Chapter thirty eight

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Everything after that was a blur. Time seemed to move in fast-forward from then on, Lisa and I took the kids and went to Bobby's. We've been staying here in case things go south and have to find a safe place. That safe place being Bobby's panic room. The same panic room that they apparently kept Dean in to keep his from saying yes to Michael.
Now, as we sit in the living room watching some cartoon that Connie liked, the guys were getting ready for a battle. Bobby had apparently made a deal with a demon named Crowley and now he could walk again, Sam has to ingest so much demon blood that it could potentially change him completely, and Dean had lunch with Death. Yes, that Death. The horseman. They needed all the rings to make this insane plan work. A plan that has me on edge.
Sam had to die.
Sam is planning on saying yes to the devil and throwing him back into the cage he himself had set him free from. This is insane.
"Luc?" I turned to see Lisa had been trying to get my attention.
"Hmm?" She pointed to Constance who was looking up at me holding up her juice cup.
"Can I have more juice mommy?" I nodded before taking the cup from my daughter and proceeded to walk to the kitchen like a zombie, not really noticing my son at the table trying to work on something on his computer.
"Hey mom." I jumped when I heard his voice but smiled when I turned to face him.
"What's up Bubby?" I asked, trying to focus on what he was saying.
"I was beginning to look into some college options and was wondering if maybe we could start talking about me going back to actual schools instead of doing online classes." I closed the fridge but didn't move to the counter where Connie's cup waited patiently to be filled with the white grape juice that was still in my hand.
"You want to go back to public schools?" I asked, finally moving to the cup. I poured the liquid in as I listened to the sound my son's fingers on his keyboard.
"I'd rather go to private schools but I know that's too expensive so yeah public school would do just fine." He answered. I laughed a little.
"Oh how noble of you to think of my bank account before making such a choice. Thank you good sir." We both laughed at the joke, such an odd sound at such a time. Things were dark now and with needed to laugh now. My fear was almost unbearable so laughing with my eldest was helping now.
"Seriously though, is that something we can talk about?" DJ asked once we calmed down a little.
"Yeah, when your dad gets back we can definitely talk about it." He seemed content with the answer and went back to what he was doing.

That was yesterday.

Today, I was somehow talked out of going on this hunt given what happened when Dean died. I was pacing the living room, waiting for my phone to ring for the call that would tell me one of two things;
One. Everyone was safe, the devil is where he belongs and we can go about business as usual. All without Sam that is.
Or two. Run. Get to the panic room now.
I wasn't sure what I was most prepared for. That was when I heard the sound of angel wings.
I turned to see Cass standing in the doorway. He looked awful, like he has just seen something that couldn't be unseen.
"Cass? Where's Dean?" I asked, slightly panicked now. Lisa was upstairs with the kids seems it was still early.
"He's in Lawrence. At a cemetery not far from town. He's fighting Lucifer and Michael now. Things are a little unclear at the moment."
"Unclear? What the hell does that mean?" I asked, a sudden wave of fear ripping through me.
"It's not clear as to which side will prevail. It could go either way." He answered, no emotion what so ever. I took the deepest breath I could and started for the angel.
"So you leave? Cass go help him. Now."
"I am I just wanted to check in first." I nodded. That was when I made the decision. I took the opportunity presented right in front of me. As Cass was about to leave, I waited until the last possible moment, grabbing the sleeve of his trench coat.

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