Chapter 30

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The room was completely empty, besides how much dust filled all of the furniture. Lucas went in first, looking around where I had just been. Only thing missing was the ghosts.

Lucas looked around and found a handbook, ruined and welted around the edges. "Look what I found." He blew the dust off, reveling the cover: Demons made easy. His eyes widened and his mouth went into a quirky grin. "This isn't even in the Inferno library! This is so rare!"

I walked towards him, cowering with the fear of the ghosts that were no longer here. "Lucas, before you came, I saw ghosts. Like, dead ghosts."

"Is there another kind?" He moved willingly around the circular room, yet again finding something interesting. "Look! It's an old demon translator." His fingers moved gracefully down on the parchment as I saw all the interesting symbols. "This is Demon dead language."

Mina peered out of the darkness, and I could see the very red of lips illuminating the shadows. "He is your protector!" She stated. A group of howl and hoots came from the other ghosts from the side. "He's hot!"

"Yes, i know." Lucas looked up at me confused. "The ghosts are here..." I told him cautiously, as he took my shaking, trembling hand.

His eyes wondered around the dusty room, and then to me, handing me the thin book. "You should study this." His voice became low as his lifted his head to the bare walls in front of us. "Are you here for Ellie?" He shouted.

Murmurs fell on the ghosts as Mina and Ted came out of the shadows. "We can't stay long but get us outta here!" She dissappered in thin air. I hung my head as Lucas tightened his grip on me.

"We have to get out of here." I urged at him. He nodded in agreement.

We began into a run as we exited down the hallways and to the tunnel opening. By the time I looked around. Lucas was gone.

"Lucas?" I called, my voice echoing around the halls like a bouncing ball.

"I'm here." Warm arms wrapped around me in a sudden, yet happy embrace. I looked up at Lucas' blue eyes staring down at me. "You ok?"

I nodded, wanting to stay like this. The light from the flashlight illuminated off the opposite wall in front of us. "Yea, I'm fine." Thunder cracked above us from the storm. It only took me a while to realize the storm was still going on. "Mom!" I raced up my basement stairs, opening the door to the kitchen. Sam was painting her nails on the floor while Dr. Kevin and mom were locking lip in the living room. They pulled back when I came up, mom flushed.

"Honey! Where have you been! We have been worried sick!" Dr. Kevin stood up and put a comforting arm around mom.

"We thought you had ran away. The storm is dangerous, no one can go outside." He smiled kindly, before looking over to Sam.

"Come on! Ill paint your nails!" She pushed in front of her nail paint kit filled with tons of colors of the rainbow. Many of which, I didn't have. I never wanted and never used.

I got a text on my phone from Lucas as I closed the basement door, the darkness retreating to it's nest.

Lucas: I'm home. I know your mom would freak if she saw me. Dad is keeping watch on the storm. He thinks that the hell raisers have something to do with this. The Inferno is in lock down.

I sat down, reading the text. Maybe the Inferno was in Trista? I thought as I hastily wrote a text back.

Me: What!? Even them! Its raining dog and cats!

I sent as a tree came down near us, sending the whole house in the darkness. Sam squeaked in the dark as she touched her phone for some faint light.

Demon (Book 1 of the Immortal Calls series) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now