Chapter twenty six

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"Ok. Explain this again. Like I'm five. You did what now?" I asked my husband. Dean refused to say anything until he was out of the hospital and home with his kids. Now I've got him cornered in our room and he explained this whole "I started the apocalypse" thing but I wasn't fully getting it.
"When I came back, Lucy, it was because the angels found out that me being in hell could potentially cause the start of the apocalypse but by the time they found me, it was too late. My actions down there caused the end of the world up here. We've been trying to hunt down Lilith down for a while now to start her from breaking 66 seals. If she succeeds, Lucifer will rise and end us all. There, cliff notes version." He explained as if he's said it a thousand times.
"Wait. Wait, wait, wait. You've known about this? How long is a while?" I asked, suddenly angry he's kept something this huge from me. He just sighed before answering.
"Since the incident with the ghosts at Bobby's place. The one right after I got back." I was speechless. THAT long?
"Dean that was months ago. Why didn't you tell me? Don't you think that was something I should know about?"
"No I don't." I felt my jaw drop as he stood and put his hands up in defense. "I didn't think it would've been fair to worry you about something we had control of. You were pregnant and worrying about who the father was, you were taking care of the house and the kids. I didn't want to add more to your plate." I put my hands on my hips and looked down at the floor. This wasn't happening. He thought I should've have known? About the end of the world? This is insane.
"How many seals are broken?" I asked quietly, not really wanting to know the answer. He sighed, clearly ready for this conversation to be over when it isn't.
"How many?" I was losing my patience with my husband and honestly, I was pretty angry.
"I don't know for sure. Over half. We know that much." He said, sounding defeated. I just shook my head and started for the door but when I reached it I turned back and looked Dean in the eye.
"We said no more secrets." Then I walked out, leaving Dean alone in our room.
"Hey, wait a minute." He yelled, running after me. I stopped but I didn't turn to face him. "I kept this from you because I felt it was right. I'm not apologizing for that. You knew about the seals and about Lilith trying to raise Lucifer so don't give me that secrets crap."
"I knew about the seals but I didn't know it was the end of the fucking world, Dean. You kept that from me. Yes I was going through a lot at the time, just like we are now. Hell we're always going through something but I never kept something that big from you. When you came back, I told you about Sam and me, I told you about the baby, and I told you you may not be his father but we dealt with it like we always do. We dealt with it because we are in this together. Just like always. Now there are four kids in this house, I need to know what we're up against so I can help protect them from it." His face was red with anger now. He's never look this mad before but I didn't care. I was madder.
"It's not your job to protect them from these things. It's mine. I bring this shit home to them, not you."
"I'm their mother. Of course I'm going to protect them. It's my job too. We are both their parents. We need to do this together and for that, we need to be on the same page." I went to walk away and this time Dean let me.

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