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Toni joined Cheryl on the far side of the hallway leading to the gym, where Cheryl was preparing to put up new posters advertising the school dance. When she heard the sounds of footsteps, Cheryl turned around to face her.
' Hey, you.' She said, politely.
Toni thought for a bit, partly confused by the friendly greet.
' Hey.' She replied.
Cheryl was about to say something again but then frowned as her hand started to stroke back Toni's pinkish hair, revealing her bandage.
Toni was a bit shocked by the sudden movement but did nothing otherwise.
' Ouch, that looks like it hurts.'
' It does hurt.' Toni replied.
' What happened?'
' It's a long story. Don't bother.'
' Well, you need to be careful.'
Cheryl gave a weak smile as she said it.
Toni wasn't sure if it was the pain killer she had taken this morning or that Cheryl Blossom was actually being nice to a Serpent, out in the public.
' It's fine. I'm used to things like that anyways.'
' Still you should get some rest.' Her voice a little soft and gentle this time.
' I will. Let's just take down those old posters first.'
Cheryl nodded and faced the wall.
As they were taking down the posters and scraping off the hardened glued that remained on the wall, Toni started the conversation again.
' Hey, thanks for keeping your promise about leaving the serpents alone. Life becomes a little less shitty when you're not picked on.'
' You're welcome. Yesterday was a well spent evening, truth be told.'
Cheryl smiled back.
That damn smile. The smile that makes Toni feel all warm inside.
Maybe Cheryl wasn't that bad like people labelled her to be.
But Toni may have thought it too soon, because the moment Veronica Lodge joined the two of them, Cheryl became, well, Cheryl.
' Principal Weatherbee said that's enough for today. Is everything alright?' Veronica asked.
Cheryl crossed her arms.
' No, they're not, actually. It's not enough that South Siders are invading our school, now I'm paired with one.' She said, out of the blue.
She had that mean tone and those eyes that speak pure disgust.
What the actual fuck? Toni thought. Not long ago Cheryl was being nice and friendly, and now this?
' Excuse me?' She replied.
' You heard me, Serpent.'
Cheryl turned away to leave.
Toni was about to say back something offending when Veronica apologised.
' Sorry, I'm sure that's not what she meant.' and continued, this time more of a whisper.
' And even if she did, I apologise on behalf of her. Please don't take it personally, Toni.'
' You know what, I don't care.' Toni shrugged.
Veronica gave back a really weak smile before heading out to join Cheryl and the other Vixens.
The truth was, she did care.
She was trying to recall and process what had just happened that she didn't notice Sweet Pea and Jughead talking to her from behind.
' What a bitch.' Sweet Pea said.
' I'm not surprised, honestly.' Jughead replied.
' You okay, Toni?' Sweet Pea asked her.
Toni turned around, with that puzzled look on her face.
' No, I mean, Yes. She was being friendly and nice moments ago and suddenly that came out of nowhere.'
That made Sweet Pea laugh.
'Cheryl Blossom? Being nice? To us Serpents? You should get that head wound checked out Toni, you maybe having hallucinations.'
' No, I'm serious.'
They both cocked their eyebrows. Toni just sighed, there was no way she could win that argument anyways.
After school, when it was time to head home, the skies started to rain heavily. And since, thanks to Sweet Pea, she left her motorcycle, the only way she can head back home is by walking.
The boys couldn't take her because FP made them run an errand, which was convenient.
Toni thought sarcastically.
Nonetheless, She waited for the rain to drizzle, by the back entrance, near the parking lots, when a familiar Chevrolet Impala screeched its brakes in front of her, and rolled its windows down.
' Get in, Serpent. I'm taking you home.'

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