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' Why can't you just come hang out at the Whyte Wyrm after school?' Fangs asked Toni.
' I can't. I have detention.' Toni replied as they both sat down at the lunch table.
' That's your third time this month.' He said.
' I know. Weatherbee's too good at this. I still can't believe he caught me smoking in school.' Toni stuffed the salad in her mouth furiously.
Fangs raised an eyebrow.
' Well, he IS the school's Principal.'
Toni Topaz knew getting in trouble all the time wasn't the best impression she could give anyone, and she also knows that she's not going to do anything about it. And Fangs Fogarty cares about her way too much that he never gives her shit for it.
In fact, he was none the better. He'd been in the same fights Toni had been in and they've both been to Juvenile. They got arrested for drinking, vandalism, graffiti, you name it. They once got expelled together from their previous school before finally settling down at Riverdale High a few years ago.
It's still surprising all the things they've done the past years haven't made Principal Weatherbee kick them out yet. And in a school dominantly attended by the North Side kids, them being from the South Side and being in a gang called the Serpents wasn't doing any good either.
Speaking of which, another Serpent joined the table. It was Sweet Pea. Nobody really knows his real name. But Fangs, that was his.
' Heard you got in trouble, Topaz.' He sat his tall and huge body down next to Toni's small figure.
' Oh shut up. It's just an afternoon. I can catch up with you guys after.' Toni replied.
' Yeah, but it is Pool Night, and we need you to win the game for us, so you'd better haul your ass down there by then.'
Toni laughed.
' I promise I'll be there.'
He looked around for a moment.
' Where the hell is Jones?'
The other two shrugged.
' He's supposed to meet me here at lunch.'
' Why?' Toni asked.
' FP wanted to see the both of us. Apparently, Clifford Blossom seems to be having a interest in our South Side and of course, our gang, after all the stupid accusations he made.'
' What for? He's an uptown man, what the fuck does he want with 'south side scum' like us?' Fangs air quoted.
' Language, bro.' Another voice filled the air. It was Jughead, with a plate of burgers and fries, as per usual. That boy can eat a full course meal in one sitting if he wants to, and he'd still be hungry.
' Whatever it is, Mr.Blossom doesn't want the Ghoulies or other people to know about this. He was adamant that we came in silence.' He told us.
' Fuck the Ghoulies.' Sweet Pea muttered under his breath.
No one could blame him. The Ghoulies have been their rival gang for as long as they could remember. They were both gangs but the difference laid on the type of activity they were participating. They dealt in drugs and street racing which the Serpents were not fans of. They mostly attended Southside high just like the Serpents, and the four of them and a few other were lucky enough to be accepted to the North Side.
As the boys continued their conversation of their mutual hate for the Ghoulies, Toni finished her lunch and got up.
' Well, I'm off to class. See you boys around.' With that, she left the canteen.
When the last bell rang, Toni swore under her breath. Detention. She thought of skipping it. No. That wouldn't help her situation. She headed to the detention room and opened the doors to the room.
And just like that, the afternoon took an unexpected turn. Never in her life did she think she would get put into the same room with someone like that but there she was, sitting as elegantly as ever.
The one and only Cheryl Blossom.

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