Chapter fourteen

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DJ has been awake for a full day now and everyone was over the moon. Bobby didn't know yet because he was on a job helping his friend and a fellow hunter, Rufus with a job. Honestly, we didn't want to tell him over the phone, we figured it would be an awesome surprise for him.
Sam came and saw his nephew but didn't say a word to us. Apparently he was still a little pissed at us. I really didn't care. DJ is alive and awake and that's all I can ask for right now.
The phone rang and I went to grab it seems I left my phone sitting on the dresser across the room.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Mrs. Winchester?" It was the doctor who did our test.
"Yes, this is she?" I said, looking at Dean. He stood, seeming to know who I was talking to.
"Good morning, I was just calling to let you know that your test results came in. Did you have time to stop in today?" He asked.
"If course. We can be there today."
"Okay, how about in an hour?" I told him that we would be in and hung up the phone.
"The test results came in today. He said to be there in an hour." He nodded and went to change his clothes. I looked to DJ and saw he was smiling a little.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing. Just let me know if I've got a sibling or a cousin as soon as you know." He laughed a little at that.
"Haha. You think you're so cute don't you?" I laughed with him and turned to see Dean in the doorway waiting for me. He looked nervous, kind of afraid.
"Dean, relax. I'm nervous too but either way, you walk out of this a father. Remember that." I said in a hushed voice.
"Yeah but I'd actually like to be it's father. Not his uncle pretending to be his father." He answered. I took a deep breath.
"Hey there aint nothing wrong with that." Bobby said walking in with a couple grocery bags and looking a little worse for wear.
"Grandpa Bobby, please tell me something in that bag is for me." Bobby looked a little shocked to see DJ sitting up but he smiled a huge smile and walked over to him after handing us the bags. Dean took the ones I was holding and set them down as Bobby hugged DJ.
"Hey we have to go to the doctors but we'll be back soon. He is not allowed out of bed until tomorrow." Dean said before pulling me out of the room. I quickly changed and we were out the door.

Once we made it to the doctors office, we sat for a good twenty minutes seems as though we were extremely early for our appointment. Finally, they called for us to come back and we waited in our doctor's actually office. Dean seemed very nervous, he was bouncing his leg and every once in a while I watched him bring his hand down his face. I simply reached over and took his hand in mine. He tensed at first but then relaxed as I rubbed my thumb across it.
Finally about five minutes later, the door opened and the doctor came in with a folder in his hand. He placed it on his desk before taking a seat.
"Alright. Mr and Mrs. Winchester. I know you're anxious about this. I was able to get it back a couple days early for you so, here it is. I haven't read it, the envelope is still sealed. I like to give my patients their privacy in these cases. So here you are." He handed us an envelope with my name on it. I took it from him and just looked at it, afraid of the answer sealed inside.
"I also like to give my patients the option to take the test results home to open. I feel that maybe easier to do. You don't have to do this here." I looked to Dean and thought that that may be a good idea. He nodded once to me and we thanked our doctor before leaving.

Once we got home, we were swarmed with questions that we didn't have the answer to yet. We didn't open the results yet and honestly, I was afraid too. I suddenly didn't feel the need to know who the father is and I could possibly live with not knowing but I knew Sam and Dean couldn't. And it wasn't fair to keep them in the dark about this.
"We haven't opened the results yet guys. We're going to do that upstairs. Just give us a minute." With that, they all quieted down and cleared a path to the bedroom. "And we said you were to stay in bed, Deej." I said as we passed him going up. He just kind of laughed it off and followed us up. He went to his room and closed the door as we went to ours. I sat down and held the envelope in front of me, visably shaking as the fear started to show in my tears. I wanted to know, needed to know but suddenly knowing felt painful. Someone was going to be hurt by this and I never wanted this. Part of me wishes I could take that night back, go back and stop it from going that far but another part tells me that if I did that I may not have ended up pregnant and as much as I may regret that night, I will never regret my child. I love my baby no matter who the father is.
"Do you want me to?" Dean asked, standing in front of me. I just looked up at him, looking as stoic as always, no emotion on his face so I couldn't read him.
"What if it's not you?" I whispered, my voice shaky. He brought a hand to my cheek and gently whipped the tears away. He then leaned down and brought his lips to mine. Kissing me softly, letting me know this is all going to be okay.
"We'll deal with it then but we'll never get there if we don't open it." He was right. I had to open it. I looked down at the white paper with my name on it and slowly turned it over. I took the paper between my fingers and tore it slowly. Finally the envelope was completely open and I could see the paper inside. The paper that would tell me in Dean's DNA was a negative or positive match to my child.
I took a deep breath as I slowly pulled it out, opening it.
"You're killing me here, babe. Give me that." Dean took the paper from my hand and opened the paper fully, looking for the piece of information needed.
It was an agonizing minute or two before he finally looked up at me with an expression that I couldn't read. An expression that I had hoped would tell me what I wanted to hear but it didn't tell me anything. There was nothing but a look that could mean anything.

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