Chapter seven

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"Deej, listen to me." Dean said as Bobby and Sam left to go check on a friend. Dean and me sat in front of our son in the kitchen, getting to the bottom of this. "Do you realize what could have happened? You traveled by yourself in the middle of the night and the only person who knew about it was your younger brother. What would have happened if you were kidnapped?" Dj didn't look up at us and I was getting inpatient.
"Dj we're sending you back."
"What? Mom, no. Let me stay. Please."
"No, you can't stay here Dj. I'm sorry. We'll talk about it when your father and I get back. Come on, let's go." We started to stand up and I looked up to Dean and saw his eyes were wide and locked on something at the door.
"Hey Dean." I turned to see a girl about twenty two, twenty three standing there. Her hair was a dirty but blonde and it went to her shoulders. She was skin and definitely pretty. She had a mark on her wrist that looked odd but I didn't pay much mind to it. I just wanted to know why Dean was reacting in such a way. 
"Meg." I turned to look back at him but he still looked stunned, like it isn't possible for her to be here. "Lucy get Dj out of here. Now." I took my son by the arm and started to pull him in the other room. We stood in the kitchen and waited for whatever that was to end. We didn't hear anything at first but then we heard yelling and what sounded like fighting. Dj tried to run in but I held him back. I don't know what's going on but we are waiting for Dean to explain.
"Mom we have to help him." Dj said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"Deej no. Your dad said to stay here so that's..."
"Dean?" We heard someone yell from the front door. It most of been Sam because suddenly he was standing in front of us.
"Come on. We have to go." I didn't ask questions. I just followed my brother in law out the door and towards the front of the house. Sam had a gun in his hand while Bobby was standing in front of his desk with a bowl of something and was chanting something in Latin.
I wasn't paying attention so I ran right into Sam's back. I looked up to see his gun raised and pointed, ready to shoot. Dean was standing the same way on the other side of the room. This is bad. Whoever that girl was, she was bad news and somehow Dean knew that. Suddenly a gun went off, followed by another shot and suddenly Bobby was yelling out. I turned to see him with his hands out and his eyes squeezed shut from pain. Two little girls stood behind him and were trying to him. What the hell his happening?
Bobby was holding a bowl in his one hand and he dropped it as the girls stood their ground.
As quick as it fell, DJ was there to catch it. I hadn't even noticed he had left my side.
"DJ!" I yelled as I saw one of the girls turn her attention on my son.
"DJ! Fire. Throw it in the fire!" Dean yelled, looking back forward to shoot the thing in front of him. They must have been ghosts because they disappeared when they were shot but eventually came back.
DJ did as his father asked and threw the contents of the bowl in the fire, causing all the extra people in the room to vanish.

Once we realized Bobby was okay, Dean explained who Meg was. A girl that they knew from when they were looking for John. She was possessed by a demon and tried to kill them. There was also a guy named Ronald and a FBI agent names Victor that was after the boys for a while until Lilith had killed him. All things from the job Dean never told me about.
"Wait, it's called the what?" I asked, trying to get my head around this whole mess.
"The raise of the witnesses. They all witnessed something that wasn't natural and died as a result. It's part of the sixty-six seals. Lilith is trying to brake them to free Lucifer from hell." Bobby explained. Lucifer? No, that couldn't be right.
"You're talking about Lucifer? The devil?"
"That'd be the one." I walked out of the room. I couldn't handle this. Not the freaking devil. Anything but this. I heard footsteps behind me and Dean call out my name. I didn't turn to face him.
"This is why they freed you. This is way that Angel, Castiel or whatever got you out of hell isn't it?" He didn't answer me. He just walked forward and wrapped his arms around my somewhat swollen belly.
"Mom?" We both turned to see DJ standing in the doorway. We hadn't seen him since he threw the bowl in the fire. He must have ran upstairs.
"Hey bubby. Are you alright?" He nodded but I could see the tears in his eyes. Be was far from alright.
"Dean we should take him back to Lisa's together. I'll get our things ready. You talk to Sam and Bobby." He nodded and walked passed us. I looked down at my son and smiled as best I could. He went through a lot today. More than a thirteen year old should.
"Come on. Let's go back. I promised you a day out didn't I?" He smiled a little and nodded before following me upstairs.

"Guys, I have to think about my family on this one." We heard Dean say as we walked down the stairs. We stopped to hear what was going on.
"Dean this is the world we are talking about. We can't just turn our backs on it." Bobby responded. I looked to DJ but we still didn't make any effort to move forward.
"Yes I know that but I have four kids that I have to worry about here. I need to make sure they are safe. I will only be gone about a week maybe two. I need to be sure." It was silent so I knew it was as good a time as any to go in. I pulled DJ down the stairs and into the living room where the men were standing. They turned to see us.
"Ready to go?" He asked, agitation that was just in his voice was gone. Dean and I both turned to face Sam and he knew that we needed to talk about things before we go. Bobby seemed to as well.
"Come on Deej. Why don't we go hang outside until your parents are done with your uncle." DJ simply nodded and followed him out. Probably to show how to fix something on a car.
"Sam, we should sit. We have a lot to discuss." He seemed to become a little awkward as he nodded and sat down on the edge of Bobby's desk. Dean and I sat on the window seat together and realized that this was going to be a lot harder than we thought.

"Sam, I know this is a difficult situation but we all need to be on the same page about this. I don't want any wedges made here. You're both brothers and need each other. This happened and we need to expect this. If and I mean if this child ends up being yours what do you want?" I asked without looking at my husband. I knew Dean wasn't expecting this question but it needed to be answered no matter how much we hated it. Sam looked a little upset and honestly I didn't really want to know what his answer is.

"Lucy, I...when I had Jessica I had dreams of being a father. Being a better father than my own and I wanted it more than anything. Now, who I am now, I don't think I even want it anymore. No matter who it is, I think Dean should be its father. I'm sorry but I'm not a dad and I'm not going to pretend to be." With his explanation, he stood and walked out the door.

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