Chapter 13

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I almost fell to the ground if it weren't for Lucas holding me. "D-demon hunter?"

He held me close to his chest. "Yes....I would explain more, but we have to save Sam. Zack is a wanted demon in the Inferno and he has killed so many people."

"Sam..." I say quietly. My legs felt like jelly, but I forced them to work. Lucas held my hand as we exited out of the vendor area.

"I know....we'll get to her. I promise." He squeezed my hand reassuringly before racing off within the crowd.


After searching the food carts, groups of people and the rest rooms, we had no sight of her.


My heart pounded with severe anxiety. I had it ever since I was little. One time, I even had to get hospitalized because of how I felt. I was lucky to be even standing right now. My eyes close briefly and I thought I might've blacked out, but when I opened my eyes, I was right.

The grass felt oddly warm and welcoming into my head and body. It was a softy comfy pillow underneath my body, I wish I could have stayed there forever.

Lucas knelt by me, his face flickering with concern as he tried to calm me. My veins buzzed with adrenaline for finding Sam. And the worst part was, we had gotten into a fight. Not good.

Lucas looked doen at me, his hand still clasped to mine. "Are you ok?" He asked softly.

I tried to keep a straight face, but cringed with the nerves anyway. "T-This is just alot to take in on one night. " I tell him, my breath shaky.

"I wish I could have told you sooner, but after tonight I promise I will explain more. You know not to tell anyone , right?"

As anxious as I was, I nodded. But who would I tell? People would point me to crazy! "I wont."

He slowly sat me up and handed me a water bottle. His chest was warm as I lean into him, his body taking my weight. "Thanks." I pause then look to him. "Where did you get this?"

He chuckled, exposing a small backpack. "I use it to hide my weapons and such."

I understood as I drank my water and finished it, feeling much better then I was before. "Nice." I grinned as he helped me up. At first I was loopy but I was able to regain my posture. Thank god.

With new energy, I willed myself to find Sam. I faithfully ignored my wild pounding heart as we went around the parking lot area. Lots of people were drinking and smoking, I gagged with the retched smell in the air.

I looked around fiercely before hearing a violent shrill in the air.

"Sam!" I shout running towards the shout. As I came to a halt, Zack stood over her with a pocket knife. Sam's chest was bleeding, as well as her legs.

Zack smirked, flipping the knife in his hand. Sam was unconscious, as I stood in front of her.

Zack aimed for my chest, but I quickly disarmed him with a kick I learned from Lucas. Wait, where was Lucas? Zack takes my distraction to my advantage and throws me to the nearest car.

My back hits with a thud and glass shatters above my head. There was so much blood everywhere, I felt woozy. My arms held me so I didn't touch the parking ground, but I let go. I felt the crunch of glass beneath my shirt.

My anxiety took over me. I laid still as a statute, ignoring the throbbing pain in the back of my neck and arms and maybe even my chest.

But, that's when he came. He was like an avenging angel. Lucas had stabbed a successful golden stake. In front of me, Zack collapses to his knees before turning to ash.

Demon (Book 1 of the Immortal Calls series) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now