Chapter twenty seven

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"Sam still isn't home. So I'm going. I'll call him from the road." Dean said as he slung his bag over his shoulder. We haven't talked much since our fight yesterday and now he's leaving to go hunt. I know, perfect timing. He said his goodbyes to the kids and walked out the door without another look to me.
"Mom, is everything alright?" I heard DJ ask, holding Connie in his arms. She was giggling at absolutely nothing which was adorable as hell.
"Yeah." I said as I took a deep breath. "Me and your dad are just having a fight that's all. It's nothing to worry about. I'm going to talk with him when he gets back." I felt like I wasn't as reassuring as I meant to be but he accepted it just the same. I smiled before standing and kissing his forehead. That was when I noticed that he was almost as tall as me.
"Hey. Stop growing." I said with a small laugh. He simple laughed before wrapping his free arm around me.
"I'll do my best mom. But I make no promises." I took my daughter from him and laughed as I told him to go play video games.
"Actually mom, I'm going to the library. I was just coming to ask if that was okay." I looked down at DJ skeptically as he just looked back, unfaltering to my accusing gaze.
"No supernatural stuff. Got it?" He simply nodded and left.

A few weeks go by and Dean still won't talk to me and he really hasn't come home either. He just keeps finding jobs to work and keeps going. He won't answer my calls, only DJ's or Ben's so I had an idea.
"Deej, I need to see your phone." I said as pleasantly as I could so my son didn't think he was in trouble.
"Because your dad won't answer mine. Give me." I answered, holding my hand out. He rolled his eyes but placed it in my hand none the less.
"That's a little childish mom."
"I'm the mom. I get to be childish sometimes." I said as I dialed Dean's phone number and placed it to my ear. I heard it ring a few times before he finally answered.
"Deej, this isn't really a good time. Can I..."
"Dean it's me." Silence. I was actually afraid he hung up. "Look Dean I'm sorry but I couldn't get you to talk to me any other way." I heard a sigh on the other end as I sat on the couch.
"I understand that babe but honestly this really isn't a good time. But I am coming home once we finish up what we're doing right now I promise. We can talk then." I smiled a little at the nickname. Maybe he wasn't as mad as I thought.
"Okay. I'll see you soon then." I answered.
"Alright." I was about to hang up when I heard him speak again. "And Lucy."
"I love you."
"I love you too."

When Dean came back, I was a little shocked to see Sam with him. DJ was happy to see him but Connie kind of kept her distance. He hasn't been around much and I think she's starting to notice that. She ran right to her father though, who scooped her right up into his arms and squeezed her as hard as he was able.
"Daddy! Ouchie." She said in her adorable baby talk. He quickly let her go and smiled a sad smile I knew too well. Just then Jon started crying. Dean was quick too go up and help. I watched as he climbed up the stairs and slowly followed behind. I watched as DJ began helping Connie with her little puzzle and went up the stairs, watching Dean with our son, he hushed him gently as he rocked him before walking over to the changing table and started changing his diaper.
"Alright. Hamper with that outfit. Man, what is your mama feeding you when I'm gone?"
"Same as the other two." I said from the doorway. "Well formula has changed since Deej was a baby so it may be different now. I honestly have no idea." I got Dean to laugh a little but he was still off.
"Dean I'm sorry about the fight. I shouldn't have..."
"No." He stopped me, finally looking up to me. I moved from my spot in the doorway and got Jon a onesie from the dresser he shares with Connie. I brought it over to Dean where he grabbed me suddenly and kissed me. There was so much passion behind and so much yearning that it worried me a little. When he let go, I couldn't breathe. It's been a while since he kissed me like that. I looked from him to the baby and noticed that he held him gently so he wouldn't fall.
"Are you alright?" I asked, voice a little shaky. He shook his head and turned back to Jon. Getting him dressed. He didn't say anything until he had him back in his crib. He braced himself against the rail as his hands squeezed the wooded structure. I sat down on Connie's toddler bed and waited for him to talk.
"Adam Milligan." Was all that he seemed to be able to say.
"Was he from your last hunt?" Dean nodded, still not looking at me. "What is it? I haven't seen you this affected by a job since Alistair."
"It was a ghoul job." He said before turning to me, I held my hand out, wanting him as close to me as humanly possible. He took it and sat next to me, wrapping his arms around me.
"What happened, baby?" I whispered into his chest. He took a deep breath and continued.
"A boy called one of dad's old phones. His name was Adam and he was asking for him specifically. We asked who he was, he said he was John's son. I didn't believe him. God I didn't believe him but when we showed up, he has pictures and stories. Dad took him to freaking baseball games." I nodded. So Dean had another little brother. I can see now why he was so upset about this. There was definite jealousy coming from my husband though he'd never admit it.
"Anyway Sam and I tried to find his mom who had suddenly gone missing. We found her. Dead of course but what we weren't expecting was his "mom" to show back up and attack us. Well attack Sam. I was off trying to find clues elsewhere. That's when I found...I found Adam had been dead the entire time. We never actually met our brother, just the ghoul wearing his face. They almost killed Sam. I mean he had lost a lot of blood. But we got them and now here we are. Another family member dead." He just ran his hand over his face and took a deep breath.
"Dean you can't save everyone. Not even your family but you still have me and you still have the kids and Sam."
"Yeah. The guy who did nothing but fight with me the entire time on if the kid should learn to hunt. I was completely against it but Sam said he had to learn. He's off. Something is definitely different about my brother and I need to find out what it is." I just look at my hands and stood, not wanting to talk about this. Even I could see Sam was different. What every I saw him take that day five months ago is getting seriously worse.
"So I snooped in our son's room the other day. I found something you might want to see." I said, Dean looked up, suddenly worried. 
"Whatever you found, its not mine." He said, putting his hands up. I laughed a little.
"Oh I know it isn't yours." I pulled a pamphlet out of my back pocket. "I noticed he's been going to library a lot over the last few months and I was beginning to get suspicious. I thought, him being your son he may be lying. No offense."
"Some taken, go on."
"So I went to his room and I found this." I handed Dean the pamphlet and waited as he read over it.
"Lucy, this is an information guide. On medical school. Are you sure this is DJ's?" I nodded.
"I found it under his mattress. He also has scholarship applications. Dean, he's serious about this." He read it over for a few more minutes before looking up at me.
"Do you want to talk to him?" He asked as he handed it back to me. I nodded before taking his hand and pulling him after me. We went downstairs and found the kids were all watching some cartoon.
"Hey Deej, can we talk in the kitchen for a second? Please" I said as we stood in the doorway. He looked at us, worried that he was in trouble. He stood and slowly followed us in to the kitchen and dean got us each a pop before sitting down.
"I don't drink my one pop until dinner, dad."
"We're gifting you this one. Don't tell your brother." We laughed as he nodded. Dean found it hilarious at I still have the one pop a day rule. It wasn't really a rule anymore now that he's older, he was just so used to it by now that he just did it.
"Thanks. What did I in trouble?" He asked, looking between the two of us.
"I don't know. You tell me?" He looked guilty for a second so I was beginning to think he did do something wrong.
"Okay. Lisa told me I couldn't go out yesterday but I was just going to the library I swear so I snuck out and made Ben cover for me." I looked over at Dean who stifled a laugh.
"Okay we're coming back to that but that is not why we wanted to talk." DJ looked a little peeved but moved on none the less. "I found this in your room the other day." I put the pamphlet on the table and slid it over to him. He took it in his hands and read it before looking up at us.
"Are you mad?"
"Dean why would we be mad about this? This is a great thing. Something that your father and I encourage. I'm glad you found something you're interested in and what to pursue. Is this why you keep going to library?" He nodded.
"Deej we're proud of you." Dean said and at that DJ seemed to beam. We let him go play video games but did tell him tomorrow he was grounded from them since he snuck out.

"Man. My son wants to be a doctor. Who would've thought." Dean was so filled with pride it completely turned his mood around.
"I know. My parents would be so proud." I said, folding laundry that was left on our bed. With that Dean looked back at me.
"You know what, I've been back seven months and you haven't talked about them once. Not even when Jon was born."
"That's because they don't even know Jon exists." Dean stood then, taking the shirt I had out of my hands and forced me to look up to him.
"What happened?" He asked. I took a deep breath and took the shirt back.
"There's more than one reason why I chose to live with Lisa after you died." He took the shirt again, getting on my last nerve. "Give me that."
"When you tell me what happened." I looked down at my hands and felt tears fill my eyes for the first time since I last saw my parents.
"Fine." I whispered. I looked up and Dean wiped a stray tear as he handed the shirt back. "It was about a week after you died and I finally had myself together enough to leave Bobby's. I packed up the kids and started for home. Hoping my parents would be sympathetic. Man was I wrong. When I got there, I knocked on the door and my father answered. He knew something was up, I was still crying for Pete's sake. I had told DJ to stay with Connie in the car while I talked to them.
"I sat down in the living room and he went to get mom. I waited and as I waited, I continued to cry. I saw a box of Kleenex on the table and took some to clean my face a little. I was a mess but I didn't have to look like it. So my parents walk in and you know them, looking down at their screw-up of a daughter. My father looked me dead in the face and said 'so he finally left you, didn't he? We told you this would happen.' I was so shocked, I couldn't even form words. They waited for me to answer and when I didn't my mother continued. 'I guess that's our answer. I told you, he left you once, he'll do it again.' Finally I had enough anger built up, I could think. When I told them you died, they didn't even look ashamed at the assumption they had made. They just went on to say that I was stupid for selling the house and that they weren't a boarding house. I wasn't to bring the kids. We couldn't stay there. I made my bed, I must now lie in it. These were my consequences for marrying you. I was so angry I couldn't even tell them to fuck off. I simply stood and said I was never coming back." Dean was holding me as I told the story that still breaks my heart.
"I'm sorry that happened. I wish things hadn't turned out the way it did. I wish I could change it. Fix things with them." I shook my head, pulling away.
"No. I don't ever want to see them again." He simply nodded. "You know, they weren't always like this. When I found out about DJ, yeah they were disappointed and definitely didn't like the fact I let you off the hook, even blamed you, but they loved their grandson. But something changed over the last few years and I'm unable to figure it out."
"I came back." He answered the question without hesitation. "They changed when I came back and married you. Then I proceeded to knock you up again. They hated me then and they hate me now. For stealing their little girl." I just looked up at Dean and realized he was right. I was their only child and Dean took me away.
"That doesn't give them the right to turn me away when I needed them the most."
"No it definitely doesn't. But we're better off without them. And so are the kids. All they would do is turn them against me anyway." He explained, causing me to smile.
"Dean Winchester, I love you." He kissed me then.
"And I love you."

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