Chapter 10

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Sam handed me a towel to wipe my mouth and a cool cloth to wipe my forehead. I graciously got the cloth and moved it around my face, feeling the cool, crisp water touch my warm skin.

I sighed in relief as I started to cool and calm down next to my best friend.

Though, I couldn't tell her anything.

She gets up to the sink and gives me a small cup of water. As she sits down again. "I used to do this for my mother." She said sadly. I take a small sip, remembering to drink slowly. Thankfully, the water goes down.

After moments of silence, I spoke, "I'm ok....I think I just got sick from hotel food." I lied. I hated lying to her, but this was the only way to her not make her think I was crazy.

She smiled and helped me up. "Ok...I'll tell your mom." She goes into my room and places my five sketches aside on the dresser before helping me get into bed. "Just rest...I'm sure you'll be fine in a couple hours." She assures as she closes my door and turns off the light.

I heed her advice, pulling the covers up over me and closing my eyes.


I woke up a couple hours later, rested and feeling better. My phone lit up. I carefully reached over on my dresser to get it seeing there was four messages from Lucas and that it was 6:00pm.

12: 42pm Lucas: Sam came over and told me what ok?

1:00pm Lucas: Ellie?

1:30pm Lucas: I'm coming over.

1:30pm Lucas: Thank god your ok. I check on you but you were still sleeping. Text me when you wake up, Ellie.

I looked at the messages and sigh in relief and then sat up in bed, turning my lamp on. I stretched to get my sketches on the nearby table and found them untouched. A shiver runs down my spine as I looked at each one again. It was scary how haunting it was that my drawings were accurate enough.

The hotel didn't help either.

I push myself out of bed and text Lucas back that I'm finally up and feeling better. He texts back immediacy.

Lucas: That's good. I was worried. Do you want me to come over?

I thought about it and then went back to my phone, before opening my door.

Me: I'm alright. Ill give you updates, but please don't worry. It was just food poisoning.

Though I wasn't even sure what it was. He texted me back again.

Lucas: Well, at least you'll be better within 24 hrs. When do you want to start kickboxing?

Me: Soon....Monday?

Lucas: Monday. My dad is making dinner, gtg :)

I smiled as I walked down the stairs to Sam and my mother talking on the couch. Their faces both light up like a christmas tree.

Sam hugs me lightly. "Im so glad your out of bed!"

Mom chuckles, hugging me after Sam let me go. "So am I. Are you hungry for dinner?" She asked me getting up. "Im making Tacos."

I shook my head, dismissing the offer. "No, i'm good. I just want to relax." I said plopping myself down at couch and turning the tv on.

Sam sits besides me. "You know, Lucas stopped by earlier and he went into your room?" My heart pounded with the sudden realization.

"What did he do?" I asked eagerly, feeling myself blush brightly.

She chuckled in delighted. "I went with him to your room and he opened the door...well, I let him. " she had a wide smile on his face. "He bent down and kissed your forehead and then commented on how cute you were sleeping." I giggle uncontrollably.

Demon (Book 1 of the Immortal Calls series) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now