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' What are you doing?' Toni asked through the rain.

' What does it look like? I'm giving you a ride home.'

' Why?'

Cheryl rolled her eyes.

' Just get in, Toni.'

Toni did, reluctantly, because she wasn't going to say no to a free ride home, especially in this weather.

As she closed the doors and wore her seatbelt, Cheryl hit the gas and sped out of the school, onto the highway.

Once the rain lessened and it got less quiet, Toni started the conversation.

' So, do you know where I live, or ?'

Toni was interrupted by Cheryl's hand, who then smirked.

' Please, did you think I was going to spend my precious time on giving a Serpent a free ride?'

' No, not really.' Toni leaned back and sighed.

It wasn't surprising at all. The moment since Toni entered her car, she had a feeling  that Cheryl has something up her sleeve and that Toni was going to be a part of it.

' I'll still take you home, but first, we're going to the House of the Dead.' Cheryl gave out a smile. Like a bitchy one.

Toni sat straight up, eyes widening, making sure she heard her right.

' What? Cheryl, that's Ghoulies territory! Or did you forget that I'm a freaking Serpent?'

' Of course not. We're not seeing anyone. We're spying on my dad.' Cheryl shrugged, eyes still on the road. Serpents and Ghoulies were never really supposed to step into each other's territory. That was the ground rule. Breaking it would not favour Toni in any kind of way.

' That does not make it any better!' Toni was on the verge of freaking out and Cheryl's chill vibe was only making it worse.

' Tough shit. It'll be fine.'

' Tough shit? You're the one who dragged me here against my own will, that's practically kidnapping!'

Toni's raised her voice both because she was angry and because the rain started to pour again.

Cheryl slammed the brakes hard and pulled over. Toni says nothing during this.

Both of them sat in silence when Cheryl took a deep breath and turned to face Toni. Toni just stayed as she was.

' Look, I'm sorry I brought you here like this but please, hear me out. If you don't want to be a part of this after my explanation, I'll take you home like I told you I would. I promise.'

Toni sighed, for the hundredth time today.

' Okay, explain.' She said as she started fiddling with her fingers. Toni has a habit of doing that in awkward situations.

' Yesterday, Jughead and his dad came over to meet my Dad, agreeing on some sort of deal.'

' What kind of deal?'

' I don't know. Daddy loathes the serpents. It's not normal to see him like this. Anyways this morning I heard him making a call to some guy, talking about how the serpents are under control and had been taken care of. The guy on the other line says something and he freaked out. Immediately planned to meet tonight, they're going to be at this House of the Dead.'

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