Chapter twenty nine

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"What?" I asked, not nearly as clueless as I was letting on.
"About Sam's problem. How long have you known? He already told me you knew so don't lie about it." I just sighed. I knew this was it and I couldn't lie about it anymore. I had to fess up.
"Since Jon was born. When he took me back to the hotel to get cleaned up, I came out to the car to see him taking something but I don't know what it was. He didn't tell me and honestly I didn't ask. He told me he had it under control and I..."
"And you believed him?"
"Of course not. I knew that he didn't but I also promised not to tell you. He said he was going to and that I believed. I know I shouldn't have and I'm sorry but I was literally about to tell you about it when you said you were coming to get me. I promise." He just looked at me, anger even more evident on his face.
"Bobby can I have a moment with my wife please?" He didn't even turn to face him and Bobby looked to me sympathetically before turning to walk away. Once he was upstairs, Dean dropped his arms and took a step forward, now leaning against Bobby's desk.
"That's not what I am mad about, Lucy. I don't care about that because it wasn't your secret to tell. I mean yeah, I'm upset you didn't tell me but what really is grinding my gears right now is that not that long ago, you were standing in our bedroom yelling at me about keeping secrets when all the while you were keeping one of your own. You've been on my case since I got back about keeping secrets when you've keeping one about my brother's well being all to yourself. Did you honestly thing I'd be okay with that?" I simply dropped my head. I didn't have a response for him. He had a pretty good point and I couldn't even find it me to fight back because I knew I was wrong.
"I'm so sorry. I had realized it had escalated this bad until recently. I know I screwed up here. I should have been honest with you from the jump but I wasn't. Baby I'm sorry." He looked at me, still upset with me and pushed off the desk before walking out of the room. I heard the front door open and slam closed before a saw Bobby walk in.
"I didn't mean for..."
"Hey this is between you and Dean. I'm not getting in the middle of marital issues but he's right, you should have told him. You can't yell at him for the same thing that you're doing yourself." I just nodded before walking into the kitchen.

I made dinner for everyone with what I could find in the kitchen. Bobby didn't seem to have anything other than ground meat so I made meatloaf.
I was finishing up when Dean came home. He walked into the kitchen and just looked at me. He was clearly still upset and he had every right to be. I tensed as he walked over to me but relaxed when he simply wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.
"I'm really sorry, Dean. How bad is it?" I asked, hoping he'd talk to me.
"Bad. He's spiraling and I can't think of any other way of helping him. He's got to quiet cold turkey."
"What is it? What is he taking?" I asked, a little afraid to know the answer.
"Demon blood." I pulled away, my eyes wide.
"That's a thing?" I asked, suddenly scared for my brother-in-law's life. Dean simply nodded and pulled me back. I could hear Sam was still yelling for someone to let him out but for the most part he was pretty quiet.
"How are we going to fix this one?" I asked. I felt Dean take a deep breath.
"I don't know. I just don't know."

It's been days and finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I asked Dean to take me home. He agreed, telling Bobby to keep an eye on his brother. Now we've been on the road for a few hours.
"Lucy, I got to ask you. Do you think I'm doing the right thing?" I looked over, stunned he would even ask me that.
"Dean, you have to help your brother. If it means that you have to lock him in a panic room, so be it." He took my hand and kissed it.
"Thank you." He smiled to me and we drove in comfortable silence for a while.

"Mom, what's going on? Where's Uncle Sam?" DJ was the first to start asking questions. Dean helped me bring my one bag in. I just think he needed a break as much as I did. He was taking his time going back.
"Everything is fine. He's at Grandpa Bobby's and he'll be back soon. I promise."
"Mama! Dada!" Connie came stumbling up to Dean and me. Dean instantly changed his whole demeanor.
"Conniebug!" He started giving her kisses and raspberries, making her giggle uncontrollably. I went to check on Jon, finding Ben changing his diaper.
"Hey bud. You didn't have to do that. I was coming up to check on him now." He looked up and smiled.
"I don't mind. Honest. I kind of like having a little brother. Now I know why DJ thinks he's all cool and stuff." I laughed as I put my arm around Ben's shoulders.
"You're a good kid, Ben." He smiled up and finished with Jon's clothes. He looked up and saw me, giving me the cutest little smile ever. I don't know what's happening to Sam but I do know I have the best kids a woman could ask for.

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