Chapter eleven

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"His condition is a lot worse than we originally thought." Dr. Mullens explained. I couldn't believe it, DJ wasn't waking up.
"How so?" Dean asked, needing the same answers I did. My chest hollowed as I momentarily forgot how to breathe until the baby started to kick.
"Well, we concentrated on the bleed, it was so small, we didn't notice another bleed from his stomach. We have to go in again to fix it and pray this is the last one. After this, he won't survive another surgery." I dropped my head in my hands and sobbed. My baby may die? No. This wasn't right. He's only thirteen. His appendix just ruptured. There shouldn't be any bleeding, I can't believe this was happening.
"Do we need to sign anything?" Dean asked, pulling me into his arms. I could hear his voice crack and as I leaned against his chest, his heart was racing.
Dr. Mullens nodded and explained that he'd be back with the paperwork. I felt Dean nod and he left the room. Dean and I needed a minute.
"Hey." He whispered as I cried into his chest. "We'll get through this. I promise he'll be okay."
"And if he's not?" I asked.
"We'll cross that bridge when we get there."

The third surgery is when everyone showed up. Bobby and Sam made the trip and Lisa brought Ben. Her friend was watching Connie for us so she could be here. Lisa came over and hugged me as I cried again.
"Its going to be alright, Lucy. I promise it's going to be okay." She whispered. Sam was awkward around me but he hung around his brother and kept reassuring him as Lisa did me. This just wasn't happening.

We've been here for almost two hours, waiting on any word about DJ. It was agonizing and I could barely stand it. I basically had no finger nails left and Dean just kept pacing in front of me. Bobby and Sam were sitting against the wall in chairs that some nurses had brought for them. Lisa was laying across the window seat, Dean's jacket over her face so she could sleep a little. Ben was sitting on the floor in front of her.
"This is taking too long. They've been in there twice before, they shouldn't have as much trouble the third time."
"Dean, please." I said, not needing to hear that. I didn't want to think about my thirteen year old son under the knife for a third time. This wasn't right.
"I'm sorry. I just..."
"Mr and Mrs. Winchester?" Dr. Mullens came in then and suddenly everyone was at attention.  "May I speak with you for a moment?" We both nodded and Dean helped me stand and we followed the doctor outside the room.
"How's DJ"? I asked as soon as the door closed. He asked us outside, away from everyone, that can't be good. Dr. Mullens took us to an area with chairs and little people. This so isn't good.
"He's stable now. When we went in, there was more of a bleed than we thought and we did what we could to get it under control."
"What...what does that mean? You did what you could?" Dean asked before I could.
"It means things aren't good. Obviously with surgery there are risks and somehow DJ fell under that. When we took his appendix out, we must have nicked a few places that we couldn't see. Unfortunately these things happen. Now, we can make him comfortable for now but..."
"Wait." I yelled, interrupting him. "Make him comfortable? You mean that he's..." I couldn't finish it.
"I'm so sorry. We did everything we could. But ultimately yes. He's bleeding still and there is nothing we can do to stop it. We've tried everything. I say he has about forty-eight to seventy-two hours." I lost my breath. My son is going to die and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Nothing.
"But he's...he's only thirteen years old. This isn't...he can't..." Dean took my hand and squeezed it as hard as he could.
"I want to take him home. My son isn't dying in a hospital. It's not happening."

After much fighting with the doctors and even their lawyers, we ended up taking DJ home. We laid him in his bed and did everything the hospital told us to do. Machines and medications he needed, everything. Dean and the others went downstairs, none of them able to see DJ this way. But I couldn't walk away. I'm his mother. I'm staying with him.

After the first day, I say alone and watched as my son's chest rose and fell, wondering if it was going to be the last time. He never woke up and I was going crazy. Finally I had an idea.
"Here goes nothing." I said, standing from my chair. I looked at the ceiling and called a name, just one name that may have been our only hope.

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