Chapter thirty four

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As soon as Dean came home, me and the kids hit the road. I really didn't talk to him much, only because I didn't know what to say. He was a vessel? For an archangel? What was I supposed to do with that. I couldn't even fathom what he must be thinking, or feeling for that matter.
What I did notice though, is that when he came home, he was alone. Not understanding what was going on, Bobby asked where Sam was and I stood behind him with my arms crossed also very curious as to what had become of my brother-in-law.
"We went our separate ways. I can't trust him right now and he needs some time. This is how it's going to be for a while." I was shocked but I understood where they both were coming from.
Now I was on the freeway, driving along somewhere in South Dakota with a toddler, an infant, and a moody teenager. I smiled knowing that I had at least that in my life.
"What's that look for?" DJ asked me, taking his headphones off for the first time in about fifty miles.
"I was just thinking how much I love the three of you." He rolled his eyes. My phone rang and I noticed that Lisa was calling.
"Hey what's up?" I asked, putting the phone on speaker so I could drive without taking my hands off the wheel.
"Hey just wondering how things were going. I know it's a long trip."
"Believe me, I know but things are going good. The little ones are napping thank god and DJ is efficiently ignoring me and my music with his headphones. We're should be home by tonight, tomorrow afternoon the latest."
"Alright, well drive safe and call if you need anything."
"Will do. Bye." I waited for my music to start back up again and when it did, I turned it down. I was starting to get a headache and the noise was just adding to it.
"Mom, what happened to grandpa Bobby? Why is he in that wheelchair?" I looked to DJ and wondered if I should tell him the truth. He was definitely old enough to handle it but I still wasn't sure if I should. I mean he was almost fifteen he knows the life his father lives is dangerous. I took a deep breath as I made my decision.
"Deej, you know what your father and uncle fight. You've read grandpa's journal, you've heard the stories. A demon used grandpa Bobby's body to...manipulate them into getting what it wanted and it hurt him to do so." DJ look down in his lap as I explained. I could see the hurt in his expression though and I felt my heart break a little to have to witness it.
"Is he going to be okay, mom?" I nodded and continued down the road to home.

As the weeks passed, Dean made himself scarce. He was on hunt after hunt and Bobby would call to make sure we were good and let me know the boys were alive.
I found out that Sam had come back but only because he found he was Lucifer's vessel and they were both part of some bitch fight between the two angels.
"Mom!" I heard DJ yell from the living room. I ran in and saw that the commotion was nothing but excitement. I rounded the corner and almost tripped over my baby as he was stumbling around the living room. Somewhere between walking and crawling. I scooped him up in my arms and nuzzled me nose against his cheek and he giggled with excitement. I placed Jonny on my hip and smiled to my oldest.
"Did you get a video for your dad?" I asked. He held up his cell.
"Already sent. I even sent to to Uncle Sam and grandpa Bobby. Who says he would like a visit sometime soon." I smiled wider and kissed Jon's cheek.
"Where's your sister?"
"In her room I think. She wondered off a little bit ago." I nodded and walked up the stairs. I realized, as nice as it was to live with Lisa and Ben. The house was a little crapped. Between two babies and two teenagers, I think it's time Dean and I look for a place of our own.
I walked into the little ones room and looked around. I couldn't see Constance anywhere. I looked around in her usually hiding spots but I couldn't locate my daughter anywhere.
"Dean, are you sure she went this way?" I yelled down to DJ. He came to the bottom of the stairs.
"Mom, I watched her go up the stairs. She isn't in her room?" I started to panic.
"Check the basement and around the house. I'll check the bedrooms." I ran into my room and found nothing. DJ and Ben now share a room and she wasn't there either. She wasn't in Lisa's and she wasn't in the bathrooms.
"She's not done here. You didn't find her?"
"No. I'm calling your dad."
"Should I call the cops?"
"No. Not yet. I want to call your dad first." I ran to my purse and grabbed my cell. Calling Dean but not before telling DJ to call Lisa.
"Hello." I turned as I heard a new voice from behind me. Then I heard Dean answer his phone.
"Who are you? Where's my daughter?" Dean started asking questions but I wasn't listening to him. I was paying attention to the older man wearing a suit that shouldn't be in my living room.
"All you need to know is this. If your husband gives himself over to us, quickly, you can have your daughter back."

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