Chapter 36

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Waiting for Saturday to arrive was so slow. Lucas on the other hand, had a surprise for me that he would give me on Friday, when we got home.

When Friday night came after school, I had to come up with a lie to get out whatever we were doing on Saturday.

I made my way to the kitchen, smiling smally at Dr. Kevin and mom who were playing scrabble. Mom, of course was winning. She looked up to me, smiling.

"What's up, Ellie!" Mom greeted me as Dr. Kevin placed Death on the board attached to the Life. I gulped, adverting my eyes away from the board to my mom.

"Well, Lucas and I are going on a date Saturday night. " I told her hesitantly as Dr. Kevin raised his eyebrows. "And I was wondering if that's ok...his dad is going to be there and it's our two month anniversary."

A smile changed from a smirk on Dr. Kevin's face. It was like he was amused by acting towards this date. "You may go." He allowed as Mom nodded in agreement.

I tilted my head in confusion. "Why are you letting me go Dr. Kevin?"

His eyes flickered to me in one fast movement. "I want this to be the night if your life."

I grinned as I skipped back to my room, wondering what to wear to the Inferno Ball. As I turned around, a black dress laid open on my bed; with a note attached. I couldn't recognize the hand writing but the note was pretty clear. And defiantly not from Lucas.

Dearest Ellie,

The Chosen One should look pretty on her date. To say this clearly, tonight will be filled with a surprise. Don't let it fool you, but tonight everything will change.

You'll be wishing you were dead.

From, Anonymous

P. S.: The color of the dress is to remind that The Darkness is still in you.

I read in my head, my heart pounding out of my chest. Attached to the note was a small box. It drew me to it, forcing me to look inside. And there it was, a black and gold mask that for my face perfectly.

My hands skim the dress ever so gently as I pick it up to my body. The shape was scarily perfect, it was almost hauntingly right to me. The dress felt newly sewed and never worn. My eyes wondered for a tag for a price, but no where did I see one.

With one last look in my room, I hurried to call Lucas. Maybe he was being secretive?

"Hey, Lucas!" I answered happily.

"Hey. Everything alright?"

I sighed. "There was a dress laying on my bed...should I wear it?"

It took a minute or so for him to answer. "Of course! What's so wrong about it?"He didn't get it. He thought it was girl trouble with picking the right dress.

"Oh, nothing...I just thought I would call and tell you I finally found a dress!" I changed the subject quickly.

"Oh, good! Can you come?"

"Yes, I can." I responded happily.

He sighed contently. "Thank goodness. You should go to sleep now. You'll be up super later tomorrow night." He warned me. "Goodnight, Ellie."

"Goodnight, Lucas." He hung up, leaving me staring at the dark black dress before me.

I mean, it wouldn't hurt to wear it right?

I hastily hung it up on the correct hanger before changing to pjs. I couldn't wait for Saturday to come. I was estatic on how the Ball would be and how Lucas would treat me. Or how he would act! I wondered if he had great friends in the Inferno that he never saw... maybe an old girlfriend? 

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