Chapter thirteen

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It took a few hours but finally DJ woke up. I kind of nodded off in my chair waiting for him. Dean was quiet, sitting on the floor with his back resting against the foot of the bed. I opened my eyes and looked at him.
"What is it?" I asked, exhaustion filling my voice, making it crack a little.
"Why did you call him without talking to me first?" He asked, pulling his one knee up to his chest while playing with something he found in DJ's room. He didn't look at me, just at what he was holding.
"Dean it wasn't like I planned it. It kind of just happened. But I figured, he saved you he can save DJ." I answered, rubbing the spot where the baby just kicked me. He seemed to notice the action.
"Are you okay?" He asked, finally looking at me. I nodded.
"Yeah, it's the baby. Seems to sense the stress. It won't stop moving." I answered, still rubbing my side.
"Its kicking?" He asked, dropping his knee, starting to stand. I nodded, reaching for his hand. He's never experienced this with this baby. He hasn't had that first kick moment like he did with Constance.
He quickly got up and I took his hand and placed it where I felt the kicks. His whole attitude changed as he began to feel it too. His face lit up and he seemed to have tears in his eyes. I loved this part of Dean, the father part.
"Wow." He whispered. He beamed at my stomach and knelt down in front of me to place both hands on my bump. He seemed at peace right now, at this moment, he wasn't a hunter, he wasn't a hero, he was a dad. Just a husband and father who had no worries other than taking care of his family.
Of course the moment didn't last.
"Hey, I was just..." Sam walked in on us and saw the moment we were sharing. "I uh...I'll come back." He turned and closed the door behind him. I tried my best to get out of the chair but in the end, Dean had to help me. I ran after Sam and stopped him in the hall at the top of the stairs.
"Sam. I'm sorry." I said. He turned and looked confused.
"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything."
"But you feel Dean did?" I asked although I didn't feel like it was a question. He looked away from me and clenched his jaw. "Sam if this baby is yours you have every right to..."
"No I don't." He snapped. I flinched away from him. "And I really wish you'd stop pushing the subject. Just drop it." With that out in the open, he stormed down the stairs. Once again, leaving me alone.

"Mom?" I looked up from my hands and saw my son's eyes were open and he was looking at me. I couldn't help the smile that covered my face. He was awake. DJ is awake.
"Hey Bubby. How are you feeling?" I asked, sitting on the edge of his bed, taking his hand and pushing his hair out of his face.
"My stomach hurts." He answered in a small voice. I smiled a little, glad that was all he was feeling.
"You almost died. But luckily we had a trick up our sleeve and you're going to be okay. You just need some rest." I kissed his forehead and tucked him in before getting up and walking to the door.
I walked down the stairs and heard talking from the kitchen. I should have just let Sam and Dean I was here but instead I listened in.
"Why would you even talk to her like that, Sam? I mean seriously, if there's a problem tell me and stop taking it out on my wife." I heard Dean basically yell.
"Dean, I don't know how else to say it. If it's mine, you're raising it, end if story. I'm not a dad. I never will be a dad." Something slammed on the counter and I heard shuffling.
"Why are you so against this?" Dean asked, calmly. "You don't even realize what you're giving up, do you? Sammy,  being a dad is freaking amazing. When I come home, I see them and I suddenly remember the world isn't all complete crap. There is something here worth fighting for, something to come home to." I heard nothing before one of them put something down.
"No." Sam said before walking out the back door.
"Sam!" I walked in then just as the door slammed shut and Dean placed both his hands against the counter and dropped his head.
"DJ woke up. I told him to rest but he might still be awake if you want to go tell him how much you love him." Dean didn't move, he just turned his head to look at me. His lips stretched into a small smile and pushed himself away from the counter.
"How much did you hear?" He asked. I tried to give a small smile but Dean saw right through it.
"Just the end. How long were you two arguing?"
"Not long. Let's just forget it and see our son." He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and we walked up the stairs and into our son's room.

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