Chapter thirty seven

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"De...Dean?" I was so in shock that Sam rushed over to take Jon from me. He smiled as Constance struggled in his arms to get to me.
"Mama!" She yelled as we just looked at each other. Dean looked pretty messed up, he looked exhausted and a little beat up. But as bad as he looked, I couldn't be happier to see him with our little girl. We were safe for now.
"Hey Luce." He said quietly, finally handing over Connie. I took her from his arms and held her so tight in my own. I took the first real breath in what seemed like a lifetime in that moment and sunk to floor, drowning in my tears, just so relieved my daughter was home and safe.
"Thank god." I whispered. I opened my eyes and looked to my husband who obviously shared my relief.
"Mama, daddy got the bad guy." I pulled away from my toddler and looked at her, stunned by her words before looking to Dean.
"Sam, can you take her to get cleaned up please?"
"Yeah, Jonny is asleep anyway so I'll go put him down too."
"Thank you." When he was gone and DJ got the clue to beat it, honesty forgot he was there until the moment I looked over to him, I walked to the kitchen with Dean on my heels.
"I feel like you're mad." He said, resting his hands against the counter. I turned to face him.
"I'm not mad, Dean. I promise."
"Then what is it?" I smiled weakly at him, not sure how to say what was bothering me at that moment without sounding upset.
"She saw you kill him?" I said, fresh tears falling.
"Not...really. Sammy had her at that moment and he did his best to not let her see anything that happened. She just knows I got him. It was just one big shit show." He explained. I could see the pain that was still in his eyes so I walked around the counter to where he was standing and wrapped him in my arms.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked in a whisper. He kissed the top of my head and just tightened his grip on me before answering.
"Not really." I nodded into his chest.
"No. I think we should talk about it" I heard Sam day from the doorway, clearly upset about something. I was confused as I looked from Sam to his older brother who was staring down him down, silently telling him to shut up.
"What does he mean?" I asked my husband. He took a deep breath.
"Nothing. We'll talk later." He kissed my head again and went to walk away.
"No Dean. Tell her now. Tell how you've been acting lately when you're not here."
"Tel her what really happened back in that room and why you were really there to do."
"Dean, what is he talking about? What happened with Constance?" I asked a little louder now.
"Sam, I said not now. I want to get cleaned up and then we'll talk."
"What so you can somehow come up with a case and ditch before you can come clean. No. Now." Sam said before I could. I crossed my arms over my chest and just looked Dean in the eye and waited for him to give in. He took a deep breath and broke eye contact with me to look to his brother.
"I was going to say yes." He answered, still not looking at me. "I've been trying to do that for a while now but Cass stopped me before I could." I dropped my gaze to the floor and counted to ten before answering.
"You were going to say yes. To Michael?" I was yelling now.
"Lucy, please you have to understand, I was stressed and scared. I couldn't think of another way to save you guys. I panicked."
"Dean, I would rather die a thousand times if it meant you didn't have to say yes to them. So you wouldn't have to become a vessel for some angel deciding to have a temper tantrum." I yelled again. Dean was looking at me now, shock in his expression.
"And I will fight a million battles so that would never happen. Damn it Lucy I'm just trying to keep my family safe and I thought that this was the only why. But when thrown into the situation. I realized I was wrong. I found myself in that room and saw that Connie was safe, my instinct was to say yes. And I did, Zachariah called Michael down. That was when I looked at my brother bloody holding my terrified child and realized that I'm not needed in a battle that will decimate the entire planet, I'm needed here at home protecting my family from what ever comes next.
"So I sent an angel blade through his chin and got us the hell out of there." Dean finished his story, tears in his eyes. I nodded.
"It's what happened after that that has us worried though." Sam said then. My eyes widened as I turned to him.
"And what the hell does that mean?"
"Before Zachariah came for Constance, he brought Adam back from the dead. To be Michael's new vessel. And now he is."

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