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Toni stood still in front of him for a solid 2 minutes.

He knew he was fucked. He could feel it.

' Reggie...' She managed to speak out of her dazed state.

' I don't think I can...'

It was not going the way he wanted to.

He knew Toni was having a hard time trying to find the right words to reject him.

He's never stepped things up like this with a girl or a boy, like ever before.

Not the ones he started, anyways.

And when he did, his decisions came to bite him in the ass.

He was going to have his first taste of rejection.

' Don't sugar coat it, just say it.' He put his hands back into his pockets.

Because they were starting to turn into fists.

Boys don't cry, but it's getting very close.

He was also having a hard time responding to her rejection.

' Was it something I did? I've never asked a girl to be my girlfriend. They usually just ask me.' 

Okay, that was not necessary. He face palmed mentally.

Toni didn't seem to be bothered by it.

' No no, it's nothing like that. I just, '

She came over a little closer, tiptoed on her shoes to gently grab his face. 

' You've been an amazing guy to me all these weeks, even to my friends.' 

' I'm not following. I thought you were rejecting me.' He said, quietly.

' It's just that I don't, you know, think of you as my boyfriend type.' 

' I can be any kind of type that you want me to be.' 

' A hook-up type, yes. That would have worked before, but-'

' Is there someone else?' He blurted out.

Toni didn't answer, but her expression says it all.

If he wasn't upset then, he was upset now. 

He backed away from her grasp.

' I'm sorry. ' Toni apologised.

Reggie looked around at particularly nothing, not having anything to say.

' You have nothing to be sorry for. You did nothing wrong.' 

' We can still be in touch.' She suggested.

' Are you sending me into the friend zone, because I would hate that.' He said again.

Toni let out a small laugh.

' No, I. I don't do those kinds of things. ' 

' I don't know what to feel right now. I thought we had something going on.' 

' In my defence, you just asked me out for one milkshake. And we just went from there.' 

Reggie nodded.

Rejection fucking sucks and he's trying so hard not to be upset but it's not working.

' I hope you understand.' 

' At least tell me you don't regret the past two weeks.' 

' I know I won't.' 

' I just want to be somebody to someone, you know.' 

' You are somebody to a lot of people, Reggie.' 

' But not you.' 

' Please don't make this harder than it already is.' 

He sighed.

' I suppose you want this back?' Toni shyly handed him the box containing the gemstone when he said nothing.

He shook his head lightly. He's upset but he's not bitter.

' Take it. As a parting gift. Wear it to the race on Sunday.' 

He saw Toni flinch a little, but didn't ask why.

' I will. That means you'll be there?' 

' I can, right?' 

' Of course you can.' 

They said nothing for a moment, just listening to their surrounding.

' I should get back to class.' Toni started leaving. 

' Me too.' Reggie replied, but stayed in place.

When Toni was almost out of ear shot, he called her name.

' Hmm?' Toni replied.

' Thank you for a wonderful time. Truly.' 

Toni nodded, then went back inside the building.

He should've just stuck to the hook-ups.

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