Chapter 37

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Lucas and I followed Gavin out to the ballroom once more. This time, I got more attention. The many Demon Hunters looked at me with hope in their eyes and many bowed their heads. 

In the background, the harp started playing a twinkling tone as our destination ended at Ceaser. He still had his red wine in his hand, sipping it ever so cautiously. His gaze fixed to me as I approached him with fear boiling in my blood. I could only wonder what else the Inferno had in store for me. 

"I want to give my apologizes," He bows his head before looking at Lucas and I. "The Chosen One is in good hands." He snorts. "Even if she is human." 

Lucas rolled his eyes before crossing his arms over his chest. "So, whats going on, Ceaser?" 

He chuckled before placing his empty wine glass down. "It's dinner of course. " 

I couldn't even remember if I was hungry or not. It had been washed away with my almost fainting moment. "And where is dinner?" I asked, confused on how they could fit many people into a dining room. 

"Lucas, show her the way. " He ordered before going to Gavin. As Lucas pulled me along, I glanced at them talking quietly to each. There was something secretive about it, I couldn't put my finger on. 

The dining room was beyond my wildest imaginations. A huge table stretched along all sides of the walls while white gems hung above chandeliers above us. I gasped at the beautiful sight as Lucas brought me to my seat. 

The Demon Hunters took their seats and filled everyone. There must have been at least two thousand? Maybe more. It was like magic. 

"May I have your attention?" Ceaser clinked his wine class with a spoon as the chatter died down. "We are gathered here tonight to have fun, but also remember the many who has lost thier lives fighting for us. Lets us pray." 

I bowed my head and closed my eyes as he began to call all of the names that had died. 

"Abel, Axel, Bethany, Brian, Crystal, Charlie, Chantelle, David, Dixon, Dante, Eddie, Elsa, Edna, Faith, Fred, Fae, Genie, Gwen, Greta, Harry, Pearl, Patrick, Petunia, Vida and Zeena. May all of them rest in peace. This year alone we have lost twenty five hunters. Let them not be forgotten. " 

"Amen." Everyone spoke in unison. 

I lifted my head to the appearance of plates of steaming food in front of us. It certainly wasn't there before. I grinned hungrily, as Lucas smiled at me. 

"Dig in." He whispered as he began to eat his. 

On the plate was chicken with garlic cloves, mashed potatoes, mixed veggies and applesauce on the side. I ate them all, happily. They all tasted so good. 

I tilted my head to the side, seeing a separate table with five demons with golden scarves and golden wine glasses. They all flickered there eyes to me, as if knowing I was curious towards them. 

Three men and two women were sitting side by side. 

I poked Lucas as he was eating a roll. 

"Who are they?" I whispered, in case they had high hearing - which they all did. 

"The Council of the Inferno. They make the executive decisions. " He responded as he pointed. "Sorry on the end, we have Adlai. He is the one of the top high level demon in the government world. " I noticed he had pale skin and orangy hair, plus his eyes mimicked a bright gold."The next is Sequoia. She is the second in charge and his right hand man." She had flowing brown hair and a light smile and tan skin. She didn't strike me as a demon but she obviously was one. "Next, " He pointed the middle of the table. "is Malcolm. He is known for his strategy for wars and is the army general." He shook his head. "Wouldn't want to get into a fist fight with that guy. " He chuckled ever so little. Malcolm was very male and his eyes were dark as he looked to me, wondering about me. "Second to last is, Ophelia. she is the only one with red hair as dark as that. She helps the new demons get comfortable in the Inferno Manor. " He sighed before going to the last one. "Last but not least is, Nolan. He is secretive among the council but he works with the criminal aspects. " He lowered his voice. 

Demon (Book 1 of the Immortal Calls series) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now