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That night when Cheryl went home, her parents were waiting for her, probably to lecture on how she never eats dinner with them or how a girl shouldn't be out late.

Which was weird, because they never cared about her.

She just shrugged it off and went inside her room.

Nothing, and not even her parents, could let her down today.

Today was a wonderful day. Nothing would make her feel less happy.

She knew it was wrong of her to confess to Toni like that, especially when she's sort of seeing Reggie.

Normally she wouldn't, but Toni demanded a reason and Cheryl wanted to let it out.

Having these feelings towards someone and not being able to tell anyone was making her chest tight.

She slept wonderfully that night.

Her happiness was temporarily cut short by a visit from the Ghoulies the next day.

Penelope, aka, Mrs. Blossom was not expecting Malachai and a couple others this late at night.

They were standing at her front porch, demanding to see Clifford Blossom regarding an important matter.

Penelope found it weird as she knew her husband had never exchanged a word with them.

Cheryl Blossom did, however, knew that was not true.

Mr. Blossom acted normal, grabbed his coat and gestured for them to enter into their barn.

Cheryl was itching to know what was going on, especially now that she knew it had something to do with Jason's death.

She did what any curious teenager would do.

She sneaked out of the house through the back door and followed them into the barn.

Suddenly she felt all alone, once again stalking her father and his suspicious acquaintances.

She wished for Toni to be here, protecting her, keeping her safe and out of trouble.

She shook the feelings away as she tried to focus on the conversation before hand.

The infrastructure of the barn made it possible for her to hide and but she still needed to be of hearing distance from them

And the maple syrup barrels camouflaged her well.

Slowly she made her way a few meters from them.

Unfortunately, whatever important matter they had had been discussed as the Ghoulies' were preparing to leave.

In her father's hand, however was a similar duffel bag from that night before.

Still, she could hear her father whisper-shouting halfway through a sentence.

' ...certainly was not your place to tip the police about the drugs seeing as none of them had the drugs in or on their bodies.'

' I was willing to take a chance.' Malachai argued.

' A chance for what? To get us exploited? Of our little operation?'

' The police can never trace anything back to you or to us. Why are you so worried?'

' Need I remind you that all it takes for the police to explore your warehouse is a search warrant and I don't know, a little tip from a concerned citizen?'

' You wouldn't dare.'

Malachai approached towards the other man, the small dim light of the barn illuminating their angry faces.

Clifford Blossom regained his posture, dusted off what little dirt he had on his clothes, and spoke again.

' No, I wouldn't. But I'm warning you. Next time it gets out of hand, I won't be there to back you and your little after-school club up.'

Whatever had gotten out of hand? Cheryl thought to herself.

She was not going to let herself get caught this time.

Nothing they've been saying has been worth gasping for.

Malachai opened his mouth to speak, but the older man let his hand up.

' And I will find other ways to keep you from spilling out my little secret.'

He said, as he reached into his pocket.

Cheryl's subconscious prepared for the worst.

A gun maybe? Was her father going to commit murder to obtain whatever 'secret' he's hiding?'

That was the fear speaking, because it felt pretty over the line.

Cheryl let out a shaky breath at the sight of a thick envelope tossed into the ground.

' A little gratitude, for your troubles.'

[A few days later]

The long waited school day was here, and Cheryl couldn't wait to see Toni.

She wished that Toni would feel the same way.

That weekend was the longest weekend Cheryl had ever spent, despite the little in-home adventure she had.

When she saw Toni at her lockers that morning, it was like that day at the pool all over again.

Toni looked so good in those jeans she was wearing, Cheryl had blushed at the thought of wanting to see what was underneath.

She blushed more when Toni turned to her direction and gave her a warm smile.

The bell rang as the remaining students rushed into their respective classes.

Later in homeroom, and as usual, Cheryl would zone out of whatever conversation students around her were having.

One thing caught her attention at the mention of Serpents.

' A territorial drag race? Isn't that more of the Ghoulies' crowd?' one student had said.

Only then did she listened around.

Apparently, Cheryl had missed out on hearing about the upcoming event of the week.

' The Serpents challenged the Ghoulies' for a drag race competition and whoever's gang wins, by default, will get the land behind the Bijou.'

' Just like that?' Cheryl replied, unimpressed.

' Easier said than done.'

Her heart quickened at the thought of seeing Toni participate.

' So, who are the few lucky serpents or say, serpentines that made the cut?'

' No idea. Archiekins says they usually find out only on the day of the race.'

' Are you going there, Ronnie?'

Veronica suddenly smiled, as if thinking about something nice or someone, then quickly cleared her throat to reply.

' Sure, I've got nothing better to do. You should come along too. They're looking for a flag girl.'

' I'm a north sider.'

' Exactly!' Veronica turned her body, a little excited as the teacher shushed her.

She got quiet, for like a second, then continued.

' They need someone who's neither a Serpent or a Ghoulie. You'd be perfect for the role. Imagine it.'

Cheryl did.

Toni has to be there, participating or not.

That way, she'll be able to see Toni and still be casual about it.

Veronica didn't wait for her reply.

' Great. I'll tell Sweet Pea.'

Cheryl raised her eyebrows.

' Since when did you know that tall Serpent?'

' I just do, okay?' Veronica replied, a little too quick.

Cheryl said nothing in return, she was busying trying to repress her smile from seeing Veronica blush shamefully.

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