Chapter two

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"Dean? No this isn''s not possible. I watched you...that hellhound tore you to pieces in front of me. I know what I saw. You're dead. This isn't real." Bobby came forward and placed a hand on my shoulder, looking me in the eye. I shook my head and placed a hand on my stomach, still feeling the baby. Suddenly I was nauseated, I could feel the bile rising in my throat and I made a run for the bathroom.
"Lucy, wait." I heard Dean yell but I couldn't. I needed the toilet now and when I finally reached it, I threw the lid open and let out all the contents of my stomach.
Once I was finished, I was sobbing. A loud noise that in sure the boys heard. The door creaked open and I looked up to see Bobby standing there alone.
"Are you alright?" He asked softly. I shrugged.
"I guess I'm supposed to be. I mean this is every widows dream. I got my husband back. That is my husband right?" Bobby smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, let's go back out there and..."
"Knock knock." Its was Dean, coming to see if I'm okay. I pulled on my shirt, hoping to hide my tiny but still noticeable bump. Bobby cleared his throat and proceeded to help me stand as Dean walked fully into the small bathroom.
"I guess I'll leave you two to it then." Bobby said, pushing passed Dean, bumping him so I could see that he was real. My breath caught in my throat as the realization hit me, Dean is alive. He's standing right in front of me. I grabbed a hold of his shirt and continued to cry as I pulled him to me and sobbed into his chest. He just snaked an arm around me and held me tight. The baby had seemed to calm down so he didn't seem to notice it.
"I've missed you." He whispered as he pulled back to meet my eyes with his. He just looked at me before kissing me like it was the last time...again. The passion behind it was overwhelming and I loved every second of it.
Until there was a knock on the door.
"Hey I'm taking the kids for ice cream. Thought I'd give you two some time before telling them." Dean and I both agreed and he left with the kids, leaving us to look at each other for a few minutes before he led me to the leaving room to sit down and talk.
"How are they?" He asked, not letting my hand go, not that I wanted him to.
"Well Connie was too young but she did notice you were done. Ben, was upset for a while but he seemed to move on okay. DJ was the one who took it this hardest. I've been keeping an eye on him. He's been acting out a little but so far nothing too bad. But I am worried." He nodded once.
"Okay. Hopefully everything will go back to normal now that I'm back."
"But how are you back, Dean? What is going on? Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled to have you here again, I've missed you but this isn't another deal is it?" He shook his head and shrugged.
"Luc, I'm not sure what is going on. I don't know who brought me back and honestly I don't know if I want too." He just paused for a second. "Where's Sam? Bobby said he ran off." My heart clenched at the mention of his brother but I knew this needed to come out eventually. Questions would eventually be asked, truths were bound to come out.
"He left the morning after. He just left with no word as to where. Bobby and I tried calling him but he turned off his phone."  I couldn't meet Dean's eyes, even though he was trying really hard to meet mine.
"He said something happened between you two but it wasn't his place to say." Damn it Bobby. In Dean's words, there was no accusations, no anger, no hate, just genuine care. He was trying to make this easier for me but honestly, how do you tell your husband you slept with his brother merely hours after he died. All I could do was nod.
"Lucy, sweetly look at me." He gently grabbed my chin and pulled me forward so I could finally meet his gaze. "What happened?" I just shook my head and pulled my head free, going back to the bathroom again to throw up.

"Lucy, please open the door." I heard Dean yell from the other side of the locked bathroom door. All I could do was sob as I sat against the wall opposite the toilet. I know he could hear me but I couldn't stop the noises coming from my body. I cried so hard that I caused myself to throw up again.
"Damn it, Lucy. Come on. Let me in." I wanted to, but my brain wouldn't work. I couldn't tell my legs to stand and walk to the door to open it. I heard voices on the other side and knew that Bobby was home. He'd open it.
And he did.
Dean ran in and grabbed me into his arms, trying his best to calm me down. I pulled away and looked him in the eye.
"I'm so sorry." I said, knowing I had to tell him.
"Lucy, why? What happened that is so bad you're making yourself sick over it."
"I slept with Sam."

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