Chapter ten

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"I need to fix this. I can't sit here like this. He's my son, I need to figure out how to fix this." Dean said as he paced the room our son was just in. "This isn't happening." He walked out and stormed down the hallway, leaving me alone to figure things out in my head. What had just happened? Why was this happening?

We were sitting in DJ's room and everything was fine. He had woken up and was talking to us like nothing was ever wrong in the first place. He said he was tired and wanted  to take a nap, so he did his best to get comfortable and quickly fell asleep.

He was asleep for about twenty minutes before his machines started making loud noises and nurses were rushing in, pushing us aside. They quickly moved him out and no one said a word to us, not one nurse said anything as to why our son is being wheeled away. This couldn't be happening. He was fine a second ago, what happened?

Dr. Mullens finally decided to make an appearance after Dean came back from what appeared to be a vending machine, handing me a pop and a bag of chips. We turned our attention to him so he could finally explain what was going on.

"He's okay now. There was a small bleed from his intestines that we didn't see during surgery. We have fixed the bleed and he should be okay now. He's in recovery now and should be back in about a half hour." A bleed? He was bleeding and we didn't know it? God, let this be the last of this. I can't take another blow like this.

"Are you alright?" Dean asked me once Dr. Mullens left. I looked up and saw his eyes were red and puffy. I stood up and wrapped my arms around him. He held me as tight as he could.

"Are you?" I asked, my voice muffled by the fabric of his shirt. He took a shaky breath and tried to pull away but I wouldn't let him. I didn't want to. He leaned his head down and kissed the top of my head, holding me again, even tighter.

"Dean, the baby." I said, laughing a little bit. He laughed a little himself and finally I let him pull away. He took his phone out and noticed he had a few missed calls. Probably from Bobby or Sam, even though he hasn't really talked to his brother since our little conversation.

Sam has every right to feel as he does. He doesn't think he's a good choice to be the baby's father. I understand that. I get it, but he could at least seem a little upset that he's potentially giving up his child. It could seem to hurt him just a little that his brother may be fathering his child.

"I'm going to call Bobby and let him know what's going on. I haven't told him about any of this yet. I wanted to wait until we knew more. Do you want to call Lisa and check in?" I nodded and pulled out my cell.

"Lucy? What's going on?" I called her when DJ was wheeled off but I didn't keep her posted on anything. It had been a good thirty minutes since they took him away.

"He's okay now. They found a small bleed but they took care of it. He's in recovery now. How are the kids?"

"Connie is good, just been asking for the three of you. Ben has been better. He really just wants his brother home." That broke my heart a little. I just wanted him home too.

"Well, this may have put that back a few more days but soon enough. He'll be home. They said he should be fine now that they fixed the bleed. We're just waited for him to come out of recovery at the moment." Lisa and I continued to talk for a while until Dean busted in the room. He seemed scared and I stood from my chair.
"Lisa, I have to call you back." I hung up the phone and looked at my husband.
"Dean, what's happening?" He was breathing hard, something was wrong. Really wrong.
Just then, Dr. Mullens came in, clearly something was wrong with my son.

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