Chapter eight

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Sam definiently said things I honestly wasnt expecting. I'm not sure what I wanted but I know that if this baby had been his, I wanted him to at least want it. He may see the issues that came with him being the baby's dad and realize it was better that Dean raise it but not to even want it? I wasnt expecting that and it did hurt to have him say that to me.

"Lucy? Are you alright?" Dean asked as he rubbed circles along my back. I just sat there holding my stomach, wishing that what Sam had just said wasnt true.

"Let's just get DJ home." I said, standing. He took a minute but finally he just took a deep breath and took my hand, leading me out the door to the car where our son is waiting for us.

Once we got back home, I called and made an appointment about getting a paternity  test done. I hated the idea of putting Dean through this but I needed to know.

Lisa handed me my baby as soon as I walked in the door and she giggled as I pressed my nose to her cheek, kissing her before I pulled away. I handed her to Dean and he cried. He saw back in Sioux Falls but not much and now he was holding her and paying all his attention to her. He had a moment, not worrying about monsters at the moment. It was just him and his daughter. Suddenly I wanted another boy so Connie didn't have to share this part of her father with a sister. He was so different with her than he was with Ben and DJ.

"Come inside guys." Lisa said, laughing a little. She was still shocked by Dean's sudden return and it showed on her face. Ben and DJ were both standing inside the door, watching us adults.

"We will but right now we have an appointment to get to." I said, smiling at the woman who has become my best friend. Dean handed over Connie to Lisa and suddenly pointed to the boys.

"They're both grounded." He said, Ben looked shocked.

"What did I do?" He asked.

"You gave him the money." And with that, we left. As we got into the Impala, we could hear Lisa disciplining the boys.

"Alright, you're about four months pregnant, going on five. We can test your blood and match it with a potential father. During pregnancy, the baby's fetal cells are in the mother's blood, making it non-invasion and easy to test the potential father." The doctor explained to us as we sat across from him at his desk. Dean took my hand and squeezed it.

"When can we do it?" I asked, suddenly. Dean looked over at me and I could see he was a little shocked but he knew what I did, we needed to know this.

"We can do it now if you'd like. The results come in about a week, maybe a little longer depending on the lab and when they come in, my office will give you a call." Dean and I both agreed and soon enough, we both got our blood drawn for the test and it was sent out.

"Alright, you both all set and like I said, when the results come in, we'll give you a call." We thanked him and left, now feeling more anxious than I was. I just wanted to go home. I wanted this to be over so we finally had the answer we were dreading.

We got back to the house and Dean quickly scooped up Connie and she started laughing.

"My little girl. I can't believe how big you've gotten." He said, kissing her cheek. She giggled, feeling his stubble scratch her face. I couldn't believe how much I missed seeing him with our kids, with Connie. It was unbelievable. He was such a good dad and he always took care of them. Yeah, he went away a lot of the time but he always came back within a few days and he never left his kids wondering where he was. Not like John did.

"Baby, are you okay?" Dean asked suddenly, holding Connie against his hip, rocking her a little bit. I nodded and that's when I felt the tears on my cheeks.

"I just missed you." I answered, my voice quiet. He smiled and quickly came over to me, kissing me softly.

"I missed you too." He whispered.

"Mama!" Connie yelled out, causing us all to jump. Dean looked down at her and laugh, he hadn't heard her speak before. He was all over it, jumping around, dancing, laughing with out daughter and it was honestly the best thing I have ever watched.

I found DJ in his room and knocked on the door slightly. He looked up and barely acknowledged my existence. He went back to whatever he was doing. I walked in anyways and looked around.

"You've done a lot with this place, Deej. It looks great."  I said, looking at the posters he put up of bands that he liked, movies, there was even a poster with some kind of werewolf, vampire thing. There was a bookshelf and when I walked over to it, I saw that there was a lot of lore books. They seemed to be organized but I couldn't really see how, maybe Dean would know. The first book on the shelf was leather bound, light brown in color and clearly warn. I took it from its place and opened it, realizing what it was. It was John's journal.

"Deej, does your father know you have this?" I asked, holding it out so he could see what I was talking about. He looked up, seeing what was in my hands.

"No, I took it out of his duffle when you came home after he..." I nodded so he knew I understood. He didnt have to say anymore. I simply set it back down and sat next to him on the bed. He moved over, taking his current book with him. I looked at the page he was on and saw that it was about vampires.

"Dean, you do know why you can't help right? Why your dad said no? We're not trying to treat you like a child or anything, we just want you to have a good life and a life filled with monsters and demons isn't one you want. Look at everything your father has been through because of it. He lost his parents, he lost your uncle once which caused what happened to him. Do you really want that?" I asked. He finally closed his book and sat up.

"What about the good he does? He saves so many people's lives because he does this. What is so wrong with that?"

"There isn't, DJ. He does a lot of good but sacrifices so much more for it. You want to help people? You can do that. Be a cop, or fireman. Hell, you can even be a doctor. Do something that means something Deej, but do it the right way." DJ nodded and wrapped his arms around me. "Oh, and you're paying your brother back that money you took." I said after he let go. He groaned sat back on his bed.

"Lunch is almost ready so wash up and be downstairs in ten minutes."  I said, walking out of the room.

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