself not to laugh at Dean for being so blunt with his little brother. I just continued to look out the window, making sure Sam couldn't see my smile. Sam just cleared his throat and looked away.
"What about the other three?" Dean asked, looking in the rear view mirror. I was still composing myself so I just took a deep breathe and looked up.
"Ben is doing great in school. Connie is talking nonstop, basically potty-trained, and has a very big attitude and Jon is awesome. He barely cries. He's so content, I can't believe it. He's got a doctors appointment next week." Dean smiled with pride hearing about all his kids. I could tell he was beaming when I talked about them while Sam just looked out the window. He had definitely changed over the last year and I knew then it was time I told
Dean no matter what I promised Sam.

When we got to Bobby's, dean told me to stay in the living room while they went to the basement. I was wondering why they told me to come along when Dean was just going to have me wait here. They've been down there for a few minutes before I started hearing yelling. I heard Sam yelling for Dean and Bobby but neither one said a thing. At least not that I could hear.
I heard footsteps coming up the stairs from the basement and I stood when they both came around the corner. Dean looked at me, clearly angry but I could still see the fear he was holding back.
"How long have you known?"

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