Chapter thirty two

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"Wait...what? How...what happened?" I yelled into the phone. Sam took in a deep breath and began explaining.
"He...he...he was possessed and he attacked us but before the demon inside of him could kill us, he turned the blade on himself. We got him to the emergency room here in town but because of the fucking angels, he's going to be wheel chair bound. There's more but I'll explain later. Is there anyway you can get to Bobby's?" I was still processing the information so I almost missed the question. I staggered for my answer. I mean it was Bobby, he was like a father to the boys and the only grandfather figure the younger kids are ever going to remember. This wasn't happening.
"Ye...yeah I can get there. I'll see if Lisa can watch the kids." We finished our phone call and quickly called Lisa but unfortunately she couldn't watch the babies. She had to work all week. I'll just have to bring them with me. I needed to get to Dean. I had to make sure Bobby was okay.

When I got to Bobby's, Dean was standing on the porch. I could hear Bobby yelling in the house. I started unbuckling Constance and let her down so I could get her brother. She ran for Dean and almost fell going up the stairs but the great thing about having Dean for a father; flawless reflexes. He caught her with ease and picked her up to kiss her cheek.
"Hey beautiful. Go on inside and see grandpa Bobby. Uncle Sam is in there too." I heard him say as I finished disconnecting Jon's car seat from its base. Dean was already coming over to take him from me.
"Sorry I had to bring them. Lisa had to work." He smiled down at me before kissing me.
"I missed you." He whispered. I smiled back. "It's okay. Seeing them might do him some good. He's been kind of in a mood since we brought him home." I laughed as we walked into the house, hand in hand.

"If you don't give me that baby boy, I will shot you." Bobby said as we walked in. Dean quickly got him out of his seat and handed him over, backing away wearily once Bobby had a good hold on him.
"I don't know how you do it Lucy but you keep having kids that are better looking than their daddy."  We laughed as I noticed Sam standing off to the side. I didn't realize how angry I was at him. I looked to see Connie playing with her doll at Bobby's feet. Sam noticed my gaze and proceeded to leave the room. I'm not sure what part of him thought I wasn't going to follow. He was in the kitchen when I found him, fishing a beer out of the fridge. I hadn't noticed Dean had followed me until he lightly touched my elbow with the back of his hand.
"Luce." He said softly, trying to get me back to the living room. I didn't even look back, I just kept my eyes on Sam as he finally realized I was here. He set his beer on the counter loudly, throwing his head back before turning to face me.
"Lucy, Dean already gave me five lectures and so did Bobby. I don't need..." he was cut off as I walked up to him and slapped him. I just looked at him in silence. The only thing to be heard was my angered breathing. It took a few moments before I had composed myself enough to speak.
"Oh you haven't heard this one." He just held his jaw, looking over my head to Dean.
"Don't look to him. He isn't going to save you. Now. I'm not going to lie, a little concerned that Lucifer is freaking walking the earth. That's not what this is about." I paused.
"Then what is this about?" He quietly asked, suddenly confused.
"You made me lie to my husband. You lied to me, making me believe that you had this under control when you were spiraling. I hid this from Dean when everything in my body told me to say something. He questioned me over and over again, asking if you were okay, asking if I noticed anything wrong and I played dumb because you asked me too. Do you realize how you made me look. I had yelled at dean for months about secrets and I helped keep one that could potentially end the fucking world." With that, I stormed out the back door, slamming it behind me.

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