Chapter thirty

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Reluctantly, Dean went back to Sioux Falls. He needed to face his brother and it was definitely taking its toll on him. I couldn't imagine what he was feeling when he walked out the door.
"Mom, is every thing okay?" DJ asked me. I simply nodded, watching the door my husband just walked out of.
"Yeah. It will be."

Sam has run off. He was somehow let loose and he ran right to Ruby. Apparently she's been feeding him the demon blood this entire time, turning him into some kind of junkie. This has just been one huge nightmare I wish I could fix.

Dean is gone. Bobby called and explained that he was talking to Dean and he literally just vanished. This was ridiculous. Obviously the big showdown with Lilith is about to happen and both brothers are MIA. This can't be happening.

I heard nothing. From anyone and the stress was starting to get to me. Lisa seemed to notice and tried to get me to relax.
"They'll both turn up, Luce. They have too." I wanted to believe her but that wasn't the only thing bothering me. It was just one of three. The others were one: are Sam and Dean going to be able to mend their crumbling relationship? And two: will they do it in time to save the world?

I was sitting on the couch, biting my thumb nail, trying to stay calm as there still wasn't any word on the boys and it's been over a day. Ben And DJ were off somewhere and the babies were sleeping. That was when Lisa came running in.
"Turn on the news." I just sat forward on the couch and grabbed the remote, turning the television on to the first news station I could find. It was a news report about a bright beam of light that shot into the sky almost causing a plane full of people to crash.
"They didn't do it." I whispered. Lisa looked down at me as I stood and walked to my bedroom. I closed the door as I heard her calling after me but I just stood at the end of my bed, suddenly panicked. One of two things has happened; I lost my husband again. Or they simply failed to stop Lilith.

I called Bobby but he hasn't heard from the boys yet and I was now a nervous wreak. Ben And DJ are now home so I locked myself in my room. Lisa said she'd handle the little ones until we knew what was going on. I heard the front door open and close so I figured out it was just Lisa until I heard the boys.
"DAD!" I stood from my bed and whipped the door open to see Dean hugging his boys. I was frozen in my place and I just looked on as he realized I was present. He let go of them and as quick as he could walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me.  I just cried as he held me.
"Thank god you're alright." I sobbed into his jacket. He just squeezed a little tighter before letting go. He gently pushed me back into the bedroom and closed the door behind us.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" I asked, laying across Deans bare chest, tracing circles with my finger tips. He was doing the same on my back as he pulled me closer to him. He took in a deep breath and kissed my forehead.
"Sam killed Lilith."
"That's a good thing right?" Dean shook his head.
"We thought so but apparently killing Lilith was the final seal that released Lucifer. I couldn't get to Sam in time to stop him. Turns out, Ruby knew this and was using Sam this whole time. Shocker there." I pulled myself onto my elbow, looking up to face Dean.
"Did you two fix things? I know it's been a little tense since you put him in the panic room but please tell me you two are trying reconcile." I asked. He simply nodded.
"He chose her over me. How do we begin to fix that?"
"By forgiving." I kissed him as he smiled up at me.
"How did I ever get a girl like you to even look at me?" I smiled back and went to get up to get dressed.
"I just have low standards." He laughed slightly as he moved on the bed.
"Oh is that so?" He then grabbed my wrist and pulled me down onto the mattress, tickling me.
"Okay! Okay, uncle uncle!" I yelled as he continued. We both laughed until we were out of breath and he leaned down to kiss me again, soft and slow.
"So should I even bother getting dressed?" I asked, still laughing.
"Uh no. Get over here." He pulled me up and I started laughing again. The world maybe ending but right now, we are genuinely happy and I wanted to hold on to that for just a little bit longer.

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